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    Hello my dear friend. Thank you thank you thank you, feeling better for riding the waves and not giving in! Hope you are ok too 😐
    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
    Softy, my dear friend. Where the devil do you get to?

    Remember when 3 days seemed like a fact sometimes just 3 hours felt like a lifetime...........and you've now got 3 years...........I repeat 3 years. Well done you.

    The fact that you're taking anti-depressants means you're in touch with your GP...........and the fact that you're not drinking will give them a much better chance of working. I'm wondering if he/she has recommended counselling and if not....... why not?

    The smoking errrrrrrrr no comment. I'm still at it.

    Get into the habit of posting a couple of times a day. No-one's asking for a 2000 word essay.......just a quick hello 'til you get used to posting again.

    And nice to meet you So/Cali...........8 days.........talking in weeks now.......well done you too.


      Oh my gosh - YAY!!! I have come back to this thread quite a few times in the hopes that you'd replied and that you were able to resist the temptation. WELL DONE - and, even in whatever frame of mind you are in right now (because I'm sure the relationship, work, etc, etc haven't magically resolved themselves overnight) I truly TRULY hope you take a moment to give yourself a huge, gigantic, MASSIVE pat on the back and say "YAY ME!!! I ROCK - AND SCREW YOU AL FOR TRYING TO TAKE ME BACK!!!". I'm so happy for you and just remember...all of this crap you're going through is temporary. And, turning 50 and being FREE of the AL beast is the best gift you can give yourself.

      You've got this!


        Good for you, Softy.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          Thank you so much!!!!!

          Still free 🤗

          Originally posted by SoCali View Post
          Oh my gosh - YAY!!! I have come back to this thread quite a few times in the hopes that you'd replied and that you were able to resist the temptation. WELL DONE - and, even in whatever frame of mind you are in right now (because I'm sure the relationship, work, etc, etc haven't magically resolved themselves overnight) I truly TRULY hope you take a moment to give yourself a huge, gigantic, MASSIVE pat on the back and say "YAY ME!!! I ROCK - AND SCREW YOU AL FOR TRYING TO TAKE ME BACK!!!". I'm so happy for you and just remember...all of this crap you're going through is temporary. And, turning 50 and being FREE of the AL beast is the best gift you can give yourself.

          You've got this!


            Feeling genuinely humbled and grateful as I read back through this thread.

            Many thanks again for the support


              So Cali

              I have to say, your posts made me smile a lot. You are very kind :thanks:


                Free, I am happy that my blabbermouth makes you smile. ) As I said, I'm very new to being AF (although I've attempted it a handful of times in the past...). Every other time I tried, my goal was to be AF for some set time, and then I'd try moderating. That. never. worked. for. me. even. once. So! I am now bound and determined to be AF, for good, with the understanding in my little pea brain that I cannot, even ONE time, ever again drink alcohol. It's strange, but it is SOOOOO much more liberating this time around! I'm no longer thinking about "when" I'll "get" to drink again someday down the road...I am going to be like YOU and so many of the other awesome folks here, and I am going to be AF for LIFE. I hope you come back here often and read, read, READ whatever helps you stay AF. And please know (and be very proud of the fact!!!) that you are a TRUE inspiration! You didn't let AL ruin your sobriety, as much as it was presenting itself to you as a haven of remained strong!! You came here and asked for help and thank goodness, the awesome peeps here were able to give you some sage advise and let you know you are cared about, even by a perfect stranger such as me! I hope when the bleak days come for me (which they inevitably will...) these fantastic MWO people will lift me up too! :thumbsup:

                Please don't take your sobriety lightly and do whatever it takes to keep that AL bastard at bay!!! Here's me flipping your choice of drink off for you right now... :cuss: HAHAHAHAHA!!! neener neener AL, we're here to kick your ASS!!! HA!


                  Haha, I love it, you are almost as mad as me (but not quite��)

                  Good luck with your quit, you can do it, I did! Within 18 months of quitting I had taken up running and managed a half marathon in under two hours. We are ALL capable of amazing things once free of AL. But we all have weak moments too.

                  Without people we are nothing. That is why this place is so so great

                  Take care

                  Originally posted by SoCali View Post
                  Free, I am happy that my blabbermouth makes you smile. ) As I said, I'm very new to being AF (although I've attempted it a handful of times in the past...). Every other time I tried, my goal was to be AF for some set time, and then I'd try moderating. That. never. worked. for. me. even. once. So! I am now bound and determined to be AF, for good, with the understanding in my little pea brain that I cannot, even ONE time, ever again drink alcohol. It's strange, but it is SOOOOO much more liberating this time around! I'm no longer thinking about "when" I'll "get" to drink again someday down the road...I am going to be like YOU and so many of the other awesome folks here, and I am going to be AF for LIFE. I hope you come back here often and read, read, READ whatever helps you stay AF. And please know (and be very proud of the fact!!!) that you are a TRUE inspiration! You didn't let AL ruin your sobriety, as much as it was presenting itself to you as a haven of remained strong!! You came here and asked for help and thank goodness, the awesome peeps here were able to give you some sage advise and let you know you are cared about, even by a perfect stranger such as me! I hope when the bleak days come for me (which they inevitably will...) these fantastic MWO people will lift me up too! :thumbsup:

                  Please don't take your sobriety lightly and do whatever it takes to keep that AL bastard at bay!!! Here's me flipping your choice of drink off for you right now... :cuss: HAHAHAHAHA!!! neener neener AL, we're here to kick your ASS!!! HA!


                    Way to go, Softy!

