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One Step at a Time - March 2017

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    Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

    I hope you had a happy Sunday Steppers! I had a better day today. I had a chance to talk about some of my feelings and hear some of his. We took the boys to a movie (we saw Hidden Figures, they saw Lego Batman, ha ha). He agreed it was really good to get out of the house with them and not be at a school function.

    Safe travels Nora! I'm sure you are ready to get back home.

    Techie, how goes it? Are you still on the Big Island? One of my favorite places in the world (so far)!

    Rusty, where are you off to this week?

    Liz, you are so busy with family and work right now! But really fun stuff. I hope you can rise above the details and enjoy this special time with your girls.

    Tomorrow, I see my psychiatrist. I will tell her about the sadness. She may have some recommendations for couples counseling. I will also be able to tell her about starting Week 7!! Woot woot!! I never thought I'd be able to say that . . .


      Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

      Thanks Cowboy. Slight chance of a sprinkle of snow tonight.
      Got a lot done. Not everything. Really sad what a bitter, negative person my brother is. Poor health: extremely overweight, bad knee, back. Needs surgery. COPD, etc. Always short of breath.
      But, I think we've made it thru without a major blow up. My son has been able to bite his tongue most of the time that my brother raised his voice to me. DS did say something to his uncle yesterday to shut him up.
      It's sad. This whole trip has been walking on eggshells.
      I dont know why he is this way. But, I am going to continue to use gratitude and optimism and love in my life.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

        7 weeks!!!!!!!!!!:yay:
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

          Lizzylou!Were you able to get Joe's mother to contribute ANYTHING to the wedding or the shower? It's supposed to be 40 degrees here and sunny. I am going to walk on the lake path. Do you give up anything for Lent? I gave up sweets because it seems like my clients think I like, want or need them? WANT them...yes. NEED, no. UGH. Such a struggle. Reading posts on The Sugar Free Challenge helps me, though.

          Rusty, Erin's baby shower is first 4/22. Dans mother was here the other night and said she would like to split the cost with me:welldone: Cjs shower will be during the summer and I will pay for a lot of it, but the bridesmaids typically pay for that one. We don't observe lent. I had to make a chocolate run today. I don't think I'd be good at lent. Hope you enjoy your walk. We managed a quick walk around the block with Lucy, but it was chilly.

          AG, glad you got to go on a date. I'm glad you were able to talk to hubby a bit. I open things just keep getting better with him. Does he even know there's anything amiss with your relationship. I know sometimes my hubby is totally clueless. I need to literally spell it out for him.

          Nora, love seeing all our positivity. You are handling this amazing well! I'm glad you're not letting your brother get to you. He sounds like a ver unhappy person trying to bring all around him down too. Enjoy the almost snow!

          Cowboy, you can hers the northern lights? Definitely on my bucket list! Maybe someday.

          Pauly, Louie looked sooo handsome at his party today. He sure looked like he was having a good time!

          Waiting for CJ to come home. Her plane lands at midnight. Joes dad will pick them up. I have missed her. Have no idea how much progress they made on the house. I can't imagine it will be ready n sept.
          Very sad news here today. A very beloved lifelong family friend passed away this morning. He had a massive heart attack Thursday night and was on life support. His daughter and I were best friends back in the day and while she moved away we kept in contact with her parents. Just heart broken. So I guess there will be a funeral this week. . I just saw him and he was fine, just that quick.
          Wishing us all a great AF week:love:


            Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

            Liz - sorry to hear that
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

              Hello Steppers. I am back home. Kona was wonderful but glad to be back home. Sorry to hear about your family friend, Liz. It is a good reminder to us all to embrace every single day, and to keep in the now. Goodnight you beautiful people. xoxo
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                Hi dill – if you’re reading this, please join us. This is a very safe place to be. And if you're a friend of the lovely Rusty you're even more welcome (if that's possible).

                Ag – I’m so sorry you’re feeling sad. I hope your therapy will help. And congratulations on week 7 – that is really a great achievement.

                Nora – I had an argument with my sister on Saturday about guess what? Yep – Our aging parents! For the first time in my life I stood up for myself and she actually apologised with genuine remorse. (TWICE!!). I think that’s the first time in 55 years.

                Hi Liz – I’m so sorry about your friend. We also lost a very longstanding friend a couple of weeks ago and although he was old and it was expected it was still terribly sad. His wife passed away a few years ago and they were like an uncle and aunt to me.

                But in more positive news - Gee things are getting exciting for you this year. You must be beside yourself! We do have baby showers here and some people still do it the traditional way but my kidlings are not realy that kind. We have a lot of informal BBQ type parties here so instead of a shower they had a very big BabyQ, with friends flying in from all over Oz and overseas.

                Although the grandbabe is only 5 months old, she’s already flown interstate several times, been to several galleries and concerts and attended her first womens’ rights rally. And she started yoga this morning, LOL. I want her life!

                Last edited by Glass Half Empty; March 6, 2017, 02:57 AM.
                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                  Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                  Good Morning, Friends!

                  After a relaxing weekend (well, mostly), it is back to work for me. I woke up in a state of sadness and it feels like a cloud looming over me. I had $2,800 worth of maintenance done on my truck a little over a week ago and then on Friday night, the engine light went on and my truck is making some loud noises. $$$. UGH. I was supposed to be in Chicago today, consulting with my favorite client. I cancelled because I don't feel like driving and hour and 40 minutes when something is clearly wrong. I just hate to disappoint people and I know he's going to be disappointed. It's back to my mechanic...again. Time to look for a new vehicle. I think it was AG who asked where I am off to this week...tomorrow, I leave for Detroit and I will be home Thursday night.

                  Glassie:heartbeat:you are so sweet...your granddaughter is 5 months already?? Where did the time go? Sounds like she is an experienced and cultured traveler already!

                  Nora-you must be so relieved to be back in California! You must have been born in CA if you have never seen snow. Come to WI. We have snow. Hahah! So sorry about your brother's poor health and attitude. What a downer. So glad you are mentally and physically healthy.

                  Liz:happy2:I am SO sorry I assumed you observed Lent. I should not have done so. I am not very good at it. So sorry to hear about your, what a shock. I will be thinking of you today. So glad CJ is coming home soon. It sounds like you have both showers under control. What an achievement! Good job

                  AG-CONGRATULATIONS ON 7 WEEKS!!!! Wow, so proud of you. Maybe you hit the nail on the head...your husband said he enjoyed getting out with the kids and having fun instead of the obligatory school functions. Maybe the two of you spending time with your kids in fun settings it what you both need. Just thinking...;-) I am delighted you had a better day yesterday.

                  Techie-so happy for you that you enjoyed Kona but coming home was a good feeling as well. Thanks for popping in!

                  Pauly-what's up with you today?

                  Cowboy-we don't have any snow here right now and it's supposed to be 60F today...but it's cloudy.

                  Big hellos to everyone I missed...happy AF Monday!
                  Last edited by Rusty; March 6, 2017, 07:55 AM.


                    Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                    Morning all! Rusty, I hope my cloud didn't pass across the lake to you! Sorry about your car trouble. Maybe its time for a new mechanic?? I hate dealing with that stuff, so stressful.

                    Just to clarify, I'm STARTING my week 7. I am always one to celebrate though so why not??!!

                    Speaking of celebrating, pauly, what's new?? What was Louie's favorite birthday present?

                    Welcome home Techie! You too Nora!

                    Glassie, the babyQ idea cracked me up. We do that here too, sometimes they call it a "couples" shower.

                    Liz, thanks for your thoughts. He is probably clueless to a point, I hope I gave enough very direct "clues" in our talk yesterday. This marriage is not all about my drinking or not drinking. That is a cop out and not ok.

                    More later! Happy unhungover Monday all, my favorite kind of Monday - AG


                      Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                      Hey all,way to go on 7 weeks AG Glassy,can't believe your grand baby is 5 months already! Nora,safe travels home,big waves to everyone else, I'm feeling groggy this morning but wanted to wish everyone a great AF Monday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                        AG-aw, thanks...I like this mechanic....I think he might be the only honest mechanic around in my area. I need a newer vehicle, I think. Good for you for STARTING WEEK 7. I read your posts in The Newbies Nest. You are so very kind to others when they need support. Thank you for being here with us. It's an honor. No, don't worry about "your cloud" floating across the lake to me, silly girl. Hey, did I tell you that I lost my client in Spring Lake, MI? I am so disappointed..I love that part of the state. SIGH. I think the Lake Michigan shore is beautiful there.

                        Pauly-How was Louie's birthday party??? Did you have a theme? What about the food? I told my doctor that I am not obsessed with food...I Just think about it all the time. Hahhahaah!!! I hope you have nice clients today but I know the 1st part of the month is hard because people on assistance have received their checks...sending positive vibes to you from the Land of Cheese.


                          Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                          Good morning everyone!
                          Rusty, please don't feel bad that u assumed I observe lent. So not a big deal. May I ask how old your vehicle is? I hope it gets all straightened out. We have friends in ST Joe MI and loved visiting there. For this jersey shore gal a Great Lake experience was very unique and we loved it! Enjoy Detroit, if that is possible.

                          AG, those 6 weeks went so fast! One day at a time. Therapist today, right? I hope she/he has some insight for you!

                          Glassie, grandbaby sure gets around. She will be a very well rounded young lady, for sure.
                          BBQ for a shower is a great idea. Sadly we could only do that a few months a year. I enjoy planning a party. Oddly enough for me it's more fun to plan than to attend

                          Pauly, I'm sure you're exhausted from Louie's party yesterday.

                          Nora, safe travels

                          Techie, thank you for your kind words. I couldn't agree more.

                          Dill, we welcome you to join our group here. I feel like I know you a bit from other threads.

                          Wishing everyone a great AF Monday.


                            Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                            Hey all. Guess everyone is busy today? A bit upset and I just wanted to vent. Forgive me please. Got the details for the wake and funeral. Wake is Thursday, funeral Friday. Fridays I work a ten hour shift by myself. Ann works four days a week , 10 hours a day. I asked if I could switch a day with her so I could go to the funeral. She said via text "can't switch, dad has dermatologist appt". I will go to my boss tomorrow and let her know I need the day. I don't know if I'm being unreasonable here, but I cover a lot of your days and switch for you.
                            Just don't know how I can work with her tomorrow.


                              Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                              Sorry Liz eff her! You've covered for her at least a gazillion times over the years for nonsense reasons and she can't possibly cover you just this once for a funeral?!? What a witch I'm still tired,hubs is totally tired and burnt out but refuses to admit it was from too many coronas at Louie's birthday party,I knew he'd feel like poop cuz he's not used to drinking regular beers,usually a few light ones but last night he was drinking quite a few( for him anyways) I cheated and smuggled in a bottle of diet coke, that's my once in awhile treat Nora,hope you're home safe,Liz,try not to be upset,it'll all work out,much love to all
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: One Step at a Time - March 2017

                                Hi all - Liz, unbelievable. Well, I guess it fits with the pattern of her behavior so it it not that surprising. I am so sorry to hear of your friend's passing. I'm also sorry that you feel you have to fight to be there for the funeral, but stick to it, you NEED to be there. What would happen if you talked to her tomorrow? Anne, this is a dear family friend and I'm sure you understand I have to be with their family and mine at the funeral. I've covered for you quite a bit this year, is there any way you could rearrange your dad's appointment or find him another ride? Even if she says no to your face, you might feel better. Or not! Hang in there . . .

                                Psychiatrist today, not the therapist. Do you ever watch that show "my 600 lb life"? They go into the doctor and immediately get weighed. The doctor is either mad at them or proud of their progress. I felt like that today! The doctor was very happy with the progress and said just keep doing what you are doing. It felt good.

                                Unfortunately, I've caught a little cold so off to bed early for me.


