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Join the Army Against Alcohol - January '17

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    Originally posted by mollyka
    fantastic --- good for you! I cannot stress enough how fecking EASY this quitting business is -ONCE we get our heads ready for it..... 100% -- no if's buts or maybe's -- once that 100% is there -- IT IS A DODDLE ---!!
    If only it were, time will tell for me.

    Originally posted by IamMary View Post
    I enjoyed that! havnt heard it in years!
    Hope your feeling smug after the shopping trip:happy2:
    Grateful is probably a better description.

    Morning Molly dear.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      I think I read Starty had a cold Molly

      Evening all


        Morning (evening!) all,
        Back to reality today.
        Couldnt sleep last night.. feel it today as I tap tap tap here, looking very busy.

        Wondering where starty was too..
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Morning AAA'ers.
          Young Satz is at it again. Drank on 27th December after a dry Christmas.
          His GF has gone back to her mother's as she doesn't know what else to do.

          He is reading internet blogs to try to get information on addiction - there is good stuff out there but I still think he needs to see someone to get his head straight - if he won't go into rehab. to get it done.
          This is the type of thing he is looking at : interesting I have to admit to my simple brain.


          I welcome any advice on how to handle this please. My instinct is to cut ties until he tries to help himself. Then I know he'll most likely end up losing his home & job too.


            Originally posted by satz123 View Post
            I welcome any advice on how to handle this please. My instinct is to cut ties until he tries to help himself. Then I know he'll most likely end up losing his home & job too.
            So sorry Satz. No advise really, you guys are my oracle.
            As a mother, I don't know if I could cut ties, but that's what all the experts and studies show is the right approach, isn't it? You might get him through this, until the next time.. maybe he has to hit his rock bottom that he won't want to go back to.
            Very stupid question: Does cutting ties mean completely all ties? Can u bring the odd dinner, text him? I know there's no rule book...

            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


              Mers - I mean by cutting ties - I don't want to see him till he has a plan.
              I can't stand by & watch him return to that pathetic creature he was 2 years ago and possibly kill himself.

              He is constantly relapsing - string 2 week sober and relapsing again.
              Blaming others by saying why can they drink & I can't ?? All that nonsense.
              His sister has offered funds for in-house rehab or for 1:1 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Counselling. If he won't take with both hands help being offered - there is nothing we can do any more.


                Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                Very stupid question: Does cutting ties mean completely all ties? Can u bring the odd dinner, text him? I know there's no rule book...

                :haha: The odd dinner
                Thanks lovely Mers - but I think that is what has us in this dilemma.
                When he's sober we are acting and we are 'all over him' - with family dinners and trips .... trying to be 'normal'

                Then after a few days he lets us down again. The GF can't live like that and I don't blame her. So she's gone after putting up with it for 2 years.


                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  Mers - I mean by cutting ties - I don't want to see him till he has a plan.
                  I can't stand by & watch him return to that pathetic creature he was 2 years ago and possibly kill himself.

                  He is constantly relapsing - string 2 week sober and relapsing again.
                  Blaming others by saying why can they drink & I can't ?? All that nonsense.
                  His sister has offered funds for in-house rehab or for 1:1 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Counselling. If he won't take with both hands help being offered - there is nothing we can do any more.
                  No, there's isn't. And you can't make him passionately want to be sober above everything else. Is he making it to work?
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Starterooo's in sick bay, proper poorly.She'll be back soon and she is still sans alcohol.

                    Satz, he's got a lovely family. He'd be a tool not to take up his sister's offer.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Thanks for the update Jacks. Get well soon Starty.

                      Watching The book of life., you'd like it JC :happy2:
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                        I welcome any advice on how to handle this please. My instinct is to cut ties until he tries to help himself. Then I know he'll most likely end up losing his home & job too.
                        As you know I am at a similar position with my son.

                        He has manipulated us all for years and a few weeks back we decided no more. He has been told I will pay for 3Ps counselling (even go with if he wants) The counsellor is set up and he has the number. Until and unless he starts to see her I have barred him from my work and home (same place so makes my daughter and I very uncomfortable when he comes).

                        We didn't see him all over Christmas/new year....his choice. He texted his siblings AFTER Christmas with a 'poor me' message.....they laughed at him. His gf enables him....her problem, but we have had enough! When he decides he will get help.....when he hits HIS rock bottom, then we can start to talk again.

                        Not seeing him over 'the season' was hard BUT the peace was worth it.

                        But tough love is .....tough.


                          Satz, obvious, but i reckon young Satz has to find his own way. Sounds like he is still searching for evidence that he needs to stop (or maybe he's trying to understand what's happening - might be a good sign)? We all know how we manipulate the answer to that question, but it's still possible he'll make sense of it sooner rather than later. He may well need to lose his job, house, girlfriend before he begins to put 2 and 2 together. The heart wrenching part here is that you/we all want him safe in that sometimes drawn out process that he may need to go through. I hope he can learn, understand and get a grip on his relationship with booze sooner. It's totally his call. Thinking of you and the young man.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Thanks everyone.
                            Where would I be without you all.
                            You are a great bunch of people I'm happy to call friends :hug:


                              Good morning folks.
                              Satz & Kuya, I can't imagine the gamut of emotions you are going through, what a horrible situation to find yourselves in. Sorry
                              Last edited by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB); January 7, 2017, 03:17 AM.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                                Hi Molly, I edited my post because in hindsight I thought it too harsh and not in any way helpful. Its a horrible situation, talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.
                                But there is alway hope while the sun rises.

                                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

