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E needs to borrow your ego

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    E needs to borrow your ego

    Greetings, all--

    I posted about my messy apartment on the mods board:anon:

    The short of it is that my mess-making family is away and I have from 5 P.M. now and 1: A.M. to clean. Cleaning is everything from cleaning up an art school size supply of eviscerated paint tubes from under the piano to doing about 10 loads of laundry. Everything is a mess, gratis hubby and child.

    This is a barefaced request for cheerleading. I truly hate to clean but if I don't do it tonight and tomorrow morning (I've taken a half day off work) it isn't going to get done until the next time they both go out of town without me and that could be a year from now.

    So . . . anybody have any encouraging words?

    My "treat" is going to be to check back the Mods board every hour or so and report my progress.

    If anyone thinks of suggesting that I wait and get my husband to help me, please take into consideration that I've done that 5,308 times over a 27-year-relationship. He believes that he is exempt from such mundane chores because he is "an artist."

    Thanks so much for your support!

    :nutso: Eustacia

    E needs to borrow your ego

    Hi E,

    I posted on mods but know how you feel, so go girl go .....

    Clean like you've never cleaned before ....

    BB xx


      E needs to borrow your ego

      I HEAR YOU!!
      Same in my house - I'm a lousy housekeeper to begin with. Now with my partner (oh, i know the 'i'm an artist' thing - he's a writer) and his 3 kids over on the weekends and both of us alwasy tired from working drinking etc....

      Here's a trick I do when I'm desperate to get my house clean but can't get motivated - I invite people over for dinner or something. Why dont you call a friend and invite for dinner tomorrow night?

      Only other tip - turn the rock n' roll on loudly and get lost in the task ...... and promise yourself a treat in the end.


        E needs to borrow your ego

        anything arty that is to do with your husband, shove it it one place (in a bag?) out of the way of you and said child. the messier the way you do it the better.
        being an artist does not exempt him from being tidy in his work, especially if it is in the home, it is just an excuse 'i'm an artist!, it's how i am'. i was not expected to go to my OH's place of work to clean up after him fgs!

        get that washing on and tidy everything else, its hard enough without someone banging on about being artistic. that doesnt give them exemption to keeping their stuff in order.

        just re-read that, bad mood but i still mean every word!!!! just ignore the tantrum he should get the message that you will keep the flat in order but not his art area.

        hope i dont cause divorce lol



          E needs to borrow your ego

          Get a system. One room at a time so you can see your accomplishments! Get the most important room done first, the living area or the kitchen? Whichever one you hate doing the most, get it out of the way, then the rest should be easier.

          I feel for you E, I hate cleaning and thinking about doing it all day, YUCKY!! But once it is done you will feel sooo much better and then you can treat yourself with something wonderful. Go Go Go!!!
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            E needs to borrow your ego

            E -
            I think I would have to counter his cop out of being an artist type with responding that as his opposite, you know that he will also respect that you cannot live peacefully in such a mess. And as such, he is free to be "artisty", and you are free to be "cleany" I know that wasnt much help, but I would give him fair warning to do it himself and let him know you will not tolerate any criticism for your way of cleaning it up if he chooses to ignore it. Hummph. I've been round this tree before....
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              E needs to borrow your ego

              One thing I do. I "make a deal" with a friend. Clean my hosue (or her/his house) first and then do (mine/his).

              It is SO MUCH EASER to do someone else's mess than our own. (New perective, I thinnk)

              However 2 of us get the benefit from this!!

              I know how bad a messy place can make you feel.

              Figure out a way to clean it an go for it!!
              AF April 9, 2016


                E needs to borrow your ego

                AF April 9, 2016


                  E needs to borrow your ego

                  I agree with what everyone has said. Bag it up and disperse by room. Hubby bags he can do, not sure of the age of child but they can do more than we give them credit for. Also, inviting someone over is a HUGE motivator for me.

                  Good Luck, Drink some coffee or green tea.
                  Here we go again.

                  AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                    E needs to borrow your ego

                    Hi E. I am an artist too, I draw stick men. lol

                    Play a really great cd and attack it piece by piece. When I get overwhelmed I tell myself 30minutes for bathroom, 30 minutes for ......

                    Also check out the Container Store for really great organizing stuff. They will organize everything from earrings to -- doggy do bags - packs right onto the leash - love 'em.

                    You'll feel great when it's done.:goodjob:
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      E needs to borrow your ego

                      Get on the phone immediately and call a service!!! It is worth the cost!! Believe me!!! You can supervise!!! Do it!! I Iwish I had seen this sooner. Say it is an emergency. Look for an emergency cleaning service. TEhre must be one in NY


                        E needs to borrow your ego

                        You guys are the best! Chrysa, you crack me up. I would LOVE to call a cleaning service but how would they know where to put hubby dearest's stuff? As it is, he has anxiety attacks everytime I threaten to clean. P4T, so you've heard the artist line, too?

                        I'm into hour 3 and so far I've gotten a start on the laundry, fed all of the animals, walked the dog, almost finished the kitchen and now I'm going to tackle the most cluttered bathroom. Yes, he even has clutter in there!

                        More later and MANY THANKS!:thanks:

                        :heart: E

