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One Step at a Time - October 2016
Hahah, Nora, you made me laugh with your picture!! Yes, I had a great time with my mom and sister.
Pauly-you cracked me up! You might have a cholestrol hangover when you wake up this morning!
Liz-I forgot to answer your questions: yes, I got all my autumn decorations up and yes, my only sister is the closest in age to me. She lives about an hour and 20 minutes from me so when we get together, we really laugh.
Big hellos to everyone here...I've gotta run. Don't we have the most fantastic thread here??? I think so!:sohappy::love:
Good morning and he's I agree we have the most fanastic thread here!
Nora, your picture had me laughing!!! Seriously, that's how I felt Friday night at my SIL. I ate my way through that evening! Was thinking about your job situation and was wondering if you would consider retail? I know stores around here are hiring for the holidays. Just a thought.
Pauly, you are sounding great! Glad you guys did something fun yesterday. You certainly needed to enjoy yourselves. I am sure Louie is enjoying the hugs! I happen to love those outdoor craft/art shows.
Rusty glad you enjoyed you time with family. Are you traveling this week?
Pauly, Lucy is going to the groomers this afternoon, much to her chagrin but she needs to be coiffed. Do you get Winslow groomed, or do you do it yourself? I "clean" Lucy up Inbetween the grooming appts but I'm afraid to clip her black nails.
So joe came home last night. We shall see how the engagement and wedding plans continue. We spoke to the pastor at our church yesterday. We think Joes mom thinks the wedding will take place in the Coptic church. Just need to get that settled, the wedding will take place in the church where CJ grew up.(her choice)
Glassy, mama, AG, Skendall Aihfl, techie, hope you're all doing ok! Have a great AF Monday guys. I love you all!
Lizzylou...I think you out to "COP" out of Joe's wedding plans and CJ should get married in the church where she grew up, too!! OK, Let's take a vote here. All those in favor of CJ getting married in her home church, raise your hand and say, "AYE!" was unanimous!:yay:
Hey all, Liz,I definitely do not groom Winslow myself! He won't even let me trim his hairy eyes between groomings,he has a lady who lives just around the corner who does it,dog hair is so different than human plus getting around the legs and his belly, ugh,I have the up most respect for animal groomersI feel kinda down this morning but I think it's TOM,or a yucky dream I had,all of the stress of the week, Mondayitis who knows, will get through, waves to all and I hope we all have a great AF Monday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Thank you for the shout out Liz. Things were quiet for me over the weekend. I had a plumber come and repair my faulty shower drain. The downstairs neighbor was grateful to have the moldy ceiling drywall cut out and told me she would talk to her unit owner about filing an insurance claim for the repairs. I hope he just does that and this matter goes away.
I went paddleboarding Sunday over on the Intracoastal. It was my first time doing it. Quite different from a kayak and quite the full body workout. I'm thinking I should buy my own. I've always had balance issues and worked on it religiously with a personal trainer, but being out on a paddleboard seems a lot more fun than using a bosu ball at the gym. Also saw a herd of manatees which is always rewarding. And since I was at the beach, had to use the opportunity to eat raw oysters on the half shell.
It's back to the salt mines for me today. Hope everyone has a good week.First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb
How was everyone's Monday? Managed to keep myself busy. Joe came by tonight and showed us videos and pics of the progress on the St. Croix property. They did a lot but there is tons more to do. Right now it is a cement house, roof, floors and walls, and that's pretty much it. They gutted the kitchen. Got the contract for the engagement party and we will sign it and put down a deposit on Thursday. Going to pick out color scheme and center pieces then too. Things are moving along.
My hubby and son booked a ski trip to Colorado tonight for beginning of December. Excited for them, but I will miss them. I used to ski, but I just don't want to anymore.
Lucy's shot after her "spa" day!
Have a good night my friends.
Hi all. Been trying to check in all day. Love and hugs xxx
PS - as soon as my boss got in today, he asked me what could he do to make things easier for me. That he was tossing and turning all weekend. :huh:
I've worked for this family for 39 years. But, sadly even though he said that, I know it won't change. We have talked before......."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora I don’t know enough about your situation to offer any real help, but do you know what you would like your boss to do? The fact that he asked what he could do does seem to indicate that he’s not all that sure himself. Can you just tell him you want XYZ (or put it in writing) and see how he responds?
On another note – I’m feeling every minute of my 55 years today. I have a muscle spasm in my back which was so painful I had to come home early. And I made an enormous pot of spinach soup yesterday that, although it’s incredibly healthy and actually tastes quite nice, came out looking less like food, and more like nappy contents. But I have to make myself eat it.There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
Glassy-OUCH!! I've had a muscle spasm in my back. I wanted to die! Is the pain any better? Did you try alternating a huge ice pack with a heating pad? That might help.
Nora dear-nice of the owner to ask what he can do but unfortunately, the answer would be, "your daughter is a nasty bitch....amputate her personality or something like that." Isn't the daughter the main problem? So sorry you are in this position. :-(
Hey all,I like that answer Rusty haha,Nora,39 years!!! That a looooong time, where's Mama these days? I see her on fb but haven't seen her here in awhile, Glassy,I hate muscle spasms, I get them in my back once in awhile and the pain is untouchable, not meds,massage, nothing, plus I have to sleep half sitting up or on the hard floor, hope you feel better soon, Liz,Lucy looks adorable as alwaysnow we just need to see a Petunia pic(hint Aihfl) so darn tired, sleep was atrocious but I think it's cuz I took a fish oil pill yesterday, I keep reading how great they are but I remember not doing that great on them before so another supplement to 86,hope everyone has a wonderful AF Tuesday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hi everybody.
Nora, if your boss has asked the question you must be honest despite that you have talked before. He has opened the door.......
I'm trying to pack, but little gets done that requires bending.
Hi to everyone.Enlightened by MWO
Nora, I'm with everyone else. Things may not change but it's worth mentioning again. I'm glad that your boss has a conscience. Can't believe that a boss can't manage his business.
Skendall, sorry your hurting but baby steps. Do what you can when you can. Is there anyone that can help you? I'm guessing Peggy knows something is up.
Pauly, really fish oil had side effects for you? You are such a delicate little flower. Maybe just eating healthier would work for you. Get your vitamins that way. Or at least drink some veggie or fruit juices like "Bare Naked". Just a thought. How is Kelly?
Glassy, sorry about the muscle spasm. That does sound painful. The soup sounds yummy, but I can imagine it would look, um well green.
Hi rusty, how are you?
Off to get dinner on the table. Leftovers tonight :welldone:
Hi all. Glassie, so sorry to hear about your back.
I didn't get a chance to pull out my computer so just wanted to say hi. I don't know how you all make such long posts from your phone."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15