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One Step at a Time - May 2017

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    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

    Hi friends, thanks for all the tips! I appreciate it. What is embarrassing is that you have had to write them to me before. Apparently, I need a LOT of repetition. Sigh.

    I am better today. My oldest had a band concert that was really nice. I will try to get back to the gym tomorrow.

    Onward!! AG


      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

      My mood lifted as I did my workout yesterday. Left feeling like I can up my time/miles as with doing the stretching prior to leaving rather than saying I will at home (not) I continue feeling good. Enjoying coffee this am.

      AG, I am sorry I didn't respond to your plea for help. Caught up in my own life plus new to being back on board made me feel inadequate. Like NS said though I have done exact same thing - think today's the day and come 5:00 it all changes. Last week and yesterday I admit there is a feeling of almost anger, more like "dang it" but if dinner is in the making and once I eat it dissapates. Last night dh said he was going to go over to our friend's who just lost his wife. He has 2 guys staying with him. Briefly, I thought well maybe I'll have a glass of wine. Instead I had ice cream. Dh came back quickly, no one home. Caught me eating Ben and Jerry's. Better than breaking my commitment to AF during week. So how are you today?

      Liz, what a fantastic shopping trip! Good for you. I used to love Old Navy but down here I find it caters more to teenagers. Last Fri I had some blood work done, then stopped in a store that my dd said had lots of dresses. Bought one. Am thinking it will be appropriate for funeral as it's navy. Sleeveless, but I never go anywhere without a sweater. I also have 2 black dresses I have never worn. I look horrible in black, but it's not about me. Will try them on end of week. At least I don't feel I need to add shopping to the list.

      Have a terrific Tuesday!
      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

        Rainy dreary morning here. Posted this in the nest.
        Well I drank Monday.
        Went through two 16 hour days of work in the rain, usually a big trigger (reward myself), got through that. Sunday a colleague, who I’ve worked with for over 30 years, has to be taken from work the job by ambulance to the emergency room. A brain aneurysm. Visit him in the hospital. Got through that.
        Mrs V and I talk about how me need to take better care of our selves. ( Not drinking, diet, exercise, etc.).
        Sunday, another friends husband collapses and dies, don’t know why yet, but probably something heart related. He was a smoker and drinker. He was only 35.
        Mrs V comes back from the store, has beer and wine, she has a glass of wine and hands me a beer. Bad case of the F-’its. I drink it and an then the next 5. Head for the Gin. Thankfully there’s only enough for 2 drinks.
        So the house is void of AL again and I am right back starting over.
        No, the AL made nothing better. I know better.
        And by the way, I am not in any way blaming Mrs. V. I was headed for the Gin anyway. I knew it was there. I’m not looking for sympathy, or platitudes, I know what I have to do.
        I’m keeping the AL out of the house.
        Wishing a great AL free day for everyone.
        Mr V


          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

          Pauly!? Miss you.
          Sending strength your way Techie!


            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

            Hi Mr V! Great job on picking yourself back up. I'm working on that myself. Despite my latest fall, I've still put in way more AF time since January than I have in over three years. I have to look at that as a positive. And I agree with you, I KNOW what to do, I just need to do it. Hang in there. I will too.

            TMH, you sound good. I'm happy for you. I also struggle with AL being such a part of the lifestyle where I live (well, its everywhere). I'm a big fan of the craft beers. OK, thanks for the inspiration, I am definitely going to yoga today!!

            Rusty, how goes it? What state are you in today??

            NE, how are you?

            And yes, where is pauly??

            More later - AG


              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

              Hi Friends,

              Mr. V-welcome back...good for you for starting fresh.

              AG and TMH-great to see you. Pauly is taking a break from MWO for a while.

              Big hellos to everyone else. I am in Wisconsin but I am a ways from home so it's hotel living til tomorrow.


                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                Hello everyone,
                Just reading your posts, they are inspiring.
                Hang in there Mr V.

                Hello Rusty- hotel living in Wisconsin

                I am job hunting right now and it is a struggle. Hunting for a job is harder than having one I think.

                Have a great sober Tuesday- don't drink today.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                  [MENTION=1354]narilly[/MENTION] - great to have you posting. I love your line you can have the life you want or you can drink.

                  Busy here. Hope to post soon. Son and DIL moving out today
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                    Mr V. Good for you for getting right back on that horse! That really is a lot going on. You know what to do and that's half the battle.

                    Nora, so excited for your kids! Are they going to be close by?

                    Waves to everyone. Busy day at work tomorrow, so I'm going to call it an early night. Sweet dreams


                      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                      Mr V - So very glad that you are back here. You have got the right mindset and you are doing this. I am sorry for everything that you have been thru recently.

                      AG - Excellent job of thinking of how much AF time you have put in. That is great. Just like Mr V - you have the right mindset.

                      I texted with Pauly on Sunday. She said she was not drinking but she was taking a break from MWO. To be honest, I am more than a little concerned about her. I am hoping she'll text me once in a while.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                        I'll try to catch up with everyone soon. Things have been a little hectic here with the move happening.
                        My attitude is that it might not be their dream apartment but you have to start somewhere. My DIL just showed me the place with FaceTime. It's a cute little place. It's old and I think it was a house that was separated to make apartments so some things are weird. Quirky right?
                        It's about half an hour from here so we'll see them several times a month.
                        They got the big stuff moved and a lot of their other stuff. The gas won't be turned on until tomorrow so they are heading back here to shower.
                        Hubby said that things were a little tense today so I'm glad that I was at work. LOL

                        Thank you all for being here with me on this journey. It helps to be able to come here and talk. After things settle down, I'm going to make a serious effort to stop isolating myself. It's gotten bad again. It's years away but I am going to have to have a plan in place when I retire. I can see myself becoming a hermit!

                        I hope that everyone had a Terrific Tuesday and ready for a Wonderful Wednesday.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                          [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] - I have been thinking of you all day. Positive thoughts. Please check in when you can. :heartbeat:
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                            I hope the rest of the move goes smoothly Nora, and that they're happy in their new place.

                            I'm worried about Pauly too. Please keep us posted if you hear anything.
                            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                              Late check in all. Busy today, early start.
                              Nora, It's got to be a little bittersweet with son/dil moving out. Stay strong.


                                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                                Nora, thanks for being here and giving it your all, even when your not feeling it! I am sure it's going to be quite an adjustment with the kids moved out. There's good and not so good things involved in that move,
                                Pauly posted on FB today. It appears her daughter is back in town. I must admit I'm concerned about her too. I do believe she'll be back here if she needs to be.
                                Mr. V. So glad your here. How are you doing?
                                Techie thinking about you and wondering what happened with the oncologist.

                                Had a not so great day myself. My dad is becoming increasingly "restless" at night. Mom doesn't want to worry us kids and doesn't want to say too much, but she cancelled their appt with hubby today because dad was up a good part of the night. He turns on the light, goes to get ready for work and other odd things. Mom said she was scared last night. Dad doesn't remember any of it this morning and told mom he slept well. Hubby texted me at work and I spoke to mom while at work. Needless to say I am very concerned. Not sure what we are going to do. I spoke to my twin and will speak to my older sister. If he really is dealing with dementia, we need to figure out how to help them.
                                The very next patient I brought in after this phone call had a seizure as I was getting him ready for his procedure. He started shaking violently and I was trying to ease him down so he wouldn't fall and hurt himself. Thankfully when I yelled for help a plethora of nurses came to my aid.
                                Went into the bathroom when the situation calmed and just cried.
                                Hope you are all well. I am headed to the blankie fort for the night. I love you all and appreciate you all being here!:hug:

