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Time for me to be honest

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    Time for me to be honest

    Elizabeth, I agree with Simey. Keep posting if only to remind me
    of the exciting life you lead, and the boring one I have. I'm jealous.
    Love Paula. x


      Time for me to be honest

      Hi Elizabeth..ditto to More2Life as well. Lord knows in my best intentions to love and be compassionate, I can find a way to piss somebody what the '#&$)+! I am learning slowly not to take people's response to me personally..if I trigger something in them that makes them uncomfortable..well, I know that basic psychology will have them throw it back at me if they can't handle, sometimes I pray for them, sometimes I walk softly and try to find diplomatic ways to say what I need to say..after all, if I want someone to hear me, I can take the time to figure out a way to speak to them in a way that they can hear me..sometimes I have the patience to do that, sometimes I don't. I also know that often times, people reflect back to me (in their responses to me) my own feelings that I've yet to, if you are angry or pissed off about, whatever, chances are that you will trigger that same emotion from's's's what happens when humans try to I would just offer to you my own understanding of that phenomenon and what I'm learning to do with try to see what they are trying to show me (unconsciously of course..this phenomenon is activated and lived out on the unconscious level..with the only motive being to bring the unconscious to the conscious any way possible...almost always through projection or reflection).

      You are certainly a gift here to many as you have giving our gifts in our own unique way, we always recieve them...unfortunately, it's not always comfortable, convenient or easy..or pretty.

      Keep giving your gift Elizabeth, I always get something from what you share.


        Time for me to be honest

        Elizabeth. I don't know who you are pissing off. You aren't pissing me off.
        I am glad you are here

        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


          Time for me to be honest

          I, too, really enjoy reading your posts.
          As far as I'm concerned it's just like people complaining about what's on the radio or television--if you don't like it turn it off--so if you don't like a post- don't read it!!


            Time for me to be honest

            hi elizabeth..just carry on along your changing journey. we all have bad days . we appreciate your diversity and honesty so carry on psoting please. good luck keeping sober too,

            regards Cassy


              Time for me to be honest

              Elizabeth, I always appreciate your posts, and love that you are here. We aren't here to please others, we are here to help ourselves heal. We each have our own path we take towards the same goal. Hugs to you.
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Time for me to be honest

                Thanks all of you. As always I appreciate your warmth and words. XXX
                A BushBaby with Attitude


                  Time for me to be honest

                  Glad you feel better Elizabeth!!!



                    Time for me to be honest

                    okay, elizabeth. now you did kind of ruffle my feathers. lol i mean you post this post about how upset you are and you are never going to post again. then all these people send you all this love and respect and admiration. then the next time i check in as i've been waiting forever to hear you post something. you send a one liner that says thanks?????? like that is it?????? like you've received 5 billion emails of respect and you send a one liner that says thanks??? wow, i'm going to say, hummm elizabeth is just some kind of busy or something cuz otherwise that just left me way hanging. i've been waiting days to hear some extraordinary eliz story. lol so help a girl out elizabeth. your life sounds so huge. please post an elizabeth story as boots is having a very rough day back and could use an elizabeth story for pure depth, reflection and inspiration. smiles


                      Time for me to be honest

                      So Elizabeth, who the hell are you girl? What articles, journals etc have you been written up in? I am serious. I would love to read about you. You are incredible. You have written a book or what & been published? Yes? Can you say Dear?

                      You are always welcome here as far as I am concerned. I love your stories when you come on here after going to the club. Honest.


