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Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

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    Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

    Cleaning out my wardrobe today and came across an empty bottle. I still cringe at some
    of the things I did, I've hidden bottles in boots and tried to put them on,wondering why
    I could'nt get my foot in!


      Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

      I agree breez, hiding the bottles is part of the allure for the drunk.
      I know it was for me.
      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


        Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

        Hi all. i never hid bottles as my hubby drank with me!!i was disgusted when i heard the bottles bang into the recycling van..the shame!!!

        My brother in law hid his bottles in the toilet cistern when in hospital and in the oven,washing machine..just about everywhere........desperation.

        Thankfully he doesnt do that now as he lost his wife../divorced due to his alcoholism and has greatly cut the booze. no need to hide it for him as the consequence of boozing was he lost his marriage, health, job..the lot.

        maybe if i fancy hiding a few bottles in future i will learn hard lessons from you people who have shared so honesly on here....thanks for sharing



          Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

          diamond;149345 wrote: Just thought I'd ask everyone, do you have a place where:

          1- you used to drink but know you shouldn't cos it's bad
          2- now have a place where you forbid yourself from drinking to cut down/stop

          I used to go upstairs to put kids to bed, then stay upstairs so that if they wanted me I was nearby. Because I used to drink a lot, I mean a lot! I would get into bed, put on TV and drink away !!

          My husband used to go ballistic, when he caught me at it - as it were- he hated it so much, he doesn't really drink and can leave it at one glass - urghh its not fair.

          The worst was one day when he said he would tidy the bedroom - well I nearly died on the spot when he brought out all my empties from under the bed, where either I had conveniently forgotten them (or more likely hidden them.)

          He filled a black bin bag full !

          I am obviously the housewife from hell - so he told me anyway (but I knew I was hiding it from myself too).
          If I had kept bringing out the bottles I would have seen how much I was drinking, and I couldn't face up to that - 'no way, Jose'.

          Anyone else had disgusting habits - or would that just be me then ?
          oh my god! yucky hope you have overcome
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

            I hid all my alcohol in my drinks. LOL I guess I am not that creative, but it worked for me. We have a bar in our living room (formal area), but we hang out in the living room (where the TV is). You cannot really see the bar from the family room. So, I go to the bar to make a drink and make it a double. So, on a typical night, DH thinks I drank 2-3 drinks, but really I drank 4-6. Same w/wine. I buy big wine glasses and fill them to the top. So, then I have three glasses of wine, but its actually a whole bottle. With my mixed drinks (Gin), I would keep at least three different brands on hand. Different moods call for different gins. So, it would be hard for my DH to keep track of how fast I was going through it. If I thought he'd comment on an empty bottle, I'd just put it back in the bar and throw it out the next day. And, if I really wanted a lot of wine on a particular night, then open the first bottle before he gets home, then fake it like there was hardly any left in that one when I go to throw out the empty and open another (although, honestly, he almost never commented on my consumption anyway - I think he knew it wouldn't help anything).


              Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

              This thread is good for me to read.
              I don't have to hide anymore because my partner is a heavier drinker than me. And in being such, he hides his. I find those mini liquor bottles everywhere - last week I had a flat tire and opened the trunk and behind stuff I uncovered 20-30 of them. That's just one example. But anyway... yesterday evening I got really pissed. We have been very broke this week. I have had no money to buy groceries, etc. I figured we had enough beer to get through to payday, so no panic. Then I find next to his side of the bed, hidden behind a pillow, a large bottle of half-drunk wine and a half bottle of whiskey. Now, I know he has been hiding this stuff forever... but what really got me is that I haven't had enough money to get groceries to make my daughter a decent packed lunch for school, and he is out buying excess whiskey and wine, in addition to the beer I scraped money up for to get for him. He told me the day before he had no money (I really needed a couple of dollars) but apparently he did, and spent it at the liquor store.

              So - I'm mad about the money, and I'm mad that he hides like that. I also understand, in that I'm an alchie myself, the need to make sure you don't run out.

              Some of your comments intrigue me - is there really a thrill about hiding? Is it linked to a person's need for autonomy? Is he just afraid that if I know it's there I'll drink it? (which has happened on rare occasion). And what do I do about the way I feel? Do I bitch at him? I want him to feel awful about the fact that I couldn't get bread for my kid because he spent whatever dollars he found on whiskey - but is that just plain mean?? Would it do any good? If I made him face the reality of it, would it help him to come closer to joining me on the quest for sobriety?????????


                Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

                I used to do that too Adagirl.
                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe


                  Do you do it in the Bedroom !!

                  Imatree, I've also been there too !!

                  Ask hubbie for ?10.00 ($20.00) to go shopping - bread, milk etc but make sure I bought the alcohol 1st then worked the bread and extras around it.

                  I used to feel really bad when kids wanted even a small treat but I wouldn't have had enough for alcohol and treats !!!!

                  Maybe I am admitting too much ??
                  My only saving grace is, that the last couple of months is I have stopped drinking.
                  I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                  I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                  Marilyn Monroe

