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Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

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    Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

    Hello all,

    I see a psychiatrist to get my Topa as my GP just wants to send me to Detox and be done with me. Long story and not worth the telling. Anyway... About a year ago I actually checked myself into a rehab center and did the group therapy sessions 4 nights a week for 3 hours at a time. I lasted 2 weeks and couldnt stand it any longer. I asked for a private pyschologist. To me everyone was just talking about alcohol. They werent talking about the why... also most of the folks in the group were so insanely messed up and basically on either work or court orders. I was the only volunteer. I am not judging them, it just wasnt right for me.

    So anyway. I go to the psychologist. I start opening up about a lot of stuff I have never told anyone. She was a very nice lady and really prompted me to get it all out. She did her best to help but ya know there was nothing she said that really helped. We got to talking about family and my wife (of course a lot of the conversation was about drinking and why I was doing it). She asked if I would mind if my wife comes in and join a few sessions. I agree and think this will be great.

    How do I put this ... I went from a good husband who is her caretaker at session one to a lazy bum that doesn't do anything and is just a drunk by session five and she does everything. On the last session my wife completely lost it, balling, screaming, the whole 9 yards. That is when the psychologist said to her that she needs to see a psychiatrist. I guess she had seen me enough and had weighed all that I had said and saw the changes in my wifes behavior that she knew something wasn't quite right.

    Off the wifey goes and gets the diagnosis of Bi-Polar rapid cycling.

    Yeeh friking haw.

    You see, I say that in the most sarcastic way because while I had a lot of issues I was discussing with the psychologist about my past when I started talking about my wife it was like I opened pandoras box.

    We have been together since 1999 and starting in 2004 things started rapidly going down hill in our relationship. During her pregancy I swear I was living with an alien. After our son was born I stopped being a man. I was nothing but the guy that earned a living and took mental and emothional abuse, so (un)naturally I developed a good drinking habit. (I take full responsibility for it by the way - not blaming anyone but myself - no one lifted those bottles to my lips but me).

    She has been in treatment since January and things have greatly increased for the good in the household. There was a setback in late February when I had to check her in for wanting to commit suicide. She was in the pysch ward for a week and her Mom flew out to help for 3 weeks because I needed help with her and my son so I could continue to work. I am still the main caregiver to her and my son but she is managing much better.

    Now you are probably wondering if you were able to read though the back groud what the heck am I getting at and where am I going with all this.

    It boils down to this. I have tried the group therapy and I really just didnt feel like it was helpful. Nothing in my heart lightened my loads. My burdens remained the same. The psychologist was a very nice lady and listened very well but her suggestions just carried no wieght. I still feel the horrible things that happened to me when I was a boy, other things that happened in my family, and the pain of the emotional and verbal abuse from my wife before her diagnosis.

    I carry this daily. I think of the family situation often because I live it. She is loads better but she is not 100%. I would say I am carrying about 30% of her load now. She still has major issues dealing with our little boy. I am forever grateful that I have him in Daycare 5 days a week now and am home with him nightly. She just can't deal with him and gets overwhelmed so easily by him. Sorry got of target again.

    Drinking makes all this easier. It doesnt solve a damn thing, and I know this. When the house is quite after my son is in bed at 8, I can quite my brain and just forget. The biggest trouble I have alwasy had in my life is that I am a solver (I am an engineer by degree) so all these things in my head drive me nuts. It takes me 1 to 2 hours to fall asleep at night unless I have been driking (no joke on that number). I can take Lunesta, read a boring bood, whatever, my mind is a switch. I really wonder if I can stop drinking even with the Topa until I get some of these internal issues resolved.

    I really feel lost. I want to be free of my demons, the pain in my heart, and yes you got it, alcohol. Here I am a 37 year old man feel like crying wishing I was a boy that could tell his Dad all this so we could work it out and get a big hug and know it would be ok.

    Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

    Wow Hablur, that took a lot of guts to write.

    I don't know if I can offer much but I can say I have had my fair share of crap happen in my life; big, sad crap that I have carried into my everyday life, or did for a long time, leading to a lot of excess drinking. I went to therapy and had good listeners as well but I got tired of talking about me, me, me the whole time. I have really tried to get into the mindset that there is not one damn thing I can do to change my past and the things that happened and that I need to focus on the here and now and make the most of this life for myself and my family. Believe me, I am still a work in progress but I think the change in how we view things can be a good start.

    I wish you the best. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I also think that coming here and putting things in writing can be very cathartic.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

      I don't know what I can say, other than I'm glad you're here. I wish I could climb thru the monitor & give you a big hug, or take you out on a peaceful paddling afternoon in the sun...
      You've got so much on your plate. Hopefully writing it out will help a bit. I know for me sometimes journeling ... just getting it out, is a form of a stress release.
      My thoughts are with you.
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

        Wow Halbur. I feel so much for you, reading this. You seem to be quite honest and clear about your family situation and especially your internal issues. There is more I want to say... but the words aren't coming. You've really touched me - somehow I can easily empathize. Maybe because I too deal with a boatload of childhood abuses etc, and I've tried so many therapists throughout my adulthood and none of them really gave me any substantial help.

        I'm going to write again... I feel sure that i have more to say....

        Meanwhile.... breathe breathe breathe. Take deep breaths, each one deeper and slower, until you begin to feel your center a little bit.
        Many hugs to you.


          Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

          Wow Hablur...

          I don't have a lot of wisdom here but do have one suggestion. I myself have had a fair amount of talk therapy over the years. One of the most important aspects is to find the right person to talk to. Even if the woman you were seeing was nice and tried to help, if you and she were not a "fit" she could not really assist you in the way you needed. I spent time talking to a very nice man and a sweet older woman, both of whom were great people. I did not accomplish a darn thing during any of this time. Then I met (through a friend) a woman who resonated with me immediately -- she was straightforward, no nonsense, and made me work! That is what I needed at the time. I saw her for almost a year before she told me I was ready to continue on my own.

          So I guess what I am saying is maybe to try again to find a therapist. Even if you have to go through a IS a personality contest. You need to find someone who "speaks to who you are."

          Also, although it sounds as though you are very much responsible for your child, is there a way you could get out once or twice a week? Could you afford to join a gym that has child care and go for an hour after work just to get some stress off?

          Just a couple of thoughts. Have to run but hope others will have some great advice. I really feel for you because I know how it feels to feel so down.

          Keep posting. I have confidence things will improve for you.


            Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

            Hey that really sounds like it did suck the therapy and all. I feel for you. It sounds like you found out it was not helping at all and then bam another problem started by the shrink.

            Post alot, we will be here for you.


              Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy


              Hope the therapy goes well.
              :thanks: :h


                Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

                Hi Hablur,
                I too am attending group therapy at the moment - did 8 weeks of Relapse Management a month or so ago and have now started another 8 weeks of Stress Management.
                I am also seeing a phsycologist once a week for the foreseeable future.

                In either group, I am not sure whether the others had to be there (court orders) or not, but I volunteered. I do know I was the only one working - not that that matters a lot when alcohol is involved...

                What struck me about what you said was this though.

                I have been with my partner now for 7 years and have had some sort of 'drinking problem' for 15 years.
                For the last six months or so my partner has been out of work and I have been working and basically providing for the both of us. I also took it upon myself (because I honestly believed this the best and most loving thing to do), to avoid talking about the issues of money, length of time of unemployment etc etc. But over the last couple of months my drinking just started to increase and increase. I was trying to protect my partners feelings to the detriment of my own. I was becoming increasingly stressed out and resentful.

                To cut a long story short, 2 weeks or so ago, I got up in the morning, started drinking at 8.30am and(3 bottles of wine later) I attacked him.
                No, no knives or punches, just pinned him to the floor, scratched his face and screamed blue murder for all of our neighbours to hear.

                What I am getting at here is this. This kind of behaviour is so out of character for me I had to really start reflecting of what had been going wrong.
                Communication had died and I was doing nothing at all to deal with my stress and resentment and anger but increase my drinking.

                Hablur, are you able to find other ways in which to relax and unwind and release anger with regards to your issues, other than drink???
                I know that was long winded, but maybe it will click with you.

                Best wishes

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

                  I know this wont help but a big huge hug to you Hablur.
                  As far as topa, it has worked like a charm for me and even better as far as helping me sleep like a baby.
                  I wish I had more time to post my thoughts about your writing as I have a lot in my head about what you said. I'm off to work tho. I'll be thinking about you and send up a few prayers instead. : )
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

                    Lushy, that didn’t take any guts to write. It takes guts to live it. When you are the caretaker for a grown women, have a very stressful career, and a little bitty boy you don’t have any time to talk about yourself let alone have time for yourself. Being able to open up at MWO is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

                    St. Jude you hit it on the head. I used this thread exactly as that. As I typed I could feel the stress leave me. I don’t know what got me going so heavily today I just did. I wish I could journal but it feels more real to me when I can open up to all of you and get feed back.

                    Imatree – I look forward to hearing more.

                    I agree Ducky that I need to find someone who can speak with me… on a level that I feel comfortable with.

                    Holly crap Jasmin!

                    Amelia… very interesting. No I do not have other outlets at the moment. Literally all of my time is taken up by taking care of my wife and son. When I get home from work I play with my son for a couple of minutes, get dinner ready, eat, play with son, watch a little TV with son and wife, give him a bath and put him down. The weekends I normally get up with him and we have breakfast and we watch cartoons until my Dad calls and then I chat with my Dad for about 30 minutes then it is chore time. I try to take my wife and kid out for a little fun in the park or a late lunch but we still have more household chores to do. Basically I am at the beck and call of my wife and son from the time I get up until the time the little guy goes to sleep at 8 everyday. That’s just how it is. I honestly don’t resent it. Not in such a way that I hate my wife or anything. She has 2 illnesses; it isn’t her fault, Bi-Polar and Crohn’s. Plus the Bitty Boy will out grow this really needy stage soon enough and he won’t want anything to do with Dad.

                    I am really trying to figure out how to change this schedule around so I do have outlets. I posted more about that in another thread entitled “The Reality of Topamax”.


                      Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

                      Hey Halbur, can you work it into your household budget to hire someone to come around once or twice a week to help with chores - like housecleaning and laundry? How about using the cash you used to use on alcohol? It could be a nice reward.
                      Seems to me the first thing you need to do is alleviate some of the day to day busy-stuff. Have someone clean your house. Hire a kid to mow the lawn. Etc.
                      And you ought not view it as you can't handle doing it yourself, but rather a shift in priorities, so you have more time for your son, your wife and your SELF.


                        Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy


                        I do okay in personal therapy, but in group I try to fix everyone else's problem and get in trouble for not "sharing". I find people interesting. Couple of questions.....are the pills helping or is she not taking them at times. I am manic depressive (which I think they changed to bipolar) and self-medicated w/alcohol. Love the high highs but the low lows suck. I have always been functioning except for one week and that was due to a medication mix up w/my epilepsy.

                        I have a close gf that is majorly bipolar. She is either the life of the party or deeply depressed. Hardly ever see a happy medium. I know by being her friend all these years I can't count on her for any length of time because her mood changes quickly, but when she is "up" she's a hell of a lot of fun. She did raise her boys and seems to have done a fine job, her husband ended up killing himself.....his own issues, obviously.

                        Can you have a classmate of your son's either over or have him stay once in a while? It really easier to take care of two kids than one, when they are friends?

                        You are not your wife's father. You are not responsible for her moods and you can't "fix" her. Just as noone can fix you. I think you need to get out of the house and DO something once in a while, whether it be a movie, bowling, playing pool, hiking, swimming, whatever. You need to decompress from this stress.

                        Lecture over....I care.


                          Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

                          Hablur, from your response to what I wrote, what I am hearing is that you have no 'ME' time. (That in itself can be incredibly draining). Time to just do stuff for you, without having to worry about meeting the needs of other people. Can you think about little (or big) ways that you can adjust your schedule (and perhaps ask for more help) to get some space.

                          Also I will repeat what I said before, alcohol is - well to me anyway- the easiest 'stress relief' and a big 'stressor'(paradoxically). See if you can find some other ways to relax and unwind.

                          Amelia x

                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

                   heart and prayers go out out to you...i just dont thing group sessions or whatever help...i have tried that and they always want to put you experience...and i have to just have to be strong as you can....and do what it takes...i understand about the drinking to go to sleep...i have taken pills...but they make me crazy! i have opted for drinking...just until i get some sort of medication...i will be thinking of you...and keep us all posted...


                              Pychologists, talk therapy, and group therapy

                              Sorry to hear you are having a lot of problems.

                              you mentioned your father. I am wondering, where are the family members in all this? Where are the grandparents? Can't they take him out a few times? maybe you should be open with them and say, "listen I am struggling with this!"

                              Is she doing everything she can to manage her illness?

                              It sounds like her problems are overwhelming you and no doubt you didn't envisage this life for yourself when you walked down the aisle, being in your thirties and barely having a life. it sounds like you are quite lonely within this marriage due to her mental illness. For now, she seems unable to pull her weight as a partner. I think someone should step in and help her. you can't do that all on your own.

                              Also, I think I said this before, but the people I have talked to who have ill partners seem to go through hell. There must be support groups right? Maybe then you would feel more understood. OR maybe there are some MWO members who might like to have a regular online group chat to discuss the pressures of living with a partner who is ill, whether mentally or physically. Have you done any reading about bipolar disorder and if so has that helped?

                              Regarding therapy, I agree with the people who said the right therapist makes all the difference in the world. but it is hard to find the right one!

                              Good luck with it

