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One Step at a Time - January 2017

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    Jkm, hang in there. Better days are ahead, you can do this. You'll see how good sober can feel. Sorry no one is helping you out at home. Come here and vent. Take care of you right now

    Nora, blownaway is right about you! You are so strong, kind and sweet! I am sorry about the situation with mom and son. I don't know that I would've handled any differently but I'm glad you worked it out. Those pics were so sweet of your mom! She is so lucky to have you. You should be proud of yourself, you're doing all of this and without drinking! Does your son ever say anything about you not drinking anymore, just being nosy.

    Beautiful day here today. Walked at lunch today which I haven't done in awhile. It's supposed to get really cold here tomorrow and they're talking snow for Friday.

    Sweet dreams. . .


      Flyin by hangin in!


        :yay:Yahoo jkm. That's the way to get it done
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Quiet here today! Hope everyone is doing ok!
          Returned some gifts today. Got hubby the wrong size sweater by mistake. Came home with the XL and it's still snug! He's usually a large so it must just be the cut of the shirt. So I guess I'm returning it again and just pick out another style. It was nice and quiet in the mall.
          Nice and cold here today. I had forgotten how much I enjoy the cold weather. I love to walk outside. As long as there's no wind. Snow on the way for tomorrow.
          Got a few books for Christmas and I'm really into one of them, so off to read a bit before bed.


            Hello everyone. I came home and planned on reading back & posting. What a dreamer. :haha:

            jkm - I was so glad to see you checking in. You are doing fantastic.

            Liz - enjoy your books. Oh my goodness - I've been meaning to tell you. Guess what desk calendars we got for the women in the office! Calendars with designs to color around the edges. She also ordered colored pencils for each of us. I spent my last break at my desk coloring.

            I haven't been able to keep up with anyone for the past week or so. I feel totally out of the loop. I hope to go around and read the other threads to catch up with everyone else too.

            I want to say to anyone that is white knuckling it right now - HANG ON!!!!! It is worth it. You might not be able to believe that right now but it is true!
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              The other night when Mom was so bad, it just continued on & on. We went to bed & she kept asking me where everybody was. I would tell her they were in bed. And she would ask if everyone had eaten. We went over it and over it. There was just not getting her on to something else. She finally dozed off. Then around midnight she got up - I thought to go to the restroom. I'm listening and didn't hear anything so I jump out of bed. She had walked all the way into the kitchen without her walker! When she saw me, she wanted to know where everybody was. I'm walking her back to bed trying to explain that there was only the 5 of us at home and they were sleeping. Took a while but she did go into a restless sleep again. But, then woke up again later saying that something was wrong. Thinking somebody had been in the room, etc. She finally fell back asleep. I woke up to get ready for work and Mom went into the restroom first. All of a sudden, I hear the shower running. Oh my gosh! She hasn't taken a shower in almost a year! I go running in there and say hi and ask her what she's doing. She said she was getting ready to take a shower. I said well you can't. And she said well I most certainly can. I said well I have to take one. She put her hand on her hip and said well I have to take a shower & go to work. She hasn't worked in 64 years. :egad: I finally convinced her to come into the bedroom to discuss it because I was freezing. So, she said, well I guess that means you are going to go first and she laid back down. She slept until about 11:00 and then came out into the living room and slept almost all day out here and then slept all night last night. She's back to normal today.
              It has been an interesting few days. Got to keep life interesting, right?
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Wildflowers - where are you?

                AG - how are you doing?

                aihfl - I do wish you would check in. You are missed.

                Rusty - I still didn't read back to find out where you are this week.

                I want to get back into a routine of posting here every morning. It helps start off the day in a wonderful way. :heartbeat:
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Oh Nora - you really do have the patience of a saint. Your family (and especially your mother) are so blessed to have you looking after them.

                  This year is already shaping up to be a big one for so many people.

                  all we can do is hold on tight and hang on for the ride!

                  There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                  You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                  I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                    Aww Nora :hug: you are so very patient with her. You must've been exhausted at work that day! I'm glad she is normal again! What a great gift, the calendar. My sister bought me gel pens to color with. Definitely my favorite medium! Here I work we have a shoe calendar. A shoe for everyday of the year. I got one a few years ago and now buy one every year. Silly little fun thing. The girls love if and check up here daily.

                    Glassy, good to see you this morning! I miss you! How's that grandbaby?

                    Better run. I'm at work and I'm hoping for a quiet day,

                    Happy Friday! I love you all!


                      Morning all, i fell right off last night but im back here, i will keep going!


                        Good Morning, Everyone!

                        Nora-:heartbeat:Glassie is DO have the patience of a saint. I got irritable with my mom yesterday, and I felt so badly and apologized. She didn't think I was impatient, but I KNOW I was. I was just exhausted. I was with her ALL day. I took down all her Christmas decorations, made the beds, took her grocery shopping and I was just worn out.

                        jkm-welcome! And a huge congratulations on hanging in there AF!

                        Welcome, blownaway! Stay with us! We love new members to our thread.

                        And Nora thought this thread was dying out....Hahahah! NOT!

                        It's back to work next to Idaho Falls for work.

                        Liz-so glad you got books and gel pens for Christmas. Cool!

                        Hey Pauly-are your Valentine's decorations up yet??

                        Hi and hugs to Skendall, Mr. G, Techie, Mr. V., AG, al, and anyone I missed. Happy Friday!


                          I didn't hang in there sadly, today is day 1


                            Jkm-good job on coming back here...we all know how hard it is...especially the first week or so. I have a thought for you...under the General Discussion Forum, there is a thread called The 3 P's Principle...or something like was started by MWO Member NoSugar, and it is a POWERFUL tool for changing your thinking, which is what you MUST do if you want to remain AF. Have a look at it. It's helped a lot of people. The key thing you want to do is if you get a craving or AL thought, immediately think of ANYTHING else other than you want a drink. We are here for you. We have all struggled at some point in our recovery journeys. Don't give will get there!


                              It is great to hear that the ideas in the thread resonated with you, Rusty. I've found that understanding how this all "works" to be incredibly liberating. For an addict, realizing that a thought (which is all a craving amounts to until it elicits its conditioned physical responses) has no meaning, is not an imperative, and can be let go just like we do with thousands of fleeting thoughts a day is FREEDOM! Here's the link, Jkm, if you're interested:


                                NoSugar:thanks::thanks: Y-Y-YES...those ideas DID resonate with me...and I am so grateful for your presence today. We can apply these principles to ANY part of our life...dealing with annoying clients/bosses/co-workers/relatives...and it just makes so much sense. I guess we can't see the forest through the trees unless someone like you points it out to us. Thanks, NS, and hope you have a lovely weekend!!!

