Glassie - so sad when they get so upset like that. :sad: I'm sure she's forgotten all about it by now.

TMH - So glad to hear the all clear news. The last family gathering we had was really nice. There was beer & wine but there was also freshly made flavored water, bottled water, soda. Worked out really well.
Pauly - I'm sorry about that customer! I have had to get up and turn my back on someone and walk away when he wouldn't stop. And, I do understand your elephant in the room comment. :hug:
Rusty - where are you? At home? I might not have to go anywhere this weekend. Casey did my shopping for me. Yahoo!!!!
Liz - happy for you and your trip. What a great thing to look forward to!
We have had a LOUD morning. The neighbor that is right next door to our neighbor tore down their house to build a two story. Today, they must have laid a frame or something. Loud crane and yelling, roaring motors. Lovely. Then when that noise finally eased up to the normal construction noises, the lawn service started up. They service about 4 of the houses nearby - so, I am still enjoying the leaf blowers. :rotlf:
I know, I know - HOW DARE THEY do their work and bother me? It's all about ME. Back to the Veruca Salt image. LOL Rusty - it cracked me up that you started mentioning the scenes.