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Our Money

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    Our Money

    I decided to start this thread because I was thinking about Suze Orman she has a show and has been on Oprah she has eight things you must have to be financially wealthy. Oprah also has the debt diet going and people have made so much progress and they were on the verge of financial ruin. Lets share tips and info!!

    First tip from Suze is be organized you avoid tons of frivolous spending because you are not buying same stuff she gave example of the white turtle neck if you know where yours is you do not have to go out and buy another one. You get the drift. Time to take control of out money.


    Our Money

    Good topic Sammys. Funny - I sat up way too late last night working on our household budget (scary). And it's good for those here who have extra money they used to spend on booze! I figured out that between me and my BF (mostly him) we spend - mininum - $700 on alcohol every month. That 's just drinking at home! Almost as much as my grocery budget! Ridiculous.
    Sure would be nice to be responsible and put that money into a college fund for my daughter... (oops, there's the self-thrashing talk)

