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Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

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    Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

    Congratulations to a very special lady, thankyou for all your precious time and effort that you give to us here, thank you for being my friend too much love and hugs Flossie xx
    I am too big and too small and too much and not enough and too frightened to change and too sad to stay the same


      Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

      Just a few words for now...........
      To start thank you to Stirly for starting the thread. You're a love.
      And big, big thank you to those who took time out to post on it.

      Today I'm swamped with MWO and the ever supportive JC.........He put a 8th birthday card in my laptop. I can tell you there were a few tears.

      I've made life long friends here..........geez I've even been on holiday with two of the them..............yes that's you Molls and Satz and we all came out alive..........just don't let Molls get hungry. In fact I've been very privileged to meet a good few of you and spoken on the phone to a few in real life ...........I'm always been astounded by how we've all got along..............we have the same goal................get sober and stay sober and honesty.

      One more thing.................never ever give up on giving up.

      Ooh was going to do the cake but Mr V has come up with a splendiferous one...........who's got the knife reckon its time to cut it.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

        [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION] and when you said I was the captain all I could think of was Captain a totally necessary picture of the most famous Captain Jack of all time...........swoon

        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

          OMG almost missed this thread .......... FFS all caught up in trying to get back to the land of the living after 2 weeks in Greece,

          There is nothing I can say about Jacks that I haven't said before. She & Molls saved my life. I was on the road to no-where.
          Just didn't know how to 'fix' it. Reading these 2 and others in the Army every day I realised I too can have that sober life !
          Unbelievably 4 years on - I have just that :yay:

          Thanks from the bottom of my heart for being there all this time :hug:


            Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

            Lovely ~ Jackie Claire.
            Congratulations on 8 Years!

            Fantastic!... :hug: :love:


              Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

              Hi JC,

              Congratulations on your 8 years. I'll admit to being a bit of a lurker on the army thread and am always cheered by your down-to-earth advice and heartfelt gratitude for getting & staying sober. It makes it all seem possible to me.

              Much love


                Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                Massive congratulations to you JC. Thanks for sticking around for the rest of us, your a rock of sense when sometimes it felt very complicated. :sendflowers:
                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                  Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                  Oh my STARS! This is massive!
                  Words can never express how much I admire and appreciate you. Thank you for your North-Star direction in this fight. I hate we had to meet in a recovery forum, but it is a privilidge to travel with you here. Hugs and love, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                    JC - there are no words. Your support and steady encouragement has helped me more than you know. Has helped so many people.

                    CONGRATULATIONS. :hug: :welldone:
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                      JC, congrats for your ongoing success, and thanks for all the support you give here.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                        Hi All

                        Congrats Jackie. 8 YEARS Lots of work at the start of recovery to get you here. Enjoy the life you worked so hard for.
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        AF 5-16-08


                          Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                          I'm sorry I missed your anniversary Jackie. As you know you were an inspiration, and absolute rock during my struggle to find My Way Out. I also remember having a lovely coffee with you when we met during a sober spell (before I cracked it long term).

                          I really hope things are going well for you. You are still an inspiration.
                          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                          AF date 22/07/13


                            Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                            How absolutely wonderful. You are such a beautiful soul. Congratulations on eight years. Awesome accomplishment. In addition, thank you for all you do here, Jackie. I cannot think of one member whom has not been touched by your beauty, grace, and kindness. You make everyone here at MWO a better person by simply being you,. God bless. xoxo
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                              JC, 8 years! Byrdie got it right, thank you for being our North Star.


                                Re: Jackie claire has 8 years af!!

                                Dear Jackie!

                                I can't believe I missed this. CONGRATULATIONS on an awesome milestone. I concur with everyone above - you are a North Star, a shining light, an example of not only how to live a sober life, but how to live life in general. Thanks for sticking around and showing us the way.


