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Well my niece is dying

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    Well my niece is dying

    God don't even know if I should do this here, but what the F%## I have posted, on and off, about my the way her name is Lindsay, and she is 21, and a junior at Princeton, and not just super smart, but so funny, goofy funny. Well, she has been battlling the worst God awful cancer since she was just turning 15. A cancer none of you would have heard of because it is so damn rare...anyway, the diagnosis was so no one lives over 2 years...well...she went on to get an almost perfect score on her SAT, get into Princton with a scholorship...she is amazing...but now..she is dying, and I am just dying inside...well I am leaving tomorrow to go to PA, where she is, and I can't even believe this is happening, because the end has come so fast...I can't tell you all how hard this is... it puts EVERYTHING in perspective...

    I am leaving my family, which is fine. My son, who is going to be home alone, and very bored (but he is 15) and my daughter (18) and my husband to pull it together. That will be fine.

    I just can't begin to tell you what this has been like. My sister is my best friend. I talk to her at least 2 times a day, until the last week, when I couldn't which was awful. Because she couldn't, because it was too busy, too bad. Anyway, when I called her tonight and said, "I am coming" "on Sunday", she said..."Come sooner"..."UGGGGHHH"". Every day I have asked her and she has said..not yet...

    so I know I need to I am going tomorrow....but ...hmm I guess I had something to say after this 15 year old came in, and now, I don't know what I was going to add.

    Just, I am spilling my guts here...UGGHHH

    Just please pray for Lindsay!!!!

    formerly known as bak310

    Well my niece is dying

    Im very sorry for you

    Just happened to notice your post. Im so sorry to hear of the sadness going on in your family. Times like these never seem to make any sense. Try to be strong as you can, as your family needs your strength right now.

    Your right, times like this tends to put things into perspective. I will pray for you and your family.


      Well my niece is dying

      My heart goes out to you Beth, just hang in there...sometimes that's simply all we can do. come cry on my shoulder anytime.

      not to be a nag but times like this you really have to keep up on your vitamins as the stress will really zap your system. xxxxxxx!!
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Well my niece is dying

        So sorry Bak. Prayers for you and your niece and her family. Just so sad.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Well my niece is dying

          Bak I'm so sorry this has happened to one so young. It sounded like she lived a full life though it was too short. I will pray for your family and Lindsay.

          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


            Well my niece is dying

            Beth I just spoke to you last night, I am so sorry.. I hope she is finally going to be at peace, she has been suffering for too long. that poor baby. I don't even know why anyone would deserve that, such a precious, exceptional child. Not fair and your poor sis and their family too. these things make me really angry. Keep us posted when you can and I will send my hardest deepest love to all of you. :h
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Well my niece is dying

              That is just so sad. I am so sorry. Praying for you, your neice and your family right now.
              Gabby :flower:


                Well my niece is dying

                I'm so sorry bak.


                  Well my niece is dying

                  I am so sad for you and your family.
                  You are in my prayers.


                    Well my niece is dying

                    In mine prayers too-


                    I am so sorry also Bak. Check in when you can.


                      Well my niece is dying

                      I am so sorry. Our prayers go out to your niece and you. We love you.


                        Well my niece is dying

                        Beth, this is so awfully sad. You have not had a good year. How can anyone possibly explain this happening to such a young person. I am so very, very sorry.

                        Please visit the site when you can and we all hold you and your family in our hearts.:h

                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Well my niece is dying

                          Beth, my heart goes out to you. God Bless you and yours
                          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                            Well my niece is dying

                            Dearest Beth,

                            My sincerest heart felt warmth and wishes during this very difficult time. I am praying for your niece, sister and your entire family. Take care. God's love surrounds you all.
                            A BushBaby with Attitude


                              Well my niece is dying


                              Be strong, it wont be easy, I lost my younger bro when he was 25, chin up and keep talkn to us

                              Maxman xoxoxxo
                              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

