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One Step at a Time - January 2017

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    Glassie!:heartbeat:Wow, what a fun tie dinner....ooh...I never need to worry about those! Hahah!

    Am I super organized when going on a trip?? For business, I am pretty organized but when I have different events to go to while on my trip, where there is casual dining involved, sure I end up throwing everything in my suitcase that I like. I concentrate on the business attire first, then move to casual clothing. Most of the time, I have a mental checklist in my head of what I need to take with me.

    Why don't you pack in reverse order?

    1. Black tie dinner outfit
    2. Business meetings-professional attire
    3. Casual site seeing-comfy clothes :-)

    I can't wait to hear all about your trip!! :-)

    AG-I am so impressed with your plans! GREAT JOB!!!

    Hi to everyone else. Sorry I am in a rush this morning and can't post.

    Re: political discussions...belong on a separate thread. ;-)


      Thanks Rusty
      I'm sure it will be fun - eventually
      What I find hard isn't really the outfits, it's the seemingly never ending accessories that have to go with each one. Shoes, underwear, jewellery, purses, makeup, hair accessories. I swear the packing for 4 days in Canberra is much harder than I ever had to do for a month on the yacht to Antarctica. At least then I only had one pair of boots and a couple of pairs of long johns.
      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


        Good morning! Blues are better today. Hoping it stays that way!
        I've been putting in hard work to clear my mind of the bad stuff!

        Liz, I used to only post here in this thread. Then I went seriously off the rails for awhile I don't even know for how long. So when I finally came back I decided to also post in the nest for accountability and to start over again. If that makes sense?

        Ask me anything you want to know!

        I'm heading to work. We are expecting a storm so we will probably get out early.
        Then maybe I can get some things done around the house. I have a pile of laundry waiting to be put away!
        Day 1 again 11/5/19
        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

        One day at a time.


          Skip the underwear, Glassie !! Go Commando! Imagine how well your book would sell then! Hahah! love you


            Hi Nursie! I am glad you are posting here, too!! You add much energy and encouragement to our thread. SUPER CONGRATS on 90 plus days AF!!!!:yay:



              Glassie - sounds amazing!
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Morning! Nursie, good to hear from you. Glad the blues are lifting.

                Glassie - I make a big pile somewhere in the house. Then I leave it for awhile (usually not long as I am a last minute packer) and come back and seriously weed it out. For me, the hardest thing is shoes. Good luck! And have fun on your trip!


                  Fill yourself with gratitude, and ask for all the wonderful things you deserve .
                  Techie, thank you for this. I really never thought about it this way. Hmmm . . .


                    Glassie, I just pack pretty much as much as I can. I do think I'm organized. When the kids were younger I would pack for everyone, which was overwhelming. I came up with a list that I still use and check off as things get put into the suitcase. That has worked well for us. I try to keep shoes to a minimum as they seem to really add weight. Sounds like a fun busy trip.

                    AG, thanks for sharing your list. I was thinking today that I don't say to myself I will never drink again, that just scares me. Saying I don't drink works for me. Never is just a word. For me taking that out of the equation seems to work.

                    Nora, I have noticed that you withdraw sometimes when your sad or overwhelmed. I am glad you are making the effort.


                      Originally posted by Rusty View Post
                      Skip the underwear, Glassie !! Go Commando! Imagine how well your book would sell then! Hahah! love you
                      Rusty, you made me laugh!


                        Originally posted by Nursie View Post
                        Good morning! Blues are better today. Hoping it stays that way!
                        I've been putting in hard work to clear my mind of the bad stuff!

                        Liz, I used to only post here in this thread. Then I went seriously off the rails for awhile I don't even know for how long. So when I finally came back I decided to also post in the nest for accountability and to start over again. If that makes sense?

                        Ask me anything you want to know!

                        I'm heading to work. We are expecting a storm so we will probably get out early.
                        Then maybe I can get some things done around the house. I have a pile of laundry waiting to be put away!
                        Nursie, it's always nice to have you post here. :love:


                          Yes - it is wonderful to have Nursie posting here.

                          Got busy and couldn't get on here. But big hugs to one and all. I was reading on another thread and didn't have a chance to comment. But, Cowboy posted a pic of chickens for Lav and there was a conversation about thinking about each other during the day. I do that with all of you here too. Something will cross my mind and make me think of someone here. It's special what MWO means to so many of us. :heartbeat:

                          Ok - enough of that. Off to bed. Hubby threw his back out and is in misery. Mom is suddenly wide awake and not ready for bed. But, we need to move so hubby can lay down out here. osteroops:
                          DS says that as soon as we get back from Oregon, that they are getting their own place. (is it selfish if I say :yay
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Hi all - Nora, sounds like you could use some space and peace!! I am getting a glimpse into what life with young adult children may hold. I hope your mom is comfortable and doing well.

                            Well, I thought of you guys today too! My yoga teacher said this during class, "70% of our mood and stress is determined by (the contents of) our gut". I was in the midst of trying to keep up with her and not fall over, so couldn't ask for her source, ha ha. Regardless if it is true or not, it makes sense to me. When I am putting poison into my gut, my mood is depressed and my stress goes way up, not immediately but soon after. When I eat bad food for days on end, same thing. When I eat too much sugar, same thing. I think she is on to something here.

                            Day 9 is in the books! Take care of your guts! AG

