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One Step at a Time - April 2017

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    Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

    I saw this today and it really hit home with me. Being aware of my own bullshit and trying to change it really was the first step on this journey. I stepped back and looked at things and it really helped. Yes, there are many things going on around me but I have to be responsible for my own bullshit. Guess that's called growing up.

    Anyway, just thought I would share with you.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

      Love it, Nora! Thanks! Molly is SOO cute. How wish I could have a dog. I can't because I travel too much.

      Big hellos to everyone else. Off to bed.

      NE-Glad to see you checking in. You sound positive and productive. Sorry to hear about the dramatic AA meeting. :-( Bummer.

      Mama Bear is the one who coined Bacinabit.


        Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

        Sleep well Rusty :love:

        WF - I meant to tell you that it is a bougainvillea plant in the back yard. I know that the rhody parade is coming up in Florence, OR soon though.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

          Nora, thanks so much for the BS image. Don't like to admit it, but its true! Don't need sugar coating with this deadly addiction. Appreciate this, as need reminding. Read Nest and hope you post Belle here. Makes so much sense to me. That analogy is spot on. Thank you!.. Yes, Oregon has many flower festivals. Bet my neighborong state CA does too. Need to go to lavender festival in WA someday. Florence is a lovely coastal town. Fun with sandrails-buggies. Bougainvillea plant never heard of. It's pretty. Not sure if their native here. Looks familiar.

          Hi Rusty hope you get good sleep. Wished you could have a furbaby. Maybe, hopefully one day.

          Kids texted me and received 30 notice to vacate. Landlord is selling house. Hope & think they will give more time as they said they'd been good tenants. Letter was dated today. Sent them azag/gov link. Sounds like legally they have to give them to end of May. Was surprising hubs with a plane ticket at end of month as he's been missing his girls. Luckily, didn't buy. Not like him in family texts to use tear emoticons. He usually doesn't speak about his feelings, but has been more. He stopped in truck after lunch and teared up. I'm hungry and its getting close to ten. Think I'll wait. I'm sorry, shouldn't be talking of food. Poor Skendall she's on my mind too. Wished we could send her :sendflowers:

          Waves to everyone. :heartbeat:

          PS who thinks Liz took her ipad?


            Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

            Happy Suddenly Sunday

            WF - sorry about the notice to vacate. My son & DIL are not having any luck finding a place. I told them that they need to be persistent - keep getting out there and looking.. (And I laughed about Liz and the iPad.)

            SK - How are you feeling today? Any improvement in the pain?

            Techie - I am sending you much love and positive light :hug:

            Rusty - what have you been up today? Are you home for awhile so you can enjoy your fridge? I was dreaming about new furniture after the kids move out. lol

            Pauly - what have you been up to today? Having fun with Louie?

            AG - back in the swing of teenagers again? Son & DIL went to the movies yesterday with her family including her 6 year old niece. They both were talking about how she wore them out. :rotlf:

            Ne - how are you doing?
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

              Hope everyone has had a fantastic day! Catch you all tomorrow (I'm sneaking into bed early :namaste: )
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                Hi Steppers! I love the start to April, thanks so much Nora!

                I am well. Taking oldest boy tomorrow for a 3 day college tour so I may not be online much. We'll see. I hope everyone has a great start to the week.

                Last edited by actiongirl46; April 2, 2017, 10:10 PM.


                  Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                  Morning all,have fun AG I don't think Brady's college bound,he talks about it sometimes but I think he's thinking later on down the road,he's looking into the military but even though I'd be super proud I'd be super nervous, you guys know how I am with these kids...too nosy or something, overbearing maybe.yesterday was a really fun day,we made sandwiches and took Louie to the park,it was just nice to get out but I was jealous of the people next to us grilling hot dogs! That smell always entices me gonna make a protein shake with blueberries, vanilla powder,almond milk and coffee,it doesn't sound great but it works out pretty good, I hope we all have a great AF Monday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                    Pauly - those are the best times.

                    Hope everyone has a magical Monday
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                      AG, happy to hear your well!...Have fun touring college with your oldest son!.. Hope your wk is good too!... "Onward" :smile:

                      Pauly, I'd be scared to if one of my kids were thinking of joining or actually joining. How could anyone not be. Could be quite the opportunity for him to learn and grow. Of course you'd be proud. I think having open communication lines is invaluable for kids and us. My texts to kids, I usually say adult kids. Cause one isn't thrilled being called a kid anymore at almost 32. lol... Nice to have a day at the park with grandson. :smile:. I'll eat only one brand of hotdogs and that's once or twice a yr. Pick off most of bun. Younger days, I wouldn't eat them at all. Like Brats better and eat maybe a few-several times a yr. So good with mustard imo. Hard not to fire up the grill in nice weather. The smells oh the smells. Have been rather hungry lately. I ate a dounut yest. First time since can't member. Tho I do love dark chocolate. There's this bakery that makes divine carrot cupcakes with divine crm-ch frosting. Actually, your drink sounds really good. Never thought of using coffee with fruit. Have to give it a go.

                      Nora, happy magical Monday to you and all the Steppers. :smile: Do hope your son and DIL find a place soon. Sure their checking on-line. Probably a busy time of yr. Think there'd be vacancies somewhere in early spring. They probably are excited to find their own place. Just as you and hubs are excited. Prayed this AM. Hows your Mom doing?

                      Thankful for a clear head. Spent two hrs on phone scheduling various appts, tests and procedures. Back and fourth involving Ins too. Start PT tom for ankle. Glad my colonoscopy isn't due till next yr. Never want to see or drink gatorade - lemon lime ever again! Hubs is do tho. He wasn't going to go for his ten yr unless I said I'd do mine. Haha. Not telling him till after his procedure is done. Trying to sell items for customer today. Old Star Trek x-mas ornaments and some antiques. Making stroganoff with veggie later. Have to as have had meat marinating 24 hrs+.

                      Waves to everyone on "Magical Monday" :heartbeat:
                      Last edited by Wildflowers; April 3, 2017, 03:05 PM.


                        Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                        Hey all.

                        WF - how do you sell the items? Online? Glad you are getting PT for your ankle.

                        Pauly - I love taking a picnic to the park. Do you think Brady is serious about the military? I would be nervous too. How nice that you get to work with your daughter. I know I read that somewhere.

                        AG - enjoy the college trip. Is it just the two of you?

                        Ne - how are you doing?

                        Liz - I hope that you are having a fantastic time.

                        Rusty - where are you now?

                        SK - Sending you lots of positive energy

                        Techie - I'm also sending you lots of positive energy.

                        Hubby just put in Wizard of Oz so we're going to watch that.

                        Mom is very alert today but questioning about where she lived and who lives there, etc. Wanting to take a visit, etc. Finally got that focus changed. Now, she just said how wonderful it is how much we truly care about each other. :heartbeat: No matter how hard this is I am so grateful that I am able to honor my Mother this way.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                          Hi Steppers - Hope you are all well. Yes, Nora, it is just me and the HS junior (16 yr old). Our freshman (just 15 yr old) could not imagine touring a college campus. And, what would he do without a sporting event to watch or engage in?? :egad: They are so different, hubs and I decided to divide and conquer this spring break. So far so good.

                          Sk - How are you? I hope you are well. You too WF. Techie?

                          Nora - Thanks so much for the update on your mom. Wow, you are so good to your mom. I so admire that and (I think) so would she (maybe in an earlier time? maybe now?) I hope I didn't overstep with that comment. It doesn't matter, what matters is she AND you are happy, healthy and living your lives.

                          More later. Onward!


                            Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                            AG - thanks. We just laid down and she said to me...this has been a beautiful day.
                            She is so close to being mentally here at the moment but just not quite. She just asked if she had called her parents today. :sad: And no of course you didn't overstep at all. :hug:
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                              Hey Everybody,

                              Quick check-in and working a 10-hr. day on-site with a long commute to IL.

                              Nora-I am so glad that your mom sounded happy and makes all your care for her worth it, right? Love the Wizard of Oz.

                              AG-good luck with the campus exciting time for your son. Are things better between you and hubs?

                              Skendall-hope your pain has lessened and you can enjoy the day.

                              Techie dear-thinking of you and let us know if you are going the radiation route.

                              Big hellos to everyone else and happy AF Tuesday!


                                Re: One Step at a Time - April 2017

                                Hello everyone and thank you for your kind wishes, the support means a lot. I wrote a long post yesterday and lost it and was too tired to repost.

                                Pauly, it wasn't you on that thread. I always enjoy reading your kind and considerate posts. I can see you and Louie at the park with your sandwiches, eyeing the hot dogs! Also, does your oldest son have a trade he enjoys?

                                Nora, the picture of your mom with the glowsticks was beautiful, she looks happy. I teared up when I saw it. Thank you for introducing your mom to all of us. It has been a gift.

                                Rusty, thank you for asking. I am on the road to recovery and apart from some knee pain and the back pain which is localized, I am doing very well, still in bed though.

                                WF thanks for your newsy updates.

                                AG a 3 day trip with son sounds lovely and make it so that you can put the experience in your memory box.

                                Techie, pls keep us posted.

                                Where's Liz?
                                Enlightened by MWO

