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Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

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    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

    Good morning Army!!

    Mary - big day coming up soon for you. Can't wait til October for mine.

    Hello to Martha! Don't think we've met. I'm Stirly - a Canadian living in Greece for 34 years now.
    Was reading a bit of what Satzy and Molls said about thinking it through to the end as far as having a drink goes. I think that is very important. I never tried moderating because I knew I couldn't. Simple as that. It was always all or nothing for me. But even tho' I rarely have thoughts of drinking - they're not desires, just thoughts - the first thing that comes into my mind is how I was the last year that I was drinking. A bloody nightmare is what it was. I will never, ever put myself through that again. My life is in such a mess right now but as I said a couple of days ago - thank God I am not drinking. I can cope with this sh*t that is going on around me. Drinking would have made it 10 times worse. And I could never have taken over the family business if I wasn't sober. So yes, think it through. All the way to the next day and the hangover and the remorse and ask - what benefit could I possibly have from taking a drink right now. You most likely already know the answer - nothing. But so many more positive things can and will happen if you don't drink. And the ladies (and lad or two) in the Army are one of the greatest support groups around!! :heart: So stick close by....

    Wishing you all a positive day with sunshine and smiles and a wink of the eye!!
    Last edited by stirly-girly; July 5, 2017, 05:09 AM.
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

      Hey Stirly girly. So totally accurate! I know I simply can't have a polite cocktail like everyone else. Going back to my standard - I don't drink - answer. It works well. I just need to stick with it. Convince myself - that's who i am now.


        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

        Originally posted by marthadan View Post
        Hey Stirly girly. So totally accurate! I know I simply can't have a polite cocktail like everyone else. Going back to my standard - I don't drink - answer. It works well. I just need to stick with it. Convince myself - that's who i am now.
        Hi again Martha!

        Stick with your answer - it's your life, your decision, you don't owe an explanation to anyone. You know what is best for you. One of the biggest problems I see today for people who are trying to quit is that alcohol is such a given thing and it is bloody everywhere. I'm watching a series on Netflix right now and the amount of alcohol consumed is mind-boggling. Every meal, before a meal, to wind down, to rev up, to "enjoy" yourself with your friends and to drink alone to "drown" your sorrows. Jaysus, something needs to be done about it. They've stopped having every man and their dog smoking in movies and series, now they need to do something about the alcohol consumption. Anyway - back to you. We can all only speak from personal experience. My life has turned around 360 degrees since I stopped drinking. The difference in the way I feel, look, think and conduct myself is day and night. People comment on it - how much better I look. What they don't know is how much better I feel. Just waking up in the morning with a clear head and a clear conscience is worth it all. AL did nothing to enhance either my life or the time I spent with friends and family. Not drinking has turned that all around. At 65 years old, I have amazing amounts of energy and after working 10-12 hours a day, I still have the stamina to babysit my grandkids. When I was drinking, I didn't have the strength to get through a regular workday. What I'm trying to say is that it is so worth it. And you will see many testaments to that here in the Army. Don't let yourself be pressured by others to have a drink. Just say "I don't drink" and that's that. If you feel the need to elaborate if someone's putting the heat on - tell them you're on medication that is not compatible with AL or say what I liked to say - I'm watching my calories and I prefer to eat them than drink them. :flowerspin: Wishing you the best of luck.

        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

          Afternoon Army ........... great posts Srirls :thumbsup:
          THAT, to me, is what the Army is all about.

          Now where is Toe Knee ???????
          Mario ???????
          Mrs A ????????


            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

            Hi, Army--

            Originally posted by mollyka
            I'm a bit of a broken record on this - but certainly for the first while of sobriety - I taught myself to see that first drink for what it would be to ME -- not to the happy looking couple sipping their chilled sauvignon blanc in a beautiful beer garden -- my days of beautiful beer garden days were long gone - my reality was something so different - that there became no sense of deprivation or sadness because my reality was potentially horrific - in that same glass
            Molly - I LOVE the way you put this this. So true. In the summer I can romanticize drinking, but in reality that same glass is totally different for me.

            Welcome back, Martha.



              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

              Evening all. Fabulous post from Stirly and that quote from Molly so accurate. Being sober can be difficult in a this alcohol soaked society but eventually people just accept that you do not drink!
              Had my car broken into last night they only took some money and did not do any damage. Such a relief that I had not left my phone, cards the car as I sometimes do.
              Seems such a long time since I was here as Joe was still in the shop and Satz was still in her job and hating it.
              Watching the tennis and waiting for some cake from Jackie.


                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                Hi everyone, just in from work. Fabulous posts all around. It really is about changing your mind set from deprivation to acceptance and appreciation for all your world has to offer without alcohol. It has taken me a long time to finally get that but the last few weeks I feel a mind change.
                Sorry to hear about the car break in, it happens everywhere, so glad your phone wasn't in it. Off to get some dinner, will catch you all later.


                  Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                  @ was this today......Manchester Tart recipe - All recipes UK two one for Mr JC as he didn't get a birthday as we were away last week and one for you greedy beggars.

                  [MENTION=23623]marthadan[/MENTION]...........lovely to see you coming all honesty checking in every day kept me not only determined but accountable.

                  [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION]...........lovely to see you, don't be a stranger.

                  And isn't it great getting our teeth into the nitty gritty of alcoholism. While we were away I had a full fat should have seen Mr JC's face...........I'm a still water girl sometimes if I'm feeling cheeky a sparkling one with a bit of lime.......anyway it came in this blooming awful ugly glass so as soon as I got to our table for dinner poured it into this beautifully crafted red wine glass..................not because I was pretending to was just I wanted to handle something pleasing to look at.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                    There's was nothing euphoric about the memory of the day 8 years ago when I was asking the man at the paper shop for a half bottle of vodka at 7am.......and the pity in his eyes will never be long as I can conjure that up.....I'll keep going.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                      Can't believe I've just sat and watched the tennis for more than half an hour. Nadal was playing .

                      I've since found out that this man's daughter was an addict

                      Better go and feed the only worker in the house.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                        Originally posted by mollyka
                        What man?
                        For a minute there I thought you meant Rafael Nadal.................I meant the man in the shop.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                          Originally posted by mollyka
                          HAHA!!! Sorry I thought you meant Rafa as well and I'm thinkin he's FAR too young to have a daughter that age!!!
                          :harhar: Its going to be a hoot if they stick us in the same nursing home.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                            Yiz are hilarious..

                            Great chats today.. and I have to agree with Stirly on the constant drinking in every series I watch! although Im watching Flesh and Bone (Ballet drama - definitely don't want to be a ballerina any more) and one ballerina has a coke habit - not v glamorous.

                            I like the cringe image too [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. Mine is just me, under the stairs, drinking warm white wine from the bottle I hide, so I can appear like a moderate drinker when I pour a glass from the fridge. Well, I have several of them in the memory bank, all a bit sad and pathetic.

                            on that happy note, off to the leaba!! off tomorrow but have approximately a gazillion kids here. Or 8, which is much the same.

                            Night night...
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                              Morning Campers.
                              Applied for 6 jobs yesterday. 99% will not even respond.

                              Made an executive decision to go for a hike in Howth today.
                              Can't stand being cooped up here with Mr S any longer.
                              And no money left to go shopping:egad:

                              On holiday, rather than feel left out and deprived, I was reminded that getting sober was the single best thing I've ever done.
                              That horrible feeling when you wake up to a hangover in 35 degrees of heat - yuk !
                              I saw SIL struggle every day for 14 days - but she would not admit it .....


                                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-July 2017

                                I'll lend you a fiver, Satz.

                                I'm off into town to go and light a candle for my dearest uncle who died 4 years ago today. He's still sorely missed. Me and Mr JC had a few fab holidays with him and my of them Oban so it was lovely retracing our steps last week.........while we there most of our conversations started you remember when.

                                See you inabit.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

