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One Step at a Time - October 2016
Good Morning, It Is POETS DAY!!!:yay:
Mr. G:heartbeat:Of course, I would LOVE to play checkers with you...even if I don't win. Hahahahahaah!! naughty man. Please sir, give me more. :-)
Nora-where are you and how are you, dear?
Aihfl-I had to meet with the attorney this morning because the idiot downstairs went ahead with her baseless lawsuit against me. The attorney is pretty confident that he can shut this thing down by the pretrial hearing, if not before. I will be taking her to court for his fees and time I've had to take off from work. I wish I could sue her for just being a pain in the ass in general.
Glassie-you are "on leave" what do you mean? Are you on vacation? You said 1/11? You are putting your house on the market? So glad you get to see your granddaughter this weekend.
Pauly...aka VIOLET. Haha! Just kidding! What are your plans for today?
Hello to all I missed...happy AF POETS' DAY!!!
Hey all, it's so cold here in the mornings so I showered but didn't wash my hair, I'll do it this afternoon cuz I want to throw a dark red on it anyways,today I'm going to the 99 cent store of courseget a few decs cuz we'll do Michelle's birthday tomorrow, she wants tacos and pizza and a cheesecake so I'll hunt for that,maybe I'll just talk her into Olive garden instead, I don't feel like doing all that,meh we'll see, Glassy,thanks for checking in
I hope to see everyone posted today later, have a grand AF Friday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Is everything ok Nora?I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Rusty, first off, I know I'm getting old, because I was too tired for checkers, lol. I actually did EMDR (eye movement desentization and reprocessing) with the post-rehab therapist. In rehab, I had been diagnosed with PTSD stemming from very violent early childhood physical abuse. Even now, my mother continues to a nasty piece of work so I keep myself estranged from her. Even though my father left my mother after he retired, he didn't have the wherewithall to divorce her. Consequently after he was too sick to protest, she rammed through a number of changes to his will that left his family out. He had intended to leave me about $80k, but I don't think I will ever see it since I continue to be an undeserving nebbish in her mind. Who know what she'll do with it after she dies. I don't really care at this point. Peace of mind is a small price to pay since it absolves me of having to take care of her if it ever gets to that point.
As far as the downstairs neighbor goes, I'll take my attorney's advice, but if I were to get a judgment against her, the laws for civil contempt here are pretty strong and once an order to pay is violated, neither me or my lawyer have to lift a finger because locking someone up until they pay up is pretty easily justified the way the statute is written. I would hate to see it come to that, but I'm glad it is written the way it is because some people need more motivation than others to follow a court's order. The previous owner (who is also named in the suit) is a commercial real estate investor and is likely going to be merciless. I told this neighbor that filing this suit is the equivalent of poking a hibernating bear with a stick, but she did it anyway. She has no idea what she's gotten herself and told me she is in the right and is not afraid of our "fancy downtown lawyers." She is so, so wrong. She's really flipping out now, because my attorney contacted her landlord, to whom she never reported any of this damage (I've seen it and it is pretty bad) and he's highly pissed he was never made aware of it because it could have been corrected before the damage became so extensive. Her excuse for not wanting to bother him with it because "I don't want to be evicted or not have my lease renewed" came back to bite her in the ass. Common sense really is an uncommon commodity these days.
Anyway, Billy Joel is coming to Orlando in January and stupid me forgot to get on Ticketmaster right at 10am today. The only $50 tickets left had a partial/obstructed view warning, so even though I didn't really want to spend $100 per ticket, I did it anyway because I'm not going to pay to see a Billy Joel concert and then not see him.
Have a great day everyone!Last edited by aihfl; October 21, 2016, 10:47 AM.First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb
I forgot to add, my gf got me a small red velvet cake from Publix! It's my favorite kind of cake. I'm glad I can buy one at a grocery store because I've baked one once and it is a pain in the ass to bake from scratch!First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb
MAE everyone. I'm a little worried about Nora but don't want to nag. She'll post when she's ready.
Countdown to moving day is 10 days. The UPacjk trailer comes late Tuesday and will be picked up Friday after it's all packed. I also have to pack the mini storage. What I am most afraid of is putting Peggy in a crate and onto the plane. My anxiety will be as high as hers!
So Glassy, a VIP is coming to lunch, what a deal! Are you serving food or just putting out cheese and crackers so you can be with baby, lol.
Pauly, my kids wouldn't let me contribute when they were 26, stubborn little muppets.
Rusty, enjoy your 3 days off, you deserve it. Any plans?
Liz, hope they get a venue and soon! My daughter did all of that (we were in different states) and I just paid the bill. Well, her bio dad was supposed to pay but backed out 2 wks before!
aihfl, I hope you get justice on this.
Hi Mr. V, glad you're posting again on a frequent basis.
Hiya Mr. G, always good to see ya.Enlightened by MWO
Hmm, very strange, I posted here earlier today and now I don't see my post. I had to sign in here again which I don't usually have to do. I wonder what happened.
Anyway, it was a nice lengthy post, figures right.
Glassy, I'll bet you're so excited to see the baby. My daughters best friend growing up had a little boy just this morning, so exciting. I want one!
Aihfl, what a waste of time and money this lawsuit it. I'll bet you wish it was all behind you already.
Nora. I thought the same about Paulys daughter living in Oregon, maybe it wasn't michele. You have four children, right Pauly?
Rusty, how was your day off?
Skendall. I would be anxious about putting Peggy on the plane too. Will you give her a sedative. How long of a flight is it?
So we are pretty sure the venue is decided upon. We will pay our deposit and sign a contract Monday night. Wedding looks like it will be Sept. 24, 2017. I am hoping to get a little break from wedding planning now that the big stuff has been addressed. Eh, who am I trying to kid.
SK - you must be so very, very excited. I would be nervous about putting Peggy in the crate too.Do you have a tranquilizer to give her? I don't know how it works when they fly.
Is Vivienne just so excited?????"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15