I made the willful & conscious personal choice to refrain from posting for a short time. I chose not to fully disclose my very personal reasons at the time .
My personal hurt, was in no way personal to anyone else. However I trust when this occurs (more so when completely unitentionally) & I or anyone chooses to speak about it, when I give my opinion, the other person will very likely take it personally. And indeed everyone involved. They may feel guilty that they caused a hurt (although they shouldn't because they did not choose to hurt someone and it was not their fault) and vulnerable because they didn't mean to do so. No-one, (very understandably) wants or wishes to to feel this way. The 'perceived' shame & fear may be directed back at me, the 'percieved' source of the negative feelings if they don't understand my perspective. I understood & accepted this. People fear what they don't understand. And clearly my choices did not make sense to many others except me & I am only human & cannot bear anyone else's thoughts,feelings,opinions, only my own. But I am also only human so I had to stop reading and posting to process & to let go of them.
I am very much answerable to my choices & my choices alone.
The truth is, my truth is I have been here along time. Since I've been back I've met lovely new people. I may make some lifelong friends, who knows what the future has in store? However, some of my old friends are no longer here & regardless of who I meet, & not a criticism of you will never replace them & I miss them very much. Their help & support & journeys has made a part who I am today & I will not forget them & genuinely owe them my gratitude for the life I have today. I hope they're living the high sober life The truth is that I have no knowledge over this. Rightly so, I also have no control over their reality and it may be hopeless & desperate. I feel very real sadness & loss when I consider this. That is when I say my own personal prayer of gratitude. One of sacrafice of oneself for someone else. In the absence of knowledge that what they have said or done has had such a profound positive influence because it didn't at the time. (Thankyou Cymru, Evie & Phil hippy37 & G).
Although, not personal, unintentional and nobody's fault, a comment caused me to feel this loss but not in grateful way but in a shameful way. I trusted my judgement that to be open, & honest about my personal experience & reasons for feeling this way at the time may cause someone else to feel exactly the same way I would and didn't want to do that because it was not their fault. But still tried to stand up for my feelings & opinions in a more indirect way because they also matter & are equally important. To myself & my journey.
Sometimes I feel joyful & happy & grateful for all the positives in my life.
Sometimes I feel sadness & loss which requires a very special prayer of gratitude.
And sometimes I feel despondent & isolated & feel grateful I woke up that morning (because I didn't die in the middle of the night) and that makes me smile.
And sometimes I feel truly grateful for everything else and I feel truly whole.
I afforded myself what I knew & felt I really needed most, when I needed it most. Time & patience. And perhaps what anyone else involved needed too. I let go of my fears & shame (and yours) and listened. Although I (and perhaps you) can't see why sometimes. The choices we make are trustworthy. We just have to look back at them when in a safer place to see them xxx
Wishing all a safe & sober Weekend
Kind regards
Manisha's personal disclaimer. If anything I say or do disturbs you, at 10 weeks sober, it would be sensible to disregard it as thoughts, feelings & opinions of an emotionally unstable person or that I'm batshit crazy
