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Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

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    Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

    Thanks all ....

    Don't know how she could ever have heard that song .....

    Its just strange .....

    Thanks again, BB xx


      Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

      Maybe it's not that song - has she hummed the music to you? Perhaps she is gifted and composes music/lyrics in her head to give a voice to things that are going on in her life?

      Take care


        Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

        Hi BB, this is really interesting, looking forward to more replies.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

          Has she ever heard Solitary Man, by Neil Diamond? It has that kind of tune that stays with goes "I'll be what I am, a Solitary Man...etc. it popped into my mind and looked up the words. I think Johnny Cash did it too...just a thought.


            Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

            Betty Boop...what an very awesome song...I'm quite fascinated that she would hear that during a seizure...that she would 'tap into something on the unconscious level' and that the lyrics are so profound (to me, anyway)..she may not have heard it consciouslly, but she apparently has heard it on the group consciousness level...without going into my way of looking at it...I think we all want to be seen as we really are, on the deepest levels...I wouldn't question it, I would just accept it as a 'gift' given to her by something much bigger than the seizure.


              Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

              Di, I would like to believe that she hears music rather than suffers, as we do watching the seizures .........

              Thanks again everyone,

              BB xx


                Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

                Because no-one really knows what the brain actually does (not that some of us would know cos we haven't got one !!) but maybe she has psychic tendencies at the point of the seizure starting ?
                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe


                  Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

                  thats a good song

                  i dont know the song but i quite like the lyrics, betty boo u r 1 tough bird, thanks 4 the advice an lovely words u have said to me , u always seem so positive , how old is your daughter,
                  :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                    Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

                    Dear Betty, so sorry to hear of your little girls problem. As you are probably aware
                    most people get a warning when they are about to have a seizure, mostly they smell
                    burning or flowers etc. Your daughters is not that unusual at least it's not an unpleasant
                    warning,perhaps she is musical, she also sounds very bright, the title of the song is very
                    profound, I'm sure you give her lots of support and talk about how this epilepsy makes
                    her feel. She will probably grow out of it as she gets older. You can be sure that it's
                    just you and her dad that suffer when she has these awful seizures, she will know nothing
                    and remember nothing. Thats left for you.
                    I do sympathise with you and can only imagine how you must feel, but medical science
                    is forever coming up with new treatments/cures. The future is bright.
                    Love Paula x


                      Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

                      Thanks again everyone .... Rachel she is 10

                      Love & Hugs, BB xx


                        Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

                        bless her, she sounds like a lovely girl, my lad is also 10,
                        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                          Can I pick your brains ...pretty please??

                          I see it as a message from a Higher Self confirming that she is being looked after - for she is truly a blessed child.
                          A BushBaby with Attitude

