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One Step at a Time - May 2017

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    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

    I'm so sorry about your Dad Liz. My parents are doing very well for their age but I just know this could happen at any time and it terrifies me.

    You and Pauly (and anyone else who needs to) - snuggle into the blankie fort and I'll bring you popcorn for dinner. And hot chocolate afterwards. :hug:
    Last edited by Glass Half Empty; May 31, 2017, 06:19 AM.
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

      Oh Rusty - I'm so sorry but I guess you've also heard Mr G's latest. He has another date with the lovely one tonight.

      I've taken the liberty of booking a bunk for you in the blankie fort too.
      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

        Good Morning, Friends!

        Thank you, [MENTION=23772]Administrator[/MENTION] for getting the site back up...I think it was down for a while because I could not log on.

        Pauly-I felt the same way when my brother died unexpectedly in 2006. I couldn't eat and I felt like I had a ball in my stomach for a while. Your grief will come in might be fine for a bit and then bawl your eyes out when something hits you. The tears are therapeutic so don't be afraid if you cry buckets. I did. Don't worry about the kids being upset about your CA trip. California is not going away, and you will want to say goodbye to your brother first. If you did go to CA, all you would do is feel badly about not being near your brother and other family members at this sad time. You made the right move.

        TMH-sorry to hear about your golf game. :-( Thanks for checking in with us. I guess the FL heat and humidity doesn't bother you in the summer time?

        Liz:hug:It is SO hard to see our parents slowing down. I so get it. I have watched it with both my parents. Vent away!

        Glassie-Ah, So G-String has another date with his lovely lady friend? Good for him. :-) So glad your hand did not prevent you from holding your grandbabe.

        Congratulations, [MENTION=15947]Nursie[/MENTION], on 207 AF Days!!!!:yay:

        Hi Nora, SK, AG and MR. V!!

        Well, I got the news yesterday....I passed my exam!!! :-) What a relief. Breathing huge sighs of relief. Thank you, everyone, for your support!

        Big hellos to everyone I missed...Happy AF Hump Day!


          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

          Hellooooooooo Steppers.
          Decided to have a wander round the boards.............just saw you'd passed your exams, Rusty...........Nursie's 200 plus days ............whatya reckon.....cake time

          Big waves to all the Steppers.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

            :heartbeat:Thank you, Jackie!!!:heartbeat:
            Last edited by Rusty; May 31, 2017, 09:12 AM.


              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

              Congratulations Rusty
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                Thanks, Pauly!!!:heartbeat: I was reading about your brother's obsession with Starseeds and other spiritual stuff I hadn't heard of before. So sad...probably due to his drug use, he just was not in his right mind. I understand how you feel about how you were mad at your brother for putting your family through so much pain. We were mad at our brother, too...because he put A LOT of people through tremendous pain and financial hardship his entire life. He was a deadbeat dad and abandoned his family when his kids were really little. He was married three times and each time he got divorced, his wives were left with huge amounts of debt. I cried when he passed away because I thought, "what a waste of a life. You could have been a decent, responsible person but you chose not to be due to your immaturity and sociopathic personality." UGH.


                  Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                  You know I love you all. A lot going on here for sure. Hubby and I are headed to Atlanta for the weekend for a family wedding. I am so looking forward to some me and hubby time,. I am not sure if I will have Internet so just letting you all know I maybe off the grid until Tuesday.


                    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                    Hello all.

                    Rusty, Congratulations! Done and dusted now, free for the summer.

                    Pauly, thinking of you. There are many grieving stages for a family member suicide. Shock, anger, etc,. etc., acceptance is the indication you are healing. Don't be angry with yourself for woulda, coulda, shoulda. There is nothing you could have done to prevent it. His was in his addiction and didn't know how to navigate through it.. He is out of his turmoil now. You are doing well with self-care, keep it up.
                    When I was messing with that apt. issue, got the upgrades, etc. I accidentally parked in an assigned spot it was stencil
                    led black on grey concrete and it was dark. Didn't see it. My car was towed and it took me hours, $300.00 for the tow and I had to have 2 round trips with Uber - a ways away. What happened to a note on the windshield, it wasn't long term, just 2 hours.

                    I have had to re-schedule moving truck, furniture delivery, cleaning lady, carpet shampooer and for the 2nd time get new services, internet, electricity, insurance, etc. I won't get internet service until June 12, so that will be a hardship since I gave up tv in December. I love not having it and the darned commercials, always louder. I can watch online if I want to and I subscribe to a few newspapers. I have so much more time w/o t.v. I've been sitting here and Peggy has been giving me the baleful eyes and I got very cross and told her to lie down, then went into the kitchen and her water bowl was empty - dry even. I should have checked earlier b/c she is such a good girl not bothering me - well, except for walks every 3 hours and she is now sitting with her back to me and pouting, lol. I'm giving her a little ice cream later.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                      Hello all.

                      Rusty, Congratulations! Done and dusted now, free for the summer.

                      Pauly, thinking of you. There are many grieving stages for a family member suicide. Shock, anger, etc,. etc., acceptance is the indication you are healing. Don't be angry with yourself for woulda, coulda, shoulda. There is nothing you could have done to prevent it. His was in his addiction and didn't know how to navigate through it.. He is out of his turmoil now. You are doing well with self-care, keep it up.
                      When I was messing with that apt. issue, got the upgrades, etc. I accidentally parked in an assigned spot it was stencil
                      led black on grey concrete and it was dark. Didn't see it. My car was towed and it took me hours, $300.00 for the tow and I had to have 2 round trips with Uber - a ways away. What happened to a note on the windshield, it wasn't long term, just 2 hours.

                      I have had to re-schedule moving truck, furniture delivery, cleaning lady, carpet shampooer and for the 2nd time get new services, internet, electricity, insurance, etc. I won't get internet service until June 12, so that will be a hardship since I gave up tv in December. I love not having it and the darned commercials, always louder. I can watch online if I want to and I subscribe to a few newspapers. I have so much more time w/o t.v. I've been sitting here and Peggy has been giving me the baleful eyes and I got very cross and told her to lie down, then went into the kitchen and her water bowl was empty - dry even. I should have checked earlier b/c she is such a good girl not bothering me - well, except for walks every 3 hours and she is now sitting with her back to me and pouting, lol. I'm giving her a little ice cream later.

                      Hi to Glassie, Wildflowers (haven't seen her lately), Liz have a great few days with hub and heal. Nora, you always find the strength to bounce back

                      That was a lovely cake.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                        Hi dear friends! Checking in . . .

                        Hubs is home, it is a good thing. As much as I can complain, he is my rock. Steadies the home front.

                        I had the gift of being able to read back over the last week of the Stepper's posts. So much going on, I'm sure I would miss something important if I tried to comment on it all. But a few I can't miss:

                        pauly, no words, I am so sorry about your brother. I hope you and your family find peace.

                        nora, so sorry your mom is slipping lately. You and your hubs take such good care of her. Stay strong, you got this!

                        liz, your dad, this seems to be happening fast, yes? I hope you can figure out what is going wrong. Very scary.

                        So much more to say but it is getting very late for me. More later. Onward!!


                          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                          Rusty - YAY! Well done. :sohappy: We all knew you would pass but it’s nice for your sake to hear it’s been confirmed.

                          Have fun in Atlanta Liz!

                          SK - did you end up getting the upgraded apartment you planned for? I hope so. That sucks about the car park – it’s so easily done if the sign isn’t obvious. My sister and I accidentally parked in a disabled spot the other day which was also badly marked. Luckily we weren’t penalised but we felt terrible when we realised – we would never have done it deliberately.

                          How are my friends in the blankie fort doing? Do you need me to bring more supplies?

                          Oh - and just a minor thing - I'm on leave for the next two weeks! YAY ME! Well sort of - I may have to do some work but I'm mainly just writing like a madwoman to get some journal articles ready for publication. If you find me on here procrastinating please feel free to kick me up the butt and send me home.
                          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                            Morning friends,bon voyage Liz I think a getaway will be good for you right now,SK,sucks about the tow,I'm always super paranoid about that,one time my friend went to an event in a park and she and a bunch of people parked in an empty Carl's Jr parking lot and they all got towed! I forgot its June,wonder if Nora's gonna start a thread..hope we all have an easy AF Thursday
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2017

                              Hoping June is a better month for all my Steppers' Friends and their friends!

                              Pauly-how are you doing today? I am glad you are still posting.:welldone: You always show compassion and empathy towards others, even when you are going through probably the worst time in your life. That shows how kind and courageous you are.:hug:

                              SK-UGH about the car got towed in Alexandria, VA, and it cost me $300 plus plane fare, hotel, because I missed my flight. SUCKS!

                              OK kids, I am off to work and I have a long commute. I will check in later, though.

                              Happy AF June 1st!

