oh jasmin u just reminded me of another 1 ,! it is good to laugh ey!! i work in a cafe, i had a bf , i discovered was a heroin addict not good , we d been havin some problems, a lot, actually, a tall (ish) dark handsome stranger cum in, i fell in love instantly, he asked me out an i had 2say no , it broke my heart, i was stuck wiv this no good ass, any way i cud not get this man out my head, i finished wiv bf an the day he moved out my handsome stranger came in the cafe, i told him he cud take me out now, so that sat i was 2 meet him, i was shxxxng my pants, he was georgous an i cudnt belive he was interested in me so obviously i had few drinks 1/2 a bottle a brandy few!!! i met him ,in my stupid knee high boots ! i dont know y i wear them in public i know i fall over in em! any way hrs later an many drinks later i call a taxi , after that i have no memory, APPARANTLY, in the taxi on way home i come out wiv " can i stay the night wiv u " ok but i followed wiv " but i got to tell u i got real small boobies" we get to his place an i fall out the taxi an into his elderly neighbours hedge, phone shatters all over the road!! he had to get me out the hedge an stand me up, as he was payin the cab im crawling round the road tryin to gather parts of my phone, i woke up in morning sat up looked out the window, i thought sxxt where am i, i knew id been out wiv him i knew who he was , but cud not 4 the life a me think where i was ,!!! i never found the battery of my phone, hey but guess what 3 yrs and 2 weeks later the daft fool is still living with me bless him he shud a known that 1st nite!!! xx
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Drunk Again
Drunk Again
oh jasmin u just reminded me of another 1 ,! it is good to laugh ey!! i work in a cafe, i had a bf , i discovered was a heroin addict not good , we d been havin some problems, a lot, actually, a tall (ish) dark handsome stranger cum in, i fell in love instantly, he asked me out an i had 2say no , it broke my heart, i was stuck wiv this no good ass, any way i cud not get this man out my head, i finished wiv bf an the day he moved out my handsome stranger came in the cafe, i told him he cud take me out now, so that sat i was 2 meet him, i was shxxxng my pants, he was georgous an i cudnt belive he was interested in me so obviously i had few drinks 1/2 a bottle a brandy few!!! i met him ,in my stupid knee high boots ! i dont know y i wear them in public i know i fall over in em! any way hrs later an many drinks later i call a taxi , after that i have no memory, APPARANTLY, in the taxi on way home i come out wiv " can i stay the night wiv u " ok but i followed wiv " but i got to tell u i got real small boobies" we get to his place an i fall out the taxi an into his elderly neighbours hedge, phone shatters all over the road!! he had to get me out the hedge an stand me up, as he was payin the cab im crawling round the road tryin to gather parts of my phone, i woke up in morning sat up looked out the window, i thought sxxt where am i, i knew id been out wiv him i knew who he was , but cud not 4 the life a me think where i was ,!!! i never found the battery of my phone, hey but guess what 3 yrs and 2 weeks later the daft fool is still living with me bless him he shud a known that 1st nite!!! xx:upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!
Drunk Again
i just remembered this thread, i shud b in bed, but cant resist, its luc s fault he eggs me on!!! well i dont know if this is funny or i shud cry, it was yrs ago i must a been 15/16 i know i was under age an should nt a been in the night club 2 start wiv, i was blind drunk, the usual , no this is not another of my many fall down drunk dancing stories, it s prob not 1 for those easily offended!! well bk to the story, i remember i had a new white an blue check dress an it ws summer, the nightclub was set just off the beach, i got chatted up by this bloke a lot older than me, i dissapeared 4 a walk on the beach, (i sound like a right slut) well we started havin sex i dont really rember much as i was out of it, i dont know how it happened or what i made him do, i just rember feeling my hair was sticky i thought he was just a right sweaty 1, wasent untill he suddenlly stopped an i looked to see blood all over my dress, this guy thought id started my period ugh, but i looked at him, his nose was pouring with blood, argh!! my hair , dress was soaked in blood, i jumped up an ran down to the sea, trying to wash what i could out, without falling in! well i had 2 go bk to the night club my friends had no clue where i was an i had no way of getting home! i walked bk in , i had not seen myself in the mirror at this point, i thought id cleaned up ok, i found my group of friends who all started ranting, oh my god hat has e done to u etc etc, i sheepishly had to explain, my friend had to take me toilet an wash my hardening hair in the sink, oh what a night, funny thing was i bumped into him in the pub literally , about a mth ago, i think by the way he scurried of that he remembered me, oh i hope no 1 i know reads this 1 xx:upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!
Drunk Again
this thread is meant for you to purge yourself of anything you are holding onto that you are truly embarrased about and whatever shamed of etc. if you need to get it off your chest, do so. tis a place you can do it, like confession with no one to judge you. and if you feel telling your most humiliating experiences is going to make you run for the bottle, then don't do it. otherwise, release, let go. we've all been there. learn to lighten up a little. laugh at yourself and move on. we've all come along way and it's a great thing that today we can celebrate that we definitely don't have to live that way any longer.
if reading this thread offends your sensibilities, i'd say don't read it. there are lots of threads to read and participate in.:welcome:
Drunk Again
rachel28;155844 wrote: i just remembered this thread, i shud b in bed, but cant resist, its luc s fault he eggs me on!!! well i dont know if this is funny or i shud cry, it was yrs ago i must a been 15/16 i know i was under age an should nt a been in the night club 2 start wiv, i was blind drunk, the usual , no this is not another of my many fall down drunk dancing stories, it s prob not 1 for those easily offended!! well bk to the story, i remember i had a new white an blue check dress an it ws summer, the nightclub was set just off the beach, i got chatted up by this bloke a lot older than me, i dissapeared 4 a walk on the beach, (i sound like a right slut) well we started havin sex i dont really rember much as i was out of it, i dont know how it happened or what i made him do, i just rember feeling my hair was sticky i thought he was just a right sweaty 1, wasent untill he suddenlly stopped an i looked to see blood all over my dress, this guy thought id started my period ugh, but i looked at him, his nose was pouring with blood, argh!! my hair , dress was soaked in blood, i jumped up an ran down to the sea, trying to wash what i could out, without falling in! well i had 2 go bk to the night club my friends had no clue where i was an i had no way of getting home! i walked bk in , i had not seen myself in the mirror at this point, i thought id cleaned up ok, i found my group of friends who all started ranting, oh my god hat has e done to u etc etc, i sheepishly had to explain, my friend had to take me toilet an wash my hardening hair in the sink, oh what a night, funny thing was i bumped into him in the pub literally , about a mth ago, i think by the way he scurried of that he remembered me, oh i hope no 1 i know reads this 1 xx
You are also reminding me that being drunk and out of control is really no joke. (brings back sad memories for me)
trixYou can't turn a pickle into a cucumber
Drunk Again
yes, rachel no matter where you are and on what thread you are on. i don't known one soul on this forum that isn't praying for you to find your way to a full treatment facility. while you tend to post drunk alot at least you are posting. don't feel rough on yourself about it. you are going to get yourself help honey. and there are people who do have posts from time to time that are drinking. just try to have a few more sober moments than you have had. push fast for that full treatment facility. NOW as in NOW. just in case the liver isn't going to make it as long as they gave you:welcome:
Drunk Again
Hi all and happy friday was just reading these posts, boy brings back all kinds of things some funny now although at the time it sure WAS NOT.
One thing that stands out is on numerous occasions I would go outside and walk around my car to make sure I did not hit anything. ( Scary)
Millions of times home drunk and falling down stairs etc. ( and my poor son would watch this and then I would get angry with him )
But thank god Im sober today !!! havent had a drink ( again ) in two months. Beautiful warm days like these crave a cold beer ( coors light girl here ) or anything else for that matter.
The thing about this drinking problem I have Is like right now I feel like Im lying in wait.. to set myself up for diaster again. I honestly think I have myself convinced that I can just have a couple and I know I cant.
Thanks everyone for all you right to this site it has really helped me
Drunk Again
These types of threads can be really therapeutic, but also the kind of sharing that we hope does not make us laugh so much that we want to grab a beer or something! But its a great balance that we can share.
Okay, here's mine. The oldies have heard it, but it bears repeating as I will never forget it.
One night -- about seven years ago when I had way too much to drink, I went to bed. Hubby had been asleep for hours. Next morning, he informs that I peed in the drawer of my night table by the bed. I look at him like he's crazy. He said, "yeah hon.... you just got out of bed, opened up the drawer, sat in it and peed, then grabbed a piece of paper or something and wiped, shut the drawer, and gracefully got right back in bed, pulled up the covers and went back to sleep."
I didnt believe him. He said, "pull out the drawer." I did.... and everything in it was soaked. I picked up the book I was reading and it was wet, smelled like pee and was all shriveled. Its funny in hindsight, but it was a huge wake up call for me.
No more peeing in drawers.If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.
Drunk Again
Only a tiny bit funny. My hubby tried to pee in our trash can in the kitchen years ago- hmmm
maybe he has a problem too?????????????
Once you have gotten there you are in blackout mode. I've never done that thank god. Not to say that I never could though but I am on this site so I DON'T! Allie you like my avatar? Ask hubby.Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL
Drunk Again
Back when I lived in my tree-house in Colorado. I had to hike in about 1/4 mi up a trail(also across a footbridge across the creek...only fell in 1 time in 18 yrs!)
In the winter after a fresh snow fall, I used to go out some mornings and have to try & hide my tracks from all of the "body plants" I'd left in the snow on my drunken stagger home the night before... the trail was all SOOO obvious in the fresh snow!
My dress would be frozen solid from being coated with snow from landing on my ass & face on my hike up the hill trying to get to the cabin.. amazingly I always made it!The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink: