I'll start with this I posted on another thread
Here is a little drunk story I have not shared on here before. Several years ago my company was holding a Christmas / Awards banquet. It was on a Saturday evening and I primed myself with alcohol before going so I would not look like such a guzzler. (not necessarily a good idea, but hey) the first hour we had open bar and just mingled with others where I consumed a large amount of liquor. At dinner we had a nice wine with the meal and about half way through the meal the waiters cut me off the wine. Being the societal type of person I am, and knowing everyone at the table very well (worked there 20 years) I proceeded to ask people who were not drinking their wine if I could have it. Yep, my wife was proud of me! I drank all they would pass down to me while my wife turned red. Then we finished up the meal and had a little dance. We were two stepping around the room and I (who could hardly walk) lost my balance and tripped against the front of the fireplace. I fell but the wife just stood in amazement as I slid into the fireplace. Yep, all the way in; luckily it had not been on that night since it was behind the portable bar before the dance floor materialized. I crawled out covered with soot and ashes to the uproarious laughter of all my working mates. Can I make an impression or what! What an exit, I heard about it for months. The only good thing about the banquet was that my boss was drunker than I was so he had little to say about it.
A proud moment
