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Join the Army Against Alcohol - January '17

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    Went and got dressed so I could think over what's been said and now can't remember half of it.

    Love it when Molls gets her dander up and Tabbers tbh can't see you ever being harsh.
    Last edited by JackieClaire; January 7, 2017, 06:18 AM.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Originally posted by mollyka
      some folks (you can see them here ) find sobriety really rather easily -- it's their time - their minds are set and they arm themselves with the tools and off they go -- I could probably name a dozen people on this website that appear like that -- but to others - they are the danger - they are the ones that LOOK at the ones that sail along and feel 'poor me' - 'why can't I be like them' -- well fuck it -- they just have to work harder - OR -- wash my mouth out..... they still enjoy drinking and it's the people around them that don't enjoy them drinking...... the unspoken problem imo for lots of people --- and until they don't enjoy that life anymore...........
      You are right there Molls. Many times young Satz has said to his sister that 'Mam did it easily without AA'
      We pointed out that everyone is different and that I found MWO and for ME that was my support ........... and that he needs a support structure.

      He text me and asked that I trust him to do it. That he'll do it "my way" ( his way) which echos in a way my signature below :egad:


        Morning Satz, love.
        I had AA experience, on me own, CBT, counselling, de-toxes galore, reading, white knuckling, dry drunk and the warning if I carried on like I was I'd be dead within 3 years................once I found MWO I chucked every single thing I'd learnt at it.

        But we need like minded people around us.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Morning all I am so sorry to hear this satz. Not having kids of my own I cannot imagine what it must be like. In trying to I have thought back to my dad when he was drinking. As a youngster I cut all ties with him but it made no difference to the outcome I don't think.
          All I know is that support in some form is needed and a determination to succeed and as we all know they come from within and cannot be forced into someone. He says he is doing it his way which sounds like there will be some rough periods ahead for you. I do wonder if it is an age thing. There are not many youngsters here on the boards so I guess we cannot expect him to find the support he needs here.. at least you are stable in your quit and can lead by example. Big hugs


            hola ,, just back in sunny land , talk soon and hope you are all ok

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Welcome back, Marioman.
              And are you feeling better, Starty?
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Evening ladies and Marioman welcome back!

                Not feeling great at all. Very weak I have lost I think nearly a stone in the last week.


                  Is it the big bug that everyone's had over Chrimbo ?
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Partly I think, and partly or quite a lotly immense stress. There is a very difficult situation at work that is causing me the absolute horrors unable to sleep or eat (better now) and it will be sorted by next friday but I have never known stress like it. I really hate managing people sometimes


                      Knew I had it somewhere...........

                      Stress symptoms: The effects of stress on your body

                      found this article when Jenny was working in Manchester. It half killed her. Thank goodness she's back in York now.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                        Knew I had it somewhere...........

                        Stress symptoms: The effects of stress on your body

                        found this article when Jenny was working in Manchester. It half killed her. Thank goodness she's back in York now.
                        Thanks for this Jax Yep this is me right now.

                        Feeling overwhelmed, like you are losing control or need to take control
                        Having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind
                        Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem), lonely, worthless and depressed
                        Avoiding others.
                        Physical symptoms of stress include:

                        Low energy
                        Upset stomach, including diarrhoea, constipation and nausea
                        Aches, pains, and tense muscles


                          Jenny just handed her notice in, after a long talk with her fiancé. They nearly pooped as they were haemorrhaging staff and they offered her old job at York back.

                          Get through this week and book a holiday. If you're still feeling shite get thee to a doctor. Companies aren't allowed to treat you like this.

                          Off to watch Dr Who. I'll be back in an hourish.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Glad to see you back starts.. but sorry your under so much pressure. I thought you were getting some support now with a senior manager? Roll on Friday anyway.
                            And yes, there is a nasty virus doing the rounds that sending entire families to their beds.

                            Great thoughtful posts today, had a good read earlier (just impossible to have time to respond with kids though). Agree with Molly - it's always going to looks easy when a person succeeds, but it's a mind set isn't it, and you have to desperately want the freedom above all else. Well I did when I came here anyway.

                            Watched a movie on Netflix called Smashed. It's was good, lots everyone can relate to (and not). Young couple, She's sobers up, he doesn't - interesting.
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                              Jenny just handed her notice in, after a long talk with her fiancé. They nearly pooped as they were haemorrhaging staff and they offered her old job at York back.

                              Get through this week and book a holiday. If you're still feeling shite get thee to a doctor. Companies aren't allowed to treat you like this.

                              Off to watch Dr Who. I'll be back in an hourish.
                              Holiday in the process of being booked.

                              The co are being fantastic to me it is this one individual that is causing the issues. The director has always tried to help but I broke down in his office on Friday and he was so kind. He is going to sort it out and Friday it will be however there is stuff I need to do first for legal reasons that will be very unpleasant.


                                Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                                Glad to see you back starts.. but sorry your under so much pressure. I thought you were getting some support now with a senior manager? Roll on Friday anyway.
                                And yes, there is a nasty virus doing the rounds that sending entire families to their beds.

                                Great thoughtful posts today, had a good read earlier (just impossible to have time to respond with kids though). Agree with Molly - it's always going to looks easy when a person succeeds, but it's a mind set isn't it, and you have to desperately want the freedom above all else. Well I did when I came here anyway.

                                Watched a movie on Netflix called Smashed. It's was good, lots everyone can relate to (and not). Young couple, She's sobers up, he doesn't - interesting.
                                Thank you Mary. Yes the new senior manager is starting on 30/1 I had a meeting with her and the director on Friday. I actually broke down which was morto. They are both helping me and she will be a great support when she gets here. Its just coping with it for now.

                                Smashed? Not heard of it I think I will watch that in bed tonight

