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Have you tried EFT?

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    Have you tried EFT?

    Have any of you tried EFT - Emoional Freedom Technique?
    It's a method to relieve your heart, mind and soul of internal issues using a tapping method that clears blocked energies (something like that). It seems very intriguiing....

    Have you tried EFT?

    I actually went to a therapist who specialized in this. I found it to be interesting but sadly did not do much for me. I was in a very, very depressed state at the time, however, and would like to go back to her now that I am in a different place. There are some people on here who have had success with it. It is worth a try. If you Google EFT you can download a free booklet that explains the whole process. It is something you can also do at home......let us know if you do it.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Have you tried EFT?

      Thanks Lush. Yes, I got the booklet online about a year ago and tried it on my own for awhile, hard to stick iwth because I usually did the tapping late at night after I was completely drunk... I remember I was so desperate for it to work at first that I did it so much I had bruises on all the tapping points!!
      Anyway, I'm wondering, before I give it a try again, if anyone has had success.


        Have you tried EFT?

        Hi imatree:

        I have been using EFT a lot. It seems to work extremely well, if you have a particular issue well defined.

        For example, if I just do "I have anxiety", it doesn't work at all. No results.

        But if I do, "Even though I still feel anxiety because of the fight I got into when I was 6 years old", and you visualize the event in your mind while doing the tapping, then it definitely has a clearing effect for me.

        I have to be very specific on the thing, and I have to visualize that event with all the memory I can muster. Then it seems to be effective.

        After months of doing bit by bit traumatic events from my past, the results slowly accumulate, and I can tell a real difference. This is from a guy who has tried just about everything. EFT works for me, but it has to be under specific conditions.



          Have you tried EFT?

          Thanks Neil, very helpful. I've tried to remind myself to be very specific - but get lost. I mean damn, there are a billion incidents in my childhood that have contributed to my fear, anxiety, weight issues, drinking etc.
          First I'd like to tackle the drinking with EFT, and just saying "even though I drink too much" has been no help. But I don't know how to get to the underlying issues. Tips??


            Have you tried EFT?


            I made a list of about 50 things to tap on. Then I selected the ones I thought most significant, and just started.

            After a few months, strange as it may seem, suddenly other things popped into my memory. Now the list is about 200 things. This has taken months for me. No quick fix.

            However, there seems to be a cumulative effect, and the later issues that were repressed and forgotten, are the key ones. Only after doing hundreds of rounds, were the key ones uncovered. It is not as easy as they make it sound you know.

            Go with the flow. Main thing is to just start on the ones you think are the most significant, and go from there. I made my list on a spreadsheet, and check off even if I tap on the same thing 3 or 4 times.

            No lie here. It is hard work, and sometimes when an issue is cleared, I have an intense emotional reaction as it comes to the surface. A few nights I could not sleep one wink because something had been "activated". The tapping does not make the issue just "dissappear", but it brings it up so you have to deal with it right then, right there. Sounds strange I know. I accept this, as we don't ever get something for nothing. Everything has a price it seems.

            In the end though, it is working, but slowly. Once the issue is finally cleared, then you go grow and go on from there.

            Good luck. This is the hard work of getting to the root of things.



              Have you tried EFT?

              Hey Neil - how does one know they've tapped on a specific thing enough to move on to another? And how often did you tap on each specific? Few times a day?

              I really appreciate your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Have you tried EFT?

                One session may have me doing about 10 rounds or so.

                After you write down the thing, read it and see how you feel. Tap on it. No change, tap again, and then again. If still no change in the way you feel when reading it, then just move on. You may not be ready to clear that out yet.

                It is trial and error, and no two people have the same issues for sure.
                It is a learning process, almost like playing a musical instrument. Expect to hit the wrong notes most of the time when you start. Lots of mistakes will happen.

                You will definitely know when you hit a sensitive hot button. All sorts of things happen. You may cry, or scream, get sick to your stomach, or throw things around a bit. You will know, but again, expect to hit of lot of dry wells in the beginning.

                Sometimes it is best just to tap one thing, and just let it go for a few days until you stabilize. Too many things all at once, and it may be straightjacket time for a few days. I know.

                Other things, may not happen instantly, but come flying out a week later. Depends on how deep and hurtful the thing is. This is just my experience.

                If you give up, and quit then don't expect any results at all. It seems like "snake oil" sometimes when things are not happening, but just the act of doing something about it heals the hurt without us even knowing what is going on.

                I am not an expert, but just passing along what has happened to me on this thing. Most things I have got in this life came to me only after everyone else had given up, and left the scene. No natural luck here by any means. Just plain old pig headed stubborn determination.



                  Have you tried EFT?

                  Awesome tips Neil. You're an angel, thank you.

