Those rose coloured glasses fell off long ago! I only think about the hell it dragged me into and how I have no desire to go back. But I did think about how I got here. And I don't think my jobs helped. My first job was with an alcoholic dentist and we used to drink whiskey every night after work, I was 17! This went on for a good few years and then I got into sales and recruitment. I was doomed!! We drank if we did a deal & we drank if we lost a deal. We wined and dined our clients.
I guess I was destined for a drink problem..... or did I pick those jobs because of all the booze it allowed?? It was so sociable!
So I was wondering how others fell into it. Because it sure does creep up on you! But funny how you're the last to know.
I fessed up today to a new friend "that I had an alcohol problem" which was massively brave of me as she is the first person I have told that never knew me 3 years ago! Gulp!