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Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

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    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

    [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], yes thiamine. If you have read as much as i do about alcoholism it makes sense. Alcoholics suffer from B1 (thiamine) deficiency and if you are diligent and still drink advice for all is to take B1 thiamine as our body gets robbed of it when drinking. Its frightening that people don't know this. Even post alcohol its required.

    What I have tried is listed in this thread post and I have yet to expand on it.

    Wierd thing about vodka is that you think you don't smell but if you do drink it daily you can smell it. You know one of the wierd things I have read is to vodka on your arm pits or your shirt so you don't smell. Now this sounds insane and I have never done it. But for a quick fix to a situation maybe it might work???? As vodka was my substance of choice I don't think it would have done squat.
    Last edited by empyr3al; July 12, 2017, 08:22 PM.
    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

      Morning lovelies,
      Just a quickie as I have to walk to the Metro.............yes walk a whole 15 minutes would be 10 but the big field's to soggy to cross............wish me luck.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

        Morning folks, JC get yer wellies on.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

          Hi everyone, welcome empyr3al.

          Originally posted by IamMary View Post
          Question: As a child, I had a particularly good sense of smell. Id forgotten about it.. But recently, I feel like Im being bombarded with smells.. my nose is taking over - I can smell a fart in the next room! At this stage, is it related to not drinking? hardly?

          Night..sniff sniff..
          Haven't noticed any difference in my ability to smell now. Personally I have always found smell the sense which brings me back to a time and place, a particular smell can trigger my memory instantly.

          Originally posted by IamMary View Post
          Missed posts there Anon and JC!
          My nose is definitely much sharper, yep, stale booze from a distance..

          Night xx
          Yeah stale booze I could never smell, probably cause it was ALWAYS coming from yours truly, can spot it a mile off now though, cringe ewww at the thought that was me to others.

          Originally posted by mollyka
          Morning all! See ktab has gone on a yoga sort of 3 day thing sounds great
          It was!

          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
          Morning. I saw that about Tabbers on retreat. .............don't think I could sit still or that quiet for so long.
          No sitting quiet for very long, my teacher, who is brilliant btw, did do a 3 month silent retreat in Thailand years ago, impressive if that is your thing.

          Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
          Hope Tabbers is enjoying his retreat. Did a 6 week meditation course a few years ago, enjoyed it but not great at incorporating it into every day life. Hope today went better JC. Welcome empyr3al, I'm afraid I know very little about the medications but wish you well with it.

          Regarding sleep, I sleep like a log, need at least 7 hours a night. Probably passed out when drinking but even now being totally alcohol free I sleep really well. Dream more or maybe it's that I remember them better. Also have a great sense of smell Mary, hubby used to laugh at me smelling clothes to see if they were fresh.
          Good for you Rusty, check out the prom I posted on my thread, might be helpful if you wish. I suppose for me this journey of self discovery and navel gazing is the exact opposite of my hiding in a bottle every single day for years, never actually looking inward at my feelings, emotions and why the f**k I felt the need to escape from life day after day. Not for everyone and not saying it is easy but I find it very rewarding and hugely helpful in staying off the booze.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

            "Good for you Rusty, check out the prom I posted on my thread, might be helpful if you wish."

            Thanks Tabs, will have a look on your thread later. Finished long work stint, just have Monday next week and then off on my hols. Glad, just too much going on at home, hard to keep everything going. Rushing now as have to take one of the dogs to the vet for her vaccinations. Catch you all later.


              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

              Wave there Rusto..
              Funny weather, V hot and dull. I've a headache.

              I'd say you see a lot there in work Molly. I work with the same people, day in day out.. same smells :happy2:
              Did you get a reply from that job you fancied Tabbers?? [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] .. how's your job hunt going??
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                "Good for you Rusty, check out the prom I posted on my thread, might be helpful if you wish."

                Thanks Tabs, will have a look on your thread later. Finished long work stint, just have Monday next week and then off on my hols. Glad, just too much going on at home, hard to keep everything going. Rushing now as have to take one of the dogs to the vet for her vaccinations. Catch you all later.
                Hahaha flipping spell check: for 'prom' read 'poem'

                Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                Wave there Rusto..
                Funny weather, V hot and dull. I've a headache.

                I'd say you see a lot there in work Molly. I work with the same people, day in day out.. same smells :happy2:
                Did you get a reply from that job you fancied Tabbers?? [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] .. how's your job hunt going??
                Yeah Mary the weather is a bit headache if that makes sense. No they couldn't be arsed to even pop me a 'no thanks' by email, boohoo, perhaps its my age? I am not really actively looking, just came across that vacancy which I thought would be tailor made for me. My job atm is precarious though, not sure how long before the company goes under tbh.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                  Late check in from me.
                  Rather pleasant day. The boss wasn't in at all
                  Not as busy as Tuesday and had a lovely play with a baby that comes with one of the Mums in NA...........5 months old and smiley as can be.

                  [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION] sound rejuvenated.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                    yay Friday.. family dinner later. These evenings used to fill me with dread when I started my al free life, now I'm looking forward to it.
                    Busy day ahead first.... later.
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                      We'll never ignore you,Molls, yer daftie.

                      Trotting out a cliche here...........a problem shared is a problem halved........or at least when you've said it out loud its been acknowledged.

                      I've got two family dos........but not at my house........BBQ at my sister-in-laws tomorrow and my cousin's 50th next week ..........the annoying thing is she still doesn't look a day over 30.

                      Off into town this morning to meet a pal for coffee.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                        Good morning Army, so sorry to hear about your worries Molly. Is Joe going to see the quack about his chest pain? Families (kids) bring joy but it is often outweighed by trials and tribulations.
                        Just off to Pilates to stretch my un-supple body


                          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                          [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION], you won't be ignored. Its 4 am where I am in Canada so its still dark but managed 3 hours sleep and will try for more, but good morning too you! Puppy pissed on my blanket when i was trying to bond sleeping with it like my other dog. So i went to sleep irritated after putting the blanket in the bathtub. Trying to train it but its definately not like my other dog and how we trained it. This is a tough one and maybe was wrong to try at a tough point in my life. 9 weeks if the dates are correct.
                          [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], when I am sober for a month and completely cleaned up I look 10 years younger so 30 instead of 40 and when I relapsed last, just as I was doing it again I would get ID' for liquor. Its policy if you look under 25 you are ID', but this is Canada with controlled liquor in Ontario. Its really strange what comes out when I am sober long enough. Just let me keep my ball cap on lol. Enjoy the BBQ and be careful of envy or spite. She may look young, yet we don't know a book by its cover as a phrase. Some of us get blessed with a different gene set or had less stress in family and occupation. Its hard to gauge what an age should look like. Enjoy your coffee and pal.

                          I am a little worse for the wear at the moment. But my mind still works and I can type and form proper sentences. Arg, its not easy as my taper fluctuates. Almost there again. Need to take care of some hygeine.
                          "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                            Good morning Army. Hugs Molly, hope Joe is ok. There is always something with family. One of the reasons I found the meditation helpful was that it taught you to live in the moment, stopped a lot of the stress and worrying. I can credit it for preventing me killing my eldest daughter during her leaving cert year!! Feel free to vent, you have a lot of good friends here.

                            Puppies are a lot of work Emp, that was one of the reasons I took in our last rescue, she was a few years old. Less work. Enjoy the family dinners etc everyone. Thankful I don't have the happy couple this weekend so it will be quick grub and maybe takeaway. Had a lovely walk with a friend I had not seen in ages, spent an hour in the garden and now enjoying cup of coffee, happy days.


                              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                              Originally posted by mollyka
                              Morning - only part I dread of family 'do's' these days is all the cooking a Mháire ;-)

                              Up since the crack of dawn - worries... worried about Joe - chest pains - and a huge worry about one of my young'un's --- can't really talk about it but needed to just say that much -- even saying that much can lift the load a bit - and yes -- worries come and worries go - but the 'facts' don't go.... mmm - anyway - himself says the chest pains have gone away.... yeah... no choice - have to go to work if he wants to be an idiot.... ffs

                              sorry -- bit of a downer - just anxious -- ignore
                              It is so hard when those closest to us are under threat. I know exactly how you are feeling.

                              I hope Joe and your child get things sorted Molly


                                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017


                                [MENTION=23850]empyr3al[/MENTION] her to bits. More like a sister than a cousin. Had to smile at the baseball cap.

                                [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]..........we've always had rescue dogs. Bess came to us when she was 2, there were one or two accidents but once she worked out where the back door was we were fine.

                                I'm going to [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] you feeling this evening. I'm just about ready for bed...........been one of those hot, muggy days and I'm feeling a bit sickly.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

