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One Step at a Time-December 2016

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    I'm ok with the ebb and flow. Quick check in before I pick up the guys from the airport!:welldone: I was in a great mood today. My feet did not touch the ground. I didn't tell a soul! Yay me. I'll try and check in later tonight


      Howdy ho Steppers! Your thread is dying out? Mine must be dead then lol. Rusty is right, people get busy, daily living comes first. And remember, it’s not the quantity that matters, it’s the quality! And there’s lots of quality here!
      Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
      Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
      Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


        Good Morning, Stepping Friends!

        Cowboy-Hahah! I don't think your thread is could it be with your enthusiasm and energy? Heck, it practically runs by itself. :-) ;-) How are you doing? What's up with you? Are things with your daughter any better. I was near tears when I read what happened on Thanksgiving and I just wanted to say that I hope Christmas is a better holiday for you.

        Red67 and Techie:heartbeat::heartbeat: You cannot "like" my post without popping in and telling us how you are doing. Not fair. ;-)

        Techie-how are your treatments going? Are you satisfied with the level of care you are receiving?

        Red-did you finish all your Christmas shopping? Is Xmas a difficult time of year for you? This is the first Christmas without your live-in former friend...are you excited? Speaking of Christmas shopping, I will attempt to finish mine at Mayfair on Wednesday. Since they have added Crate & Barrel, the parking is insane! But ooohhh....I LOVE Crate & about a store where you can spend an entire paycheck!!! How's your puppy?

        We have to be mindful and practice lots of self-care during the holidays. Studies have shown that the suicide rates are the highest this time of year. Not that I am worried about any of my friends on this thread, but the holidays can bring incredible sadness....people we loved who are now gone, missed opportunities, dread about the year to come. My good friend said something to me yesterday about my mom and I got very choked up. Fortunately, it didn't last long. I was back to my cheery self in minutes. :-)

        Hey, check in please....Nursie, AG, TMH, Aihfl. We miss your voices here. Either pop in or I will leave you a very annoying PM. Hahah! Not really.

        Hi to Nora, our fearless leader, Classy Glassie-our author,new Pauly-our hairdresser, Liz-the grandma to be, and any friends that I have missed...happy AF Saturday!!!


          Good morning! I agree with cowboy there may not always be a lot of activity here but it's the quality! I appreciated you all so much. This thread has really made a huge difference for me. You are my support group! No pressure guys!

          It's snowing here. We are expecting 2 to 4 inches! I have to go to the dentist in a bit. I do believe I will be sliding on over. Thankfully it is not far. Picked up the boys last night. I so wanted to tell them about Erin. Thankfully they were telling me all about their week. They had a fabulous time. While I did miss them, I admit I did not miss the mess they leave behind. Guess who gets to do all that laundry? On the bright side I don't have to shovel the driveway.


            Liz-you made me laugh:
            While I did miss them, I admit I did not miss the mess they leave behind. Guess who gets to do all that laundry? On the bright side I don't have to shovel the driveway.
            And you stayed sober the whole time they were gone. So proud of you!!! We got clobbered with snow here, too...I think we got another 5 inches. Stay safe driving to the dentist's. I'm off to do some Christmas shopping. :-)


              Hey all, of the snow, Liz,I don't think I could keep it a secret!!especially from hubs I get too excited Rusty, have fun Christmas shopping, I wanna go to the mall on the Strip but everyone around here is too lazy haha,they always decorate it so nice for Christmas, plus I want some Lucky brand jeans and the shop is in there hint hint to hubs,my grandpuppy spent the night last night and she is missing her house this morning poor thing, she acts skiddish and scared this is the first time she's stayed over here overnight, probably misses Lou,Nora,how come your eye keeps exploding? What does the doc say? Off to fix my face and fro,Saturdayitis haha but wishing us all a happy AF Saturday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


       of the snow...Hahahah!!! Yeah, try living it for 55 years. Tee hee. Truth be told, I would not like living in a part of the country where there is not a change of seasons. How do they decorate in LV?? Is it like in Phoenix where some of the restaurants have red chili paper lights on the palm trees? Although...I have to admit...the first time I went to AZ it was in December, and I loved seeing the white lights on the palm trees...and it was 80 and I thought it was great dipping in the outside pool. :-)

                Ok, now I MUST get going to beat the hordes of crowds at the Sporting Goods Store. First...a stop at Starbucks. Oh, I am addicted to strong, black coffee. My mom likes wimpy coffee..half caf...Not me...givieme that good old Colombian drug lord stuff. Hahaha!


                  Nora what's up with the eye! Mark has a sty that is flaring up again. Is it something like that? This sty has to be treated with oral antibiotics because of where it is located. He is hoping he can just wait until he gets to work on Monday and go the clinic there! Last time he had it was in May.

                  Rusty, Norbert and I went to Phoenix in December a while back and I remember how cute the cacti looked with holiday lights. I guess my vision of Christmas has always been just snow and lights. Fun to experience what it looks like in other parts

                  Ok so I'm stalling. Dentist visit went well, no cavities. Can put it off no more, treadmill and then chores. I put on some Christmas music. Ordered an old cd on line in German with the songs I grew up . Listening to it now, lit, my Christmas candles and the tree. Feeling very nostalgic and mellow. Loving where I'm at right now!


                    Liz: That sounds heavenly. I think I will do that, too. Put on some Xmas music and light a big fire and start writing Christmas cards.
                    I put on some Christmas music. Ordered an old cd on line in German with the songs I grew up . Listening to it now, lit, my Christmas candles and the tree. Feeling very nostalgic and mellow. Loving where I'm at right now!
                    Yes, CACTI with lights...beautiful!!

                    Nora-a broken blood vessel? Wow, did you cough or sneeze really hard? Hope it's better.


                      Liz-glad you don't have any cavities. I don't either...just went to the dentist a little while ago. I brush my teeth 4x a day so I think that helps. Hahah!


                        Hello everyone. I've been in LA having treatments. Getting ready to head north. Thinking of you all xoxo
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Stopping in to see my Steppers!
                          I have missed this bunch! I am here, but I have been posting mostly in the newbies nest.
                          Techie!! So good to see you. I think about you all the time.

                          I'm sober. Getting my life together. It's not easy but you guys know that. Hugs to you all. Xoxo
                          Day 1 again 11/5/19
                          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                          One day at a time.


                            Hello all - I've had a good day. My eyeball is still gross. I'm going to start keeping track of when it happens. I'm going to be going in for an exam before the end of the year and will ask again why this keeps happening.
                            But, it has been a good day. Mom & I played 2 games of yahtzee last night. She has lots of fun rolling the dice and I tell her what to keep and what to roll. And today we sat outside together for a couple hours. My brother came over for a little bit and sat with us. Mom was able to talk to him and ask him questions and engage. Really nice.
                            Earlier hubby and I went thru some more boxes out in the garage. Felt good to get rid of more stuff.
                            We are watching the movie Mother with Albert Brooks and Debbie Reynolds. I love this movie - I watched it up in Oregon with my Mom & Dad 10+ years ago and we laughed & laughed. So many little things reminded us of each other. :rotlf:
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Nursie - you are doing great. I'm really happy for you!

                              Techie - Always sending you healing thoughts. :hug:

                              Liz - I agree with Rusty. Great job on being AF while they were gone. And I'll bet you are walking on air (in secret )

                              Rusty - thank you for checking on me. You are such a sweetie.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Computer just crashed & I lost my post. Arrgghh. Anyway, I was saying hello to everyone on commenting. So, lucky you all, it's gone.
                                Pauly - I understand about the sticker shock when you check out. I still haven't done anything. Sigh.......
                                Liz - I laughed at the mess & laundry. lol
                                Rusty - how did your Christmas shopping go?
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

