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Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents

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    Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents

    I have just got back from the Costa Brava, and my liver is crying out for a break. I have stumbled from one, booze induced, disaster to another, never quite sobbering up enough to get a grip.

    I have not been waking up with any strange women, or dropping my pants in a sweaty night club. I have not been arrested by the Spanish Police for fighting, lewd behavior, or any other drink fuelled offence. I was not staying at a high rise development in Loret de Mar.

    No, I have been on a villa holiday with my wife, two kids, and the culprits of my decent into the depths of decadence, yes, my parents.

    Now, I thought I could drink, in fact I know I can drink, but next to my Mum and Dad I must seem like a tee totaler recoiling in disgust at their first taste of alcohol.

    My parents (both in their 70,s) start the day, like most others with breakfast, nothing unusual there. However by the time breakfast is cleared away, it s time for "elevenses", this isnt a cup of tea, and a biscuit, no, its a can of Estrella Damn, and so the debauchary starts.

    "Elevenses" leads into lunch, with more beer and wine, and after a siesta, more beer. This takes us through till about 5.00pm.

    5.00pm is a horrible time of the day when your on holiday. The sun is just going down, yet its not 6.00pm, when you can make a start on the gin and tonic. This, however, was no deterance to my parents, who claimed that the hour time difference from the UK made it acceptable to start on the G n Ts at 5.00pm.

    They were, of course, pulling the wool over everyones eyes, because the clocks in Spain are 1 hour ahead of the UK, so making 5.00pm in Spain actually 4.00pm in the UK, but we were all to slozzeled to question their reasoning.

    By this time it became apparent that someone had to prepare an evening meal, and since Gordan Ramsey was not on holiday with us, it invariably fell to me.

    The evening meal would consist, most nights, of a source of protein thrown into a pan with some oil to "pan fry". The remnants of the days wine drinking were then added, to give body.

    Most occasions it worked pretty well, chicken and red wine, Coq au Vin. Beef mince and red wine, Bolognase. Monk fish tails and red wine, fu**ing disgusting.

    Dinner was washed down with a couple more bottles of plonk, followed by coffee and a night cap.

    Bed was usually around 11.00pm, which worked well, because, we had drunk the clock around.

    The moral of the story is that if you are trying to cut back go on a club 18 to 30 holiday (age restrictions do apply), follow your football team into Europe, get tickets for Glastonbury, become a fully paid up member of the Barmy Army, go to a beer festival in Germany, go on a whisky trail in Scotland.

    What ever you do dont ever, ever, ever go on holiday with anyone over 70. Not only will they drink you under the table, but they will laugh at you when you suggest that you might have a bit of a thick head in the morning.

    Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents


    I'm sorry your liver is hurting but so are my sides. :H:H

    Great post to wake up to on a freezing Saturday morning. Thank you.


      Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents

      Jon, that was hilarious!....I was right there with you, just like the good old days with my parents. They even did the," it's 5 oclock somewhere!...'...thanks for that post, I have to read it again...haha


        Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents

        A sad but funny (sorry) story. It's amazing they lived so long. I wonder how their health is.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents


          Hope you recover soon.
          Enough is enough


            Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents

            Hi ..its a familiar story for youngsters but obviously for the 2 oldies" too.

            Bet they didnt do much sightseeing ..i am a granny and the fear of being a drunken granny has spurred me on to cut right back..never was a daytime drinker(only at weddings)

            would die of shame if i ever got sloshed in front of the grand kids..BUT better still i dont ever want to be sloshed again either...its an ugly sight!!!!!!!!!!11

            having said that ii dont drink weekdays now but still drink when i go out on a saturday or sunday for a meal.

            the test will be next weekend...away friday , sat and sunday.....

            regards cassy


              Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents

              OMG, this is so boss at work and her husband only come to visit ( I am contract)once in a blue moon...they are both in their 70's...and both drink like fish too. They always take me to dinner and order a "TALL" drink (nice way to say double and she has even sent hers back cause it is not strong enough..) . They will have 3-4...that is 6-8 drinks just during dinner...OMG, I am DRUNK , OK! I can't drink that much, not during dinner, I want to throw-up after 2 drinks...which is like 4 drinks. I never drink more than 2. Leave the old folks at home next time, they're trying to kill us! HA HA HA


                Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents

                tawnyfrog;150267 wrote: Jonboy,

                I'm sorry your liver is hurting but so are my sides. :H:H

                Great post to wake up to on a freezing Saturday morning. Thank you.
                Freezing, you guys "down under" dont know the meaning of the word. On Saturday it never got above 12 C, and this is suppose to be high Summer in the UK.

                Anyway, glad I manged to make you chuckle.


                  Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents

                  beatle;150275 wrote: A sad but funny (sorry) story. It's amazing they lived so long. I wonder how their health is.
                  Not really that sad, they are both v. healthy, just a little mad. They are only like this on holiday. The really embarassing part is that they carry a stock of plastic 1 litre bottles, into which they decant cheap Spannish Gin, so they can bring it home in their luggage.

                  The sadder thing is that they are not alone, all the supermarkets in the area we go, are always out of stock of the specific make that is popular with the Brits.


                    Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents


                    are they friends of my sister and her husband (both a lot older than me I hasten to add!!!) we had a week in Spain with them in May...Bucks Fizz for Brekkie and it was down hill from then on in ... we didn't used to leave the villa till 5.00pm after we'd slept off breakfast/lunch and then it was time for dinner out.

                    I was wrecked when we got home and I think I'm the one with a problem, I was begging to stop !

                    They've spent 3 months in France - I have no idea how they're still alive !

                    I'm loving your writing, hope you stick around !


                      Club 18 to 30 or a Quiet Holiday with the Parents


                      Just cause we are 'down under' doesn't mean we don't get cold here in winter, lol.

                      And my parents aren't 70 yet, just disfunctional in a BIG way...

                      Thanks for the laugh, and it's bloody freezing where I am, lol, oh and the storms!!!

                      Lov Jas
                      :thanks: :h

