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November Army 2016

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    Mornin' Army!!

    Hiya Molly - glad to hear you and Joe will be getting away for a much-needed holiday. What will Joe do when you return? Does he have something in mind? Just asking cause Mr. Stirly doesn't always have much to do since he stopped working and he gets very bored. Mind you, if we lived in a house and not an apartment, it would be different - there'd be gardens to tend to and small repairs and such to be done. Anyway, I was just wondering. Mr. Stirly has joined a group of older people that go to the beach most mornings to either swim or walk long distances along the beach but I'm wondering when the weather starts to get cold and rainy, what he's going to do. Anyway, for now, hopefully Joe will rest and relax and of course, you'll enjoy your holiday to the fullest!!

    As for modern technology and the lack of human contact that is more and more prevalent in our time, my biggest complaint is when I call a company and get a fecking automated answering service where you tell them what you want and then they connect you with the correct department. The problem is, if you don't know who want, you wait 15 minutes on hold til some real person answers, then they say they will connect you with the person you need to talk to and then the line doesn't tranfer but goes dead instead. The most frustrating was with the Canadian Embassy. All I wanted to do was ask someone a simple question and after 5 attempts to get the right department and actually talk to someone, I finally gave up. P'd

    So where is Starty this fine morning? She's usually up with the birdies...

    Wishing you all a great day!!
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Morning lovelies,

      I have to have 4 passwords for to get in the system, one to get into my e-mails, one to get into my secure e-mails and staff diary and the last one to get into client details. They can't be the same and we have to change them every 6 or so weeks. Confidentiality and all that.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Good Morning Army and Happy Hump Day...feeling happy, sober, and motivated at 3:17 AM here. Ah, I love mornings that do not start with a hangover. I have work before work, and then a work out, and then my "real" work. Hahaha! This is my life. Can you imagine how lovely I looked hungover on a Monday morning as I have red hair and fair face would be so flushed and I used lots of heavy make-up to cover it. SHUDDER.


          That is an INHUMAN hour to start the day Rusters -- anything before 5.30 is the middle of the night imo!!!!!


            Morning Rustyredlocks.

            I might wake up at 3:30am but I'm certainly not coherent. I actually think of coming downstairs to do the ironing and soon drop off again.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Good Morning, Jackie! Yes, thinking of ironing makes me want to sleep, too. I LOATHE ironing!


                Originally posted by mollyka
                Mind you - we still have payroll HR and IT depts - could well imagine life without THEM!!!!!
                You'll need to Molls. Public sector moves slower but they will catch up.
                Then as Mers says - NO human contact.
                Submit your query on line and we'll get back to you in 48 hours.
                You didn't get paid ?? submit a ticket.

                I have a few distraught people come to my desk after their 12 hour shift to say they didn't get paid.
                They don't want to wait 48 hours.

                Oh and 'MORNIN :checkin:
                Last edited by satz123; November 2, 2016, 04:24 AM.


                  Ok - have painters here -
                  away out for a hike in Howth ,,,,,,,,,,,,, laters. :llama:


                    Hi Army

                    Have to say - I am a night owl, so early morning hours are sacred and definitely NOT used for waking up!

                    Ironing?? Thats why they invented the tumble dryer!

                    Have a great day!


                      Morning again.
                      I'm a night owl too, Justy, still like to be up early now and again. I'm lucky that I can get a bit of snooze in the afternoon so I sort of sleep in two shifts. And with the clocks going forward this week feel like I've got an extra hour

                      Went up to our local Poundland ( nearest equivalent in the US would be a 99c store) and bought a load of new baubles and tinsel for the Christmas tree.

                      And a quick trip round Marks & Spencer for a look see. Just bought biscuits and cashew nuts............and 2 toffee and cream desserts.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Yo Guys,

                        Just skimmed...unpacking boxes of crystals here and I am manky and got 2 papercuts. (I have opalite for you Jacks)

                        Will log back on later and scroll back properly. Molls, i would hurt Rob in many different and original ways if he were at home with me all day, he is home for his lunch now and getting in me way.
                        “Somewhere beyond right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there.”

                        ― Rumi


                          OVER HERE MARIOOOOOOOOOOO............we're in November.

                          Ta Oney, love.

                          Rather give birth than have a paper cut.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Hiya JackieClaire. I had to go over to the October thread to see what you were doing over there and OMG - MarioMan!!! How wonderful to see that face, that smile! Just like old times in the Army! Yippeeee. inkele: :flowerspin:
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Yep its back with a bang.............its only a year or so since it looked like we'd go the way of the Undies ..........I miss them and their humour and their weather reports and the fact I missed the Melbourne cup this year.
                              But there were still a few drops of oil in the can to keep the squeaky door's open.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Well that was a pleasant surprise.....just got the car back from its service and I haven't needed resuscitating at the cost.

                                Taking Mr JC's Ma & Pa to the seaside tomorrow and if they're very good we might bring them back.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

