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One Step at a Time - February 2017

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    Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017


    One step at a time, yep, that is how I need to do it. One of my many past mistakes was thinking to far ahead, so I am trying to stay and think in the moment.

    I am looking forward to reading more here and getting to know the members here. I'll be glad when my head clears a little, I have felt so dumb lately, I can't remember things and comprehend, oh my, I don't even want to try to think on that.
    Last drink 02/17/2017


      Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

      Hi Changes,welcome!
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

        Hi Changes. Great to meet you. Congratulations. Glad to have you join us. :goodjob:
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

          Hey all,Nora are you all packed? Went to IHOP and had some waffles with pralines on them,a ham,eggs and a few bites of hashed browns EVEN though I'm supposed to be cleaning up my eating,hubs ordered a ham steak,sausage and bacon and rolled it up trying to be all'low carb" (even though he dribbled it in syrup haha think we'll go try the Chik Fil A that just opened,,oops scratch that I think they're closed Sunday grrr,we'll at least go try to do something, AG,how's your day going so far? Liz,always love the pics on Facebook, need some Lucy though WF,how's things with you? Techie,hope you're safe and dry,Rusty hope you're enjoying some down time,Chances,feel free to post and share anytime I need peeps to hang with throughout the day haha,enjoy the day AF
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

            SK,sorry about the tooth,is it super noticeable? Like I said on the daily they'll be able to file it down
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

              Hello all. Big welcome to Changes. Happy to hear the dental procedure went well, SK. I am safe and dry Pauly. Hi to Nora, Liz, AG, WF, etc all. Any news re: Mama? I miss her!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

                Mama is hanging in there. Her MIL is doing better than she was.
                Things are not going great for her - having to downsize & move, looking for a job, etc. But, you know Mama. Always finding the bright side.
                I love her.

                I miss her & Fennel & Sunshinedaisies.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

                  Originally posted by NoraC View Post
                  Mama is hanging in there. Her MIL is doing better than she was.
                  Things are not going great for her - having to downsize & move, looking for a job, etc. But, you know Mama. Always finding the bright side.
                  I love her.

                  I miss her & Fennel & Sunshinedaisies.
                  Thanks Nora. Yes, miss them as well xoxo
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

                    Nora,I knew Mama was looking for a different house but I didn't realize that she was switching jobs too,stressful
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

                      MAE, I am puzzled why everybody here wants cash - no paper trail. I had 2 coffee dates today. First was a man who asked me to join him for breakfast. He was very interesting and had been a pathologist/movie extra/ photography/pilot. I spent 2 delightful hours with him. He showed me on his iPad some great photographs and then some umm, "personal" shots popped up. Surprised, but not offended. My 2nd "date (more coffee) was a guest here at the hotel and we had a pleasant chat. He was here to buy land for a hotel, and his sellers would only transact in cash too.

                      I am not a conspiracy theorist, but this lack of paper trail has led me to wonder if this "dental destination" isn't a money laundering facility for the cartel. Dentists equipment and offices are immaculate and only 15-30% of US dentists. Hmm.

                      If the dentist had cash/credit machines, I wouldn't be in this predicament. Dental Departures is who you initially deal with and I'm all over them like a rash. All will be solved Tuesday stateside. Got into it with the dental hygienist yesterday.

                      I hope they can file my fang down.

                      Nora, I loved the positive post. I tried something similar myself. I loved the story of the glow sticks. Although you may not realize, you show us grace and compassion every single day.

                      Welcome, Changes. We have a couple of members here on a restart who are doing well so you are in good company.

                      Techie, you are in the middle of the flooding area, as usual stay safe.

                      Getting some rest Rusty?

                      Liz, you need to be very proactive on the empty nest syndrome. A couple of my friends were not and spent a lot of time "mourning their full nest" Hubs didn't appreciate it and kids said, "please get a life, the chapter has turned". It was hard for her to hear that, but she started volunteering and knitting and feels far more accomplished.

                      Wildflowers and AG, you both continue to do well and have slipped back into normal living.

                      Nursie, you inspire me, you wonderful woman.

                      Pauly, haven't been to an IHOP in ages and your breakfast sounded scrumptious. I always feel better with a gigantic breakfast.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

                        Hey all. Beautiful Sunday here. Spent a lot of time outside. Walked, washed Erin's car and sat on the front steps with the kids, just like when they were little :love: CJ and I made lasagna which she will take some of to joe in St Croix. Really a pretty darn good day!

                        Changes, welcome! Please do hang out here with us!

                        Pauly, I haven't been to IHOP in ages! Hubby and I would go there on Friday nights after he worked late and I had to be up early on a Saturday to work. Those were the days! Did you see my picture today of Lucy? She loves the park!

                        Skendall, I will manage to keep myself busy when the kids are out. I would never impose upon them. Life moves on, I know. The kids joked about it today as we were walking, "she can't wait for us to get out!" (Meaning me). "She's already gave the baby my room!" (Mark). Gotta love them!

                        Techie, I'm friends with mama on FB and although she doesn't post much, she posts positive things. Always looking at the bright side that one.

                        Nora, I did not all that about Mama. Thanks for filling in some of the blanks. Let her know we were asking for her!

                        Rusty, AG, glassie, hello. Hope you're doing ok. Wishing you all a quiet restful AF Sunday night!


                          Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

                          Hi friends! A good day here . . . I had 15 people for lunch. They were from my church so no need to bother with do I serve wine, etc. Water, soda, and coffee all around! It went well. I made a meat and a veggie lasagne (Liz! great minds think alike!). It took a little more energy than I expected as I did everything myself. Last night, while cooking, I had the nagging "wouldn't it be nice" thought which I quickly got rid of by watching 2 hours of the Crown on Netflix in the kitchen on my laptop. (It was perfect, my thoughts were completely consumed.) The good news is, this morning as I was driving to church, I thought, wow, how nice it is to have a clear head. I would have been through a bottle or more and felt like crap. This was so much better, I could focus on the people I was hosting and not my physical and emotional struggles. Such a relief.

                          It took all I could muster energy-wise to cook for the boys tonight! Even with a big meal at 1:00pm, they are ready for their dinner. With hubs gone, we've eaten out the last two nights which is a lot for them. So thankful I didn't have to nap this afternoon to "sleep it off" and could motivate myself to cook a quick healthy meal for my boys. They were so happy.

                          Thanks for asking about Mama, I was wondering how she was doing. Please tell her hello!

                          SK, I have heard that statistic about empty nesters going to the bottle. Retirees too. Change is tough.

                          Sorry for the ramble!! Make it a great Monday all! AG


                            Nora, you truly are a blessing to many of us here!
                            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                              Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

                              Glad you were able to log on Cowboy. Zach wrote back and said it was fixed. :welldone:
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Re: One Step at a Time - February 2017

                                Quick check in for me before bed. Helped CJ pack, she leaves Wednesday. She is bringing a lot of household things. Her suitcase weighed 77 lbs! She rearranged everything and then we realized it was 77 kilograms. We had a good laugh:congratulatory: She's all set to go all within her allotted weigh limits. She is pretty excited.
                                Another lovely day outside today! I did walk, but my stomach has been off the last few days, so I took it a little easy.
                                Hope you're all doing ok and wishing us all restful AF night!

