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Sophisticated Medication Regimen: So Glad It's Working!

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    Sophisticated Medication Regimen: So Glad It's Working!

    I'm on a lot of medication for my alcohol use disorder and major depression disorder with concomitant anxiety.


    Acamprosate [Campral] 333mg TT (666mg) TID CF
    Baclofen [Lioresal] 20mg TID
    Topiramate [Topamax] 50mg BID


    Sertraline [Zoloft] 100mg TT (200mg) QD
    Aplenzin 348mg (bupropion [Wellbutrin] hbr) QAM
    Aripiprazole [Abilify] 20mg QD


    Propranolol [Inderal] 60mg TID
    Amitriptyline [Elavil] 50mg QHS


    I stumbled upon a 750ml (fifth) of vodka I hid from myself. I ended up drinking it all at once, after a month clean. Was not drunk at all. No euphoria. I began to question what I ever found to be so elusive about drinking— I've been having cravings, tbh, but this slip up has actually made the cravings a lot better. I woke up with a mild hangover feeling too, and that is unusual for me. I'm becoming... indifferent to alcohol, but I still think about other drugs from time to time, but ETOH almost killed me. My anxiety is still high, and my depression is still there, but I think that will improve if I can stay sober.

    Is there a particular medicine I take that made me adverse to the alcohol or maybe it's the combo of everything?

    Hi DM! If you're looking for people to talk to about medications for AUD, I would suggest you check out the new forum that most of them have moved to, The End Of My Addiction | Forum Discussing Alcohol Medication
    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      I cant discuss on this but its good to know anyway.


        Originally posted by DefinitelyMedicated View Post
        I'm on a lot of medication for my alcohol use disorder and major depression disorder with concomitant anxiety.


        Acamprosate [Campral] 333mg TT (666mg) TID CF
        Baclofen [Lioresal] 20mg TID
        Topiramate [Topamax] 50mg BID


        Sertraline [Zoloft] 100mg TT (200mg) QD
        Aplenzin 348mg (bupropion [Wellbutrin] hbr) QAM
        Aripiprazole [Abilify] 20mg QD


        Propranolol [Inderal] 60mg TID
        Amitriptyline [Elavil] 50mg QHS


        I stumbled upon a 750ml (fifth) of vodka I hid from myself. I ended up drinking it all at once, after a month clean. Was not drunk at all. No euphoria. I began to question what I ever found to be so elusive about drinking— I've been having cravings, tbh, but this slip up has actually made the cravings a lot better. I woke up with a mild hangover feeling too, and that is unusual for me. I'm becoming... indifferent to alcohol, but I still think about other drugs from time to time, but ETOH almost killed me. My anxiety is still high, and my depression is still there, but I think that will improve if I can stay sober.

        Is there a particular medicine I take that made me adverse to the alcohol or maybe it's the combo of everything?
        are you really willing??


          Good God, I hope you are using these medications under a psychiatrist's supervision and not self-medicating as is encouraged by the folks over at The End of My Addiction. I have never heard of anyone on so many different meds simultaneously. I'm a big believer in medications, especially in early sobriety, but as you found out, you can't medicate yourself out of addiction. Another thing no one else over at End of My Addiction wants to hear. Sobriety is a challenge to maintain, even with chemical help.
          First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


            Originally posted by aihfl View Post
            Good God, I hope you are using these medications under a psychiatrist's supervision and not self-medicating. I have never heard of anyone on so many different meds simultaneously. I'm a big believer in medications, especially in early sobriety, but as you found out, you can't medicate yourself out of addiction. Sobriety is a challenge to maintain, even with chemical help.
            Thats better...

            The rest of it makes you look, rather silly...


            I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
            Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


              Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
              Thats better...

              The rest of it makes you look, rather silly...


              Hahahahhh, thanks for the laugh. The person who started End of My Addiction can't even stay sober. You all are a collective joke. That website isn't the end of anyone's addiction, and I can't even take credit for that line. It came from another longtime respected user on here.


              Last edited by aihfl; October 6, 2016, 03:15 PM.
              First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


                Originally posted by aihfl View Post
                Hahahahhh, thanks for the laugh. The person who started End of My Addiction can't even stay sober. You all are a collective joke.
                And that would be funny would it?

                As I said before, silly

                Originally posted by aihfl View Post
                Good God, I hope you are using these medications under a psychiatrist's supervision
                Oh and aihfl, yes it is all prescribed

                I notice, you have taken a load of medication in your time - Was that all prescribed?


                Last edited by Baclofenman; October 6, 2016, 04:03 PM.
                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                  I don't know you aihfl, but my first impression is that you are a bit of an ass. "Sobriety is a challenge to maintain, even with chemical help." yes it is ... We've all proven that to be true, so what exactly is your point?
                  "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
                  “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


                    Originally posted by idefineme View Post
                    I don't know you aihfl, but my first impression is that you are a bit of an ass. "Sobriety is a challenge to maintain, even with chemical help." yes it is ... We've all proven that to be true, so what exactly is your point?
                    Indeed Idef

                    Unfortunately for our friend Aihfl, he likes proverbs

                    Originally posted by Aihfl
                    First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb
                    So do I Aihfl

                    People who live in glass houses shouln't throw stones
                    Should they Aihfl.................................................. ....!

                    I think you owe someone an apology


                    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                      Ok, So I am in a conundrum

                      Having been accused of being part of;

                      Originally posted by aihfl View Post
                      a collective joke
                      And having a very good friend of mine belittled, one who I must add was fundamental to my current remission from drinking - Having offered the olive branch by ways of an apology, to which there was nothing forthcoming I am left in a frustrated state

                      This is especially frustrating when this person has done far worse than arrange for a forum to be made, while they may or may not be actively drinking - After all, following the debacle that has become of the once great medication area that was once this forum, surely there was this need for a moderated area, irrespective of ones personal views of medications for alcoholics?

                      It is strange that this person has been actively taking medications and seeking the exact advice that the new forum offers, as recent as.....this year - This would seem to me at the very least to be a severe case of hypocrisy

                      Having made kind posts with generosity of thought to the aggrieved target, this person has now changed their stance to that of attack and implied personal criticism

                      Now, hypocrisy is one thing - And that would be fairly indicative of what you find on most forums

                      However, there are certain times when one needs to be a little cautious when offering a critique on ones peers - Amongst these are when, obviously, one is reiterating others comments, another is when you do not actually understand what they are offering a critique on and another is when they have actually done far worse than help set up an internet forum

                      All the information on this individual is all public knowledge information - There is no skulduggery or "hacking" ( its cracking actually, hacking is programming) involved - It is just a case of where and how to look

                      Is it in the public interest? - Maybe not but to my mind it will show that any opinion from this person is pretty worthless, has a little to be desired and further cast a shadow on whether or not they have right to have any opinion on someone carrying out their dream of helping other people - Or of anything really?

                      Oh and don't bother asking if I have anything better do - I do but spending 25 minutes of my time looking into this character, is not really going to matter. Is it?

                      So the conundrum is;

                      Do I mug this guy off, as he has mugged every member and guest (past, present and future) of The End of my Addiction?

                      Oh and aihfl, My Granny may not be as sagely as Siren53's

                      Originally posted by Siren53
                      As my dear old granny told me more than once - "If you can't say something nice, go be a cunt somewhere else".
                      But she did tell me

                      Originally posted by Bacmans Granny
                      "A bully is a bully until they are bullied"
                      You would do well to learn from this life lesson.....


                      Last edited by Baclofenman; October 8, 2016, 04:26 PM.
                      I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                      Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                        You know, I was really searching for a descriptive term when I wrote the last post, it really bugged me at the time but this morning it came to me

                        Moral Compass.....

                        Thats the badger


                        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.

