All AL is out of the house. I don't know what he did with it and I don't care. He will not drink in front of me. Despite that !@#$ episode over saving a few pennies, now that I've said get it out he will not bring it in.
I need to do this. I almost killed myself with red wine in my own house. I woke up at 2am passed out leaning on my island. Even though I was conscious, it still took me awhile to move as my system was probably shutting down. What if I would have fallen? I definitely would have hit my head, not a lot of room in there. What if the boys had seen me (they didn't . . .thank God)?
Nora, I will post on the check-in thread. Also am giving myself permission to take it easy, you are right, that does not come naturally to me. Neo, check on good food and AL out. Calling doctor today. Emailed therapist as well. A friend recommended "Under the Influence" and I am reading that, good information in the first two chapters about the physiology of alcoholism. I am very sick and need to get better. !@#$
I am forcing myself to go to yoga... will check back in later.