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One Step at a Time - May 2017

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    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

    Grey morning here, rain later. Got work today, so off in a bit.
    Liz, Running, oh no. Lol. I'm not much of a runner, knees and back can't take it anymore, too old, LOL. I haven't tried chia seeds, but have heard about them. Mrs V and I make steel cut oats with almond milk. Very tasty. We add toasted almonds and coconut and a couple bananas, and apples sometimes, make up a big batch and bake in the oven for about 30 min. It will last in the fridge for a week, cutting a square every morning for breakfast, heat in the microwave for a minute, and boom, we've got breakfast for a week.
    Glassie, I hope your sore hand is not you dominant one. So frustrating not to be able to use your hand!
    Nora, happy your mom now has her own room.
    Gotta run


      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

      Hey all,good post Nora seems like the whole site is kind of stagnant ATM,makes me feel like I have nothing to really post about or if I do its just to myself anyways ho hum,it almost feels like an AA meeting where only 2 people show up or something,Techie,safe travels my friend,Liz,chia seeds made my bp drop and I got dizzy from it,they're supposed to be healthy though and you don't need to lose weight, you look great just as you are! Mr.V,I like steel cut oats too sometimes, I like how they're chewy waves to all and I hope everyone enjoys their day AF of course
      Last edited by paulywogg; May 24, 2017, 07:22 AM.
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

        Morning all.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

          Happy hump day!

          Nora, love your post and I totally agree. If we do need help with the drinking, this is where we can come. Right now, I'm doing well. Just one day at a time. Thanks for asking about my dad. It is very sad and he had an off day on Sunday. I showed him pictures my niece had sent of them on vacation. When I took the dog out he total my mom he never saw them. She locked the outside gate so he wouldn't inadvertently let the dog out. I know this has been going on for awhile, but I fear it is progressing rapidly. Thanks for asking.

          Pauly, even if I feel like I'm talking to myself sometimes it's nice to just get it out, you know? CJ woke up the morning after eating the chia seed pudding feeling great and ready to take on the world! Don't know if it's really the case or just thinking it was the chia seed. We will try and stick with it. Tonight it will be chocolate chia pudding.

          Glassy, glad it's not broken, but it does sound painful. Is it wrapped at all.

          Mr V. That sounds yummy. I may have to look into that a bit more.

          Tonight is our grandparent class and I am looking forward to it!

          Waves to everyone, back to work for me!


            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

            I just wanted to check in. Mom is having a really, really rough mental episode. Started yesterday and still in the midst of it. My poor Mommy. Breaks my heart. Thank goodness that my hubby is so loving. She got confused and thought her walker was the potty. :sad: Hubby just dealt with it because I was still at work.
            She's definitely got us hopping. LOL
            Last edited by NoraC; May 24, 2017, 09:35 PM.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

              Nora :hug::hug:


                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                Yikes,big hugs Nora! So sorry mom's having a tough time waves to everyone else and wishes for a happy AF Thursday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                  Another quiet day here.
                  Nora, hope your mom is doing better today!
                  Gray rainy day here, but I managed to keep myself out of trouble. The class last night was 3 hours! A lot of safety info and also suggestions on how and how not to help out with the new family. Of course some things have changed since my kids were little. The one I found most interesting is not to avoid peanuts. The latest thinking is the sooner they're introduced the better and will reduce the risk of peanut allergies! No more rice cereal as a first solid food either. Pretty much anything puréed is ok. She recommended avacado. I'm sure those recommendations will be short lived, just like the ones our kids grew up with.
                  Waves to you all and wishing you a peaceful restful night!


                    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                    Hello everyone! I hope that it was a happy day for one and all.

                    Ok - I know that I've been in hermit mode but I'm missing people and there are several. I'm concerned about you all that haven't checked in for awhile. Please give a quick check in please

                    Interesting about the Grandparents class Liz. I think it would probably have some good information there.

                    Mom finally crashed sometime this morning. I think the last time we were up was sometime around 3:00? But, when I got up to go to work she was deep sleeping & snoring. That usually means that the cycle is over. And when hubby e-mailed me later in the day, she was up in her chair but deep asleep.

                    Thanks for letting me ramble on here. Really hope that the missing steppers would step in for a minute.
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                      Good Morning, Friends!:happy2:

                      My apologies for being AWOL. I am at home but It has not been relaxing. Too much going on here.

                      Pauly:hug:I am so sorry to hear about your missing brother. You must be so worried. Does he suffer from mental that why he took off? Please keep us posted.

                      Glassie:hug:your hand...OUCH!!! I have done that before...walked into a wall or a closet, thinking I'm going to the bathroom. It happened a few times when I was traveling so much that I was in three different states or countries in one week and I was living out of a suitcase. Is your pain manageable?

                      Nora-I am glad your mom finally crashed but what a stressful day/night you had! So glad your husband is patient and supportive.

                      Liz-a three hour grandparenting class???? UGH! My sister refused to go. She raised three kids and they are all very smart and extremely successful. She felt the grandparenting class was unnecessary.

                      Mr.V-that breakfast sounds delicious! I must try it.

                      Techie-I hope you are having a relaxing vacation. We miss you.

                      Waves to AG and TMH and anyone I missed.

                      Much work to do today so must get at it. Happy AF Friday, everyone!


                        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                        Morning friends,Rusty this is the brother who was down here with my mom in Nov,I dunno if you guys remember but he is addicted to oxycodone or something and he acts fricken weird! He's the one who follows that weird Internet psychic lady,after all these days of them searching I'm wondering if he hitched a ride somewhere, my dad said he didn't have any money but hell maybe he did,this has me a wreck but not gonna drink over it cuz I don't want to be in an even worse mental state,Liz,I can see how a grand parenting class would be helpful, things have changed a lot since we raised our babies and Louie scared the shit outta me when he was born! I hadn't changed a diaper in years,couldn't remember the ages when they start eating real food, how to mix formula,etc,he also really never had a "Gerber" menu,we just started him on real people food when he started eating, it was kinda weird haha,Nora,I HATE when the threads quiet,or the forum,it makes me feel alone,I think I mentioned I was on Soberrecovery but that place is too busy and I just never bonded with anyone after 2 years so I just avoid it,plus its very AA and that bugged me,I could see suggesting AA but to constantly try and drill it in is irritating, anyways I wish people here would at least do a flyby to say hi,so me days I have nada to say(rarely haha) but I still try to say a quick hi,too worrying when folks fly the coop,,wishing us all a safe AF Friday
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                          Pauly:hug:Yes, I remember you talking about your brother's addiction. I am SO glad pills/drugs never appealed to me. As far as the thread being quiet, I think it's because we are just busy with our lives and taking care of business...whether it be work/children, etc. With me, I just feel like I don't have anything to say or add that would be interesting to people other than myself. Haha! I went on Soberrecovery, and I did not care for it, either, because of the overwhelming AA presence. The people on there just sounded like broken records...same album, with a slight variation in songs.

                          Does anyone have any fun plans for the holiday weekend? I am not going home to visit my mom...I saw her several nights in a row this week as I was working near her house and stayed with her until Wednesday. I have several household chores that I want to accomplish. Let's see how well I do. Hahah! Hopefully the weather warms up so I can use our pool.

                          Happy AF Friday Everyone!


                            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                            No plans Rusty,its true there's a lag in posting because peeps are busy but I know I've skipped posting cuz nobody else had posted too,convo creates convo and its frustrating when you post about something and it just sits there,I dunno what I'm trying to say,,need more coffee,love you all!
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                              Hello, will try again. I use Ipad so no,place else to type. Been busy with lots of appts. First physical and it's the year I need to do mammogram and bone density test. Can't get in til June 30th. Then had dermatologists appt but changed Medicare insurance this past year & discovered I needed a referral. Rescheduled which I now see I have to change. Then lost 1/2 contact in eye. Eye dr had a hard time getting it out, gave me eye drops and wants to see me Tues. Then having a female problem but of course need referral which I got & thankfully he had cancellationfor today. Really, I am not a hypochondriac. :exclaim:

                              Sorry about the hand injury. I have learned to keep flashlight on floor beside bed. Use it at least 2x a night.

                              Nora, hope depression lifts. Hate that tunnel vision feeling. In my case sunshine helps tremendously. Feel better.

                              Pauly, my friend who just passed away was addicted to oxycontin. She called it her sleeping pills. Her husband was having a back/leg problem and my dd, a chiropractor, treated him when she was visting. Then he drove/rode to MN and saw dr. up there. Dr. gave him muscle relaxer and a pain med that made him be incoherent. His SIL said you better get off those or you will not remember your wife's funeral. Told my dd and it makes her furious how quickly drs give opiates.

                              AG, how is it going? I'm not perfect but doing ok. No hangovers anyway.

                              We are invited to dinner tomorrow night. Then Monday will play in Memorial Day golf tournament which includes BBQ lunch. Always fun to wear patriotic colors.

                              Happy Friday!
                              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                                Great to see posts. Thank you.
                                I don't feel like I'm adding anything either to be honest. I have been so wrapped up in my own life that I haven't been offering much help. I appreciate that you all understand. :hug:

                                Rusty - great to see you!!!! I hope that you can stay home & do what you want to do this weekend!

                                TMH - sounds like a fun weekend planned.

                                Pauly - I get it! I need to start trying to say SOMETHING when I log in. I've been reading but not having much to say. I'll try to at least say something.

                                Liz - you working today?

                                ok - I am being bombarded here at work. nthego:

                                TMH - When you log in the first time, do you click on the button that says keep me logged in? If that is checked maybe it won't make you log in again?
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

