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One Step at a Time-December 2016

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    Happy anniversary Nora! I loved the photos! You guys are so cute and fun together.
    Sorry I was it around yesterday. Super busy day at work, never even got lunch. Sometimes being that busy is a good thing. Things ran smoothly and people seem to be in a good mood cause of the holidays. Ran some errands after work then right to church to put up the tree. You get a bunch of people there working together, makes it fun. My nephew was there last night and he can be so much fun sometimes!
    Today I am going shopping with sissy and then lunch. Mark and hubby are car shopping. Fingers crossed the boy gets the deal and the car he wants. He worked long hours this week.
    Happy Saturday!:heartbeat:


      How did the car shopping go?

      How is everyone?
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Good Morning, Everyone!

        I wrote a long post last night and then lost it when I accidentally logged out before going to bed. It's been a good weekend so far...not quite done with ALL the decorating but I am getting there. Today I am going to my mom's to put up her outdoor Nativity (that is a royal pain...especially if it's snowing!) and her Christmas tree.

        Red-so great to have you pop in...we miss you here. Can't believe the puppy is 8 months old. Has your ex-roommate left you alone?

        TMH-welcome back! Thanks for checking in. Glad to hear you've been busy.

        Nora-wow, how sad about your niece's friend's family! You are's a grim reminder for all of us. Does your son embrace AA? How long has he been AF? I loved the pics of you and hubs in your Santa Claus cut-outs. :-) I am delighted that you and your hubs find time to send each other loving texts, and laugh about little things. :-)

        Liz-I hope you had a nice lunch with sissy and that Mark got the car he wanted. Sounds like church activities keep you busy and it's wonderful that you volunteer your time. You mentioned in an earlier post that CJ and Joe's engagement party would have only non-alcoholic drinks so who brought the champagne? Did you get drunk and act strangely and that's why your sis was upset? I don't mean to pry...I just didn't know what you meant when your sis said that she and your mom were "on to you."

        Pauly-I have been wanted to tell you this since last Wednesday. There is a store called Younkers (it's a department store like Macy's) and they had the UGLIEST UGLIEST UGLIEST Christmas sweaters I have ever seen! It made me laugh because I know you bought Kell one online and when you received it, you and hubs just laughed and laughed. That's how I felt when I saw these sweaters. I can't believe people would pay $50 for one of them. One of them was a Santa Claus suit (COME ON, WHO WOULD WEAR THAT???) Hahahahah!!!

        Hello to all our friends who are MIA: Aihfl, Techie, AG, Mr. G, Mr. V....we miss you....check in please!!

        I better get on with my day! Happy AF Sunday, everyone!!!


          Hello all - going for a massage in a few. Hubby is going to have one too. I think it has helped with my pain so I'm hoping it will help him.

          Rusty - nice that you are getting all decorated. We have quite a bit out but we have more. 39 years of more Christmas stuff. :rotlf:

          Liz - I was wondering the same thing. Did they just have some bottles for toasting? How much did you drink? What did Sissy mean? I'm sorry to be prying but it does help to know what happened so we can help you come up with ideas/solutions for the next time. :hug:

          Pauly - how are you doing? I just adore Louie. He has his own personality.

          Red - it was so great to see you. You are missed!

          Sorry that I haven't been posting much. I am in a weird place in my head. I realized that I have pulled away from here. I have certainly pulled away from my other friends outside of MWO also. I am going to try to actually post more instead of just sentences here & there.
          I hate to complain because I am so fortunate and truly have nothing to complain about. BUT, I think I better talk about these little things before I let them turn into big things. So, now I'm going to be a big complainer so watch out!

          Off to get ready to go. Have a great day everyone. I'm sure missing folks here - where are you all???? xxx
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            I was thinking how fun it would be to get a bottletter of champagne and just have a fun afternoon decorating. But, I immediately thought one bottle isn't enough. :sad: what is wrong with me? I know I don't ever want to go back to that place. Sigh.....
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Hi guys, if I ever see another egg.....just kidding. I boiled 7 doz, one friend did 3 and another 4. They arrive in a couple hrs to start peeling those suckers. Dh got the Dickinson Village up and lit. Spaghetti sauce is made.

              Still working on renting condo. Walked to Golfhouse where someone told me someone is looking for Feb, Mar 2017. We already rented it out for Mar but let them know Jan, Feb available. Hope it keeps snowing up north. FL will look better and better.

              Happy Anniversary, Nora!
              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                Nora,I felt you pulling away for a bit that's why I reached out through messenger,I didn't want to say anything but I had noticed I had the exact same thought when I decorated last week, I always drank beers,listened to Christmas music while doing it,luckily last year I was sober so I think I've drawn on that energy, get those thoughts outta yo head woman! You know we love you,have a great day all
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Wishing everyone a wonderful and SOBER December xoxo
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Sorry about my whining earlier. I know that I can not drink. It was a passing thought. Probably because it seems like alcohol is everywhere now! Ads, stores, magazines, etc. In your face. And, I also remember how horrible I felt ALL THE TIME. Never want to be like that again.

                    tmh - I can't believe how many eggs you all did. Wow! Busy, busy

                    Liz - how did your day go?

                    Pauly - what are you up to? I've already got Mondayitis. :rotlf:

                    Rusty - did you finish your decorating? We didn't really get anything else done. We did manage to move our Santa cutout out of the way a little bit. Ha, ha

                    Techie - you are a sweetie and I adore you!
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      If I disappear for awhile again, I am ok and I will reach out if I feel fragile.
                      I will be honest and tell you what is going on with me. I am having a lot of stress and am actively doing things to help me. Massage, reading, laughing and other things. It helps me a lot but I am feeling a need to distance myself from all the negativity going on in the meds section and spilling over. I am just at a point where I need positive support and this is just bringing me down. Even though I try not to read any of it, it appears on the news feed on the side. That is a big reason why I haven't been posting much lately.
                      Things are going to get very stressful very soon. We are going to be emptying my Mom's house. Having to go thru all the years of stuff. It's going to be hard and sad parting with much of this stuff. I am not bringing it home unless I am going to use it or display it. And I am already sad about some of the things that I know I am not going to bring home. :sad:
                      I am just trying to make things easier in my life. Baby steps - you know the old saying - one step at a time. :heartbeat:
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        I don't think you should leave Nora, you're a valuable contributor here and would be surely missed! I am disgusted with the meds section and I'd love to see that whole section removed! Maybe we should start a poll and send the results to Zack, maybe then something permanent would be done! Stay close, this is the time to both get and give support!

                        Edit to add: I didn't like or thank your post because I didn't like that you are thinking of leaving, and I don't want to thank you for doing something that I know in my heart is wrong....
                        Last edited by abcowboy; December 4, 2016, 08:47 PM.
                        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.



                          Congratulations on 30 days!!!

                          Way to go!!!
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Wow, I felt like I was the only one posting and boom today everyone is on.
                            First, I shall address the party. It was a non al event. CJ works for the hotel and they were kind enough to roll out the red carpet. Reduced price per plate, they didn't charge us for the entire number of people there, added food that wasn't on the brunch menu and of course didn't charge us for champagne. It was to be just one glass per person for the toast, which I could easily have foregone, I figured one glass no biggy. Well the champagne flowed freely compliments of the Hilton! I don't think my glass was ever empty. I finally told them to stop it and bring me diet coke. My mom noticed I was "nervous" is how she put it, but sissy knew it was the champagne. Next time I will toast with the water. Ugh! I didn't get too bad, but it was enough and I was upset with myself.
                            So Mark bought a Mercedes yesterday. Preowned, of course, and sporty. He gets it on Tuesday. He sure did get himself a good job to pay for this. That's my boy.

                            Nora, I did notice you weren't around. You do what you have to to get by. But for the record I'm glad your posting again. You are so important and loved here. I don't even bother much with the other threads here. I don't need that drama in my life.

                            Rusty, how sweet of you to do all that for your mom. Decorating is a lot of work. I know you go all out at your house too. Do you do all your rooms? I got the Christmas hand soaps for the baths and hung up Christmas hand towels. I do the kitchen too. Do you?

                            Pauly, I used to drink wine while decorating and wrapping too. Tonight I pulled out my Christmas wine glasses and drank sparkling water from them. You know, I enjoyed that just fine. It felt festive.

                            Hey techie, how goes it.

                            Wow Nursie, those 30 days went quick. Congratulations.

                            Cowboy, thanks for popping in. Always ready to steer us in the right direction. Thinking about you and Hank!

                            Had an advent celebration at church today. It's always such a good time, so much tradition there. I sat next to my mom and just had a grand old time. I treasure those times.
                            Came home and spent the entire evening making an photo album online for hubby for Christmas. That's when I was using my Christmas wine glass. The album took forever to make but it's finished and being processed. I'm sure it'll be nice.

                            Hello to everyone, Skendall, TMH, Ahifl, and everyone else! I had a coffee a little too late this afternoon and I'm wide awake! Off to read a bit and hopefully fall asleep. Good night all!


                              FYI, I would not spend anywhere near $50 for an ugly Christmas sweater! :eek-new:


                                Originally posted by NoraC View Post
                                If I disappear for awhile again, I am ok and I will reach out if I feel fragile.
                                I will be honest and tell you what is going on with me. I am having a lot of stress and am actively doing things to help me. Massage, reading, laughing and other things. It helps me a lot but I am feeling a need to distance myself from all the negativity going on in the meds section and spilling over. I am just at a point where I need positive support and this is just bringing me down. Even though I try not to read any of it, it appears on the news feed on the side. That is a big reason why I haven't been posting much lately.
                                Things are going to get very stressful very soon. We are going to be emptying my Mom's house. Having to go thru all the years of stuff. It's going to be hard and sad parting with much of this stuff. I am not bringing it home unless I am going to use it or display it. And I am already sad about some of the things that I know I am not going to bring home. :sad:
                                I am just trying to make things easier in my life. Baby steps - you know the old saying - one step at a time. :heartbeat:
                                I understand Nora! We did it with my in laws house and it was emotional.:hug: hubby got a storage unit and we did keep some of their things. It's easier for him to go through things at his own pace. Can you save some of the furniture for your son and daughter in law, for when they move out? That helped us tremendously.
                                Last edited by Lizann; December 4, 2016, 11:00 PM.

