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One Step at a Time - January 2017

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    Hey guys! Talking about pizza, the new farmers market had these crusts on sale yesterday and I bought some. Bought some fresh tomatoes, arugula and onions. Made my own pizza tonight and it was so good! It was a quick easy thing to prepare after work. Definitely a make again. Now I'm trying to figure out what to make tomorrow night already.

    Wishing you all a good night!


      Jkm, I totally can't get on here on my phone, so I wait till I'm at home on my iPad to post. Like Nora said. Just a line or two is fine!


        Jkm, :welcome:

        Glad your here. No worries about being on phone. We get the gist. Tried posting from phone & it's not as easy, but doable. Not sure if there any good deals on tablets? I ended up getting one free a few years back thru phone carrier. It's nothing special, but it works. Hope you keep posting. Most of us need support in our sobriety journey.

        Now, may not wait till next wk for pizza. Farmer market sounds good. You reminded me I have acorn squash in garage that needs to be cooked. I use to be good at planning weekly, monthly meals. Just, figuring out what to fix sometimes baffles me. I don't know if I've ever made homemade dough for pizza, too many moons ago. Been long time using Bobeli. Used flat bread from store b4. Left over soup tonight. It's cold here, so it will be good.

        Day two here, feeling grateful. Achieved a few things on list. Hope your day has been good.


          Hi guys, feeling better today. Having a hard time with family, when i drink i just do everything so there's no conflict but when not drinking it really does not seam fair that i live with 3 other adults and a 17 year old and i am the only one who can cook clean walk the dogs and go to the store while they play games or computer or watch tv. So when i ask them to do things they ask what my problem is. So i just decided not to do it. Ill feed me and the animals and walk the dogs and clean the litter box but I'm gonna watch tv and play on my phone so there! Wishing everyone a good night and i hope friday will be the night i can sleep without benadryl help. We'll see, fingers crossed.


            Glad your feeling better Jkm!.. No, it's not fair. Sounds like their taking advantage of your good will. They'll get use to being responsible for helping with domestic duties. Good on you for taking care of you!... For finding your voice. Think many of us have codependency issues. For myself, I've ended up feeling resentful. Not a good thing for my addiction.

            Not sure where your at with your goals, regarding alcohol? It's normal to have insomnia in early days. I've had insomnia since junior high. Have tried Benadryl, (even recommended by Dr). Problem, I've read it builds a fast tolerance , then doesn't work as well. I also have 5mg time released Melatonin. It makes me feel weird. So, use occasional. I'm receiving a little relief by not looking at TV, PC, phone an hr b4 bed, not eating to late, or too much sugar. Using my earbuds & listening to gentle music. Keeping fingers crossed by Fri your able to sleep. Have a good night to.


              Speaking of phones, I'm on it right now.

              Had a 'hard to stay positive ' day but ended it with laughs. Issues from the moment i got to work. Then i got home and Mom was wanting to call her parents and instead of putting her off, I panicked. I told her they were gone, she started crying. Then she worried something was wrong with her mind.:sad: Then son told me very bluntly that I handled it wrong. That made me cry worse. But, after i calmed down, i explained to him that i had made a mistake. He explained that he had worked with that type of patient. So, we communicated instead of me just having hurt, guilty feelings.
              And after about 20 minutes, we were able to get mom having fun with snapchat filters.
              I'm so grateful we were able to make it a happy night.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Jim- I've gotten much better at not doing everything and not feeling guilty about it:welldone:
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Hiya Steppers!

                  Big waves to all. :checkin:

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Ah.. Nora you have so much on your plate too often. It's impossible to be patient 100% of the time, but guessing you are 95%+. It's so good that you came here & talked about this, it can be healing. Really, wonderful that you & your son communicated. By the end of the evening everyone was laughing.

                    Many of us have learned to just sweep everything under the carpet, but it leads to pain & bottled up emotions. Happy you & your families night turned out happy!...

                    It's a tough job, but so rewarding how your taking care of your Mom, & others!... Don't forget to do something nice for yourself once in a while!...:hug:


                      Hey all,just a quick fly by to say hi,hope we all have a positive, peaceful AF Wednesday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Nora, I just have to tell you how much I admire you. I have followed you over my years of lurking here and my goodness what a role model you are!
                        I love your attitude and determination to remain positive, to find the good in each and every moment. Your "mom" stories are wonderful. I hope you are journaling your adventures with her, it would make a great memoir someday.

                        Hello to all you lovely steppers-

                        "Gratitude is the law of increase, and complaint is the law of decrease"

                        Always choose love.


                          Ah - Blownaway - you are so sweet. What a nice thing to say. I'm glad that you stopped lurking and actually dropped in. I hope you stick around.

                          Mr G - :love:

                          Pauly - I was so glad to see you this morning. You are right - let's have a positive, peaceful, AF day. :hug:

                          At work & I will be back nthego:
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Dropping in for some support and reassurance on day 4.My al goal is to stay af for 2017. I want it. Ive bern drunk and i dont want to be drunk anymore. Basically the only time i was sober was monday thru friday 8-5. On weekends i would start at 11-12 and drink 10-12 hours straight. I had headaches and all i wanted to do was go to sleep. Who wants to waste a weekend like that? Drinking started sucking, the love affair was over so i decided to stop in 2017 for the whole year. It's day four, the hardest one mentally yet. I want to drink but i will not cause the love affair is over and i dont want all back!


                              Jkm - I wish I had listened to everyone when they told me how much better it was af. I know today is hard but hang in there even if you have to go to bed when. You walk in the door. Tomorrow will be easier.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                JKM...Nora is right,yep it may be tuff at the moment,but it is defo well just hang in there...the day will come when your thinking goes from I cant drink to actually I dont want a drink.....
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

