I am fairly new to meditation (and HIGHLY recommend it, even if you can't quiet your mind for more than two seconds, it's amazing what it can do for your mind, heart and soul!). Anyway, during my meditation this morning, I was doing my normal routine when I was "releasing" the bad stuff on my exhale breath in which I'm releasing OUT stress, insecurity, addiction, anger, etc, etc. and on the in breaths I breath IN pure, white, fresh air, filled with the GOOD things I want in my life and in my body (happiness, strength, patience, peace, etc). Once i did that and went into my "quiet time" I was concentrating on being AF and I envisioned the inside of my body and the damage that alcohol has done to all of my organs so I started meditating about each organ individually and almost gave them a "life" of their own. Thought about my stomach and how much damage alcohol has probably done to it. Thought about my poor liver and how HARD it must have to work while I'm passed out drunk to process the poison through it. Same for the kidneys, my skin, heart, intestines, and so on and so on, throughout my body. Then I meditated about my brain...the fantastic machine that runs the whole show and "decides" the fate of every other organ in my body. I envisioned my addictive brain, not giving a CRAP about all of the other organs because it wants that high! It LOVES the feeling, and it's in control, in spite of the damage that it's doing to itself...and every other organ in my amazing body. So! I have decided that if (and probably more like "when"...) my brain says "oh hell, we've been doing so good, we can handle just ONE glass of wine"...I am going to mentally give ALL of my organs the chance to vote. Majority wins, NO exceptions (after all, I am completely democratic - my brain isn't queen of my entire body... :love hee hee! So, when my brain tries to tempt me I am going to mentally go through my body: liver, you cool with a cocktail? how about you, kidneys? Oh, and my precious beating heart - how do YOU feel about that glass of wine? And skin - what's your vote? Stomach? pancreas? And even you, addictive little brain, think about it...do you REALLY want to be the ONLY one here voting against everyone else?
I know I sound like a complete freak but I'm sick and tired of my brain RUINING it for all of the other organs in my body!!! It's their turn to be in charge... :welldone: