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Liver damage question (for all of you pseudo Doctors...HA!)

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    Liver damage question (for all of you pseudo Doctors...HA!)

    Ok, so - I had a complete blood panel a few weeks ago and all of my levels are within the "normal" range (thank GOD!!!). I had been FREAKED OUT that I may have caused damage to my liver with all of my wine guzzling over the last few years AND it seemed like the whites of my eyes had a bit of "yellow" tinge to them (not devil like, or anything, and probably not even noticeable to anyone else - it just seemed a bit yellowish when I would pull my eyelid "out" and look at the bottom white part of my eyeball). If I HAD caused damage to my liver or kidneys, would a blood test have shown this for sure? What about cirrhosis - would that show up in a standard blood test? I'm VERY cautiously doing a little "happy dance" over here now that all of my blood work came back in the "perfect" ranges but before I do a full on salsa or rumba I just want to be sure I have the right to... )

    Hope you're all doing well - I am 8 weeks and two days sober now. TOOT TOOT!!! (that's me tooting my own horn...HA!)

    Hope you've got your reading hat on,Cali............

    Cirrhosis of the Liver Stages, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

    Luckily the liver is a very forgiving organ and it normally takes 8 to 12 weeks after giving up alcohol to get back to normal. Ask the doctor if you can repeat the test in another 3 months AF for your own peace of mind if nothing else............and try not to overthink're doing the right things in the right order.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Cali, congrats on 8 weeks sober, keep up the great work.

      Oh i remember my first blood test after 8 years of drinking and 4 weeks of non drinking. AND all was good. I studied those results for hours trying to pick something, some damage i had done. I did figure that the dr would not hide anything from me so i had to believe them. As JC said have another test in a few months.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

