Humm....just signed on only to see if you checked in yet. Somebody better put out an APB!
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hey where u gone, i t wasnt beef it was lamb! come bk i aint had a chance to chat to u yet, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx i mannaged not to shake an spill gravy on old age pensioners !!!:upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!
Wow, I can't believe all of you that care this much. I appreciate it, but just don't feel like I deserve this type of attention. You know when you feel down on yourself, you're not able to accept anything good from others? I'm like that. I've been getting bad lately, but I'm on the right track. I was indeed on vacation for a bit, down Huntington Beach. Had a blast, but did get food poisoning one day. The irony. I go down there to get healthy with some fun and sun, and end up getting deathly ill from FOOD. Haha. God can be such a wise ass, huh? When I came back, I had a lot to catch up on. I also took a part time job to help me out. Idle hands are not a good thing for me. Well, after a busy week last week, I got destroyed beyond comprehension this weekend. I decided to not drink yesterday, and that would be my punishment day(the beautiful withdrawals.) I'm embarrassed, and deserve to be. But, the silver lining is this. I'm going to be good about taking my medicine. I'm going to go back to working out, and eating and sleeping right, taking my vitamins and supps. I miss how good I felt sober. So, thank you all for your support. I look forward to coming back on here with positivity and support for others that are struggling. I may have to go through a few days of being a bit off until my body and brain are back in the swing of things. I don't know why I started drinking again. I'll have to back track. I think it's because I realized my life was far from what I thought it should be, and it was enough to bring me down big time. Anyway, come tonight, its already 2 full days. Looking forward to treating myself to a good meal tonight. Isn't it wonderful to actually taste food? haha. Especially when you cook like me!! Okay, sometimes I can give myself props.where does this go?
told u every 1 was worried! u sound much happier, dr is possibly gonn a give me librium i get results fri, shitting myself a bit really, been a long long time since i ve had even 1 af day, i also used to b quite partial to tranqs , a friend used to get hold of all sorts i dont want to b dependant on anything, but i think in a post some 1 sujal i think said they only give librium temporarily 4 withdrawels, if u r so good at cooking get your butt over an help me with the pensioners roast, its shaky gravy day again 2morr, start swimming u may make it, prob wont b much later than i usuall am, xx:upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!
Hey Luv, how you've been. I got a lot of posts to catch up on. I remember you were having a hell of a time with some things in your life. Hoping they worked out. I appreciate the love. I don't think I need to tell you, or anybody else on this board, that our biggest problem is usually not loving ourselves. Well, I'm ready to give it another go. Oh, I've also come to the realization that I am an EXTREMELY sore loser. Think that is why I just self destruct if I fail at anything. I gotta work on that.
Rachel, I love your posts. They are hilarious. I would cook for you if I ever make it to England. Would love to get there, if I would just stop blowing my money on my manic Rendezvous ? haha. Its good to laugh at oneself. :Hwhere does this go?
yes y should every one else have te fun at our expense, u got to b able to laugh at yourself as well, thought u was off, xx i shud b in bed, bloody wizz!!! its 2,30 here am:upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!
Next time don't leave it so long, maybe you were missing us too much?
We did miss your posts, good luck staying AF.I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.
Marilyn Monroe
Morrison, you are right, when we are "failing", we don't love ourselves much, and feel we should'nt be loved, but not on this site..this is where we all get to be at whatever stage we are without judgement, cuz we've all just about suffered the samethings... Hate that about the food fun, I've had that too....can really ruin a good time! lol I'm glad you are back buddy, we'll all hang in there together!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
hi morrison cant rember if i sent u a pm or not, but wanted to say im feeling happier today, mainly when i read your mess , thank u so much, if i cud give u a hug i would xx have a cyber hug, xxxxx if u had come on a "holiday" to my cafe4 a roast u wouldnt a got food poisioning , i hope u r feelin good in yourself, u have done a good thing talkin to me, u give me some hope, lots a love rach,p,s , a member called ghostman i think cud benefit from talkin to u, he is 24 an havin a ruff time, drug s an beer, u made a lot a sense 2 me, just a thought, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!
rachel, I'm so glad you are feeling better, and I'm glad I can help in any way. The great thing about this site, well one of many great things, is you find you truly are not alone regardless of how much of a mess things are at the time. I mean, we have so many stories on this board. We all have done so many things we feel bad about. But, you read the success stories from people that were so low, and lost so much, and you can say, Damn! If they can do it, so can I. And its true. I'm feeling great again, and I'm only on day 4. You have to believe. You have to believe that you are going to get better with each sober day. I got such a good sleep last night, and woke up feeling so fresh. I didn't have nightmares, had a good breakfast, and I'm not ashamed of the way I behaved this past weekend. See, you need to dry out, and the shame will go away. Why? Because alcohol is a serious depressant. When your body is loaded with booze and drugs, you get depressed. Guilt is depression's ugly twin. So, you feel guilty, and need to escape. So, the cycle continues. You have to believe me when you get sober, the depression and the guilt will subside. It's like working out. No pain, no gain. At first, you will go through some pain. But, just like working out, if you tough it out, you will get those gains. I know you can do this rachel. Just go with us one sober day at a time. And you can PM me as much as you like. Take care.where does this go?
wow, that was very powerful morrison. sage wisdom from a man who knows. uh hum. yes it does feel good to get a good nites sleep even if it means nite sweats out the booze. as that seems to be my detox program. i am very happy you are back in the groove morrison you've been here quite some time and you are a part of this program. like a table needs legs you are one of those legs to the table. congrats on your day 4. and i picture you all thin and such so make sure you are eating very healthy. boots:welcome: