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about to go to dr. need reassurance

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    about to go to dr. need reassurance

    i haven't been on in a while. years. still doing the same amount of drinking, not heavy, but daily. 2-3 a day of 5oz .wine.usually 2 and a 1/2 of red wine in the evening .that's the norm. i won't go into that right now, because i need some reassurance quick.

    i have been freaking myself out this whole week about liver disease. i have not any real symptoms of it, and have had liver panels done once a year(last time was nov 2016)which were all normal. i had some changes in stool, which i really don't think are a big deal now after talking with dr office on the phone, but i'm still going in to talk to dr and see what he says.
    i had a colonscopy 3 years ago, all was fine. so i'm not really worried about that.
    i'm worried about an ulcer...but that seems fixable and i really don't have any symptoms of that.

    mainly i'm so afraid to go in and tell him i've been drinking every day for 10 years,give or take. and have him tell me i have liver disease.

    scared to go to dr, but know i will worry and worry if i don't. it's better to know right??? right???

    Re: about to go to dr. need reassurance

    Well I survived. Had blood work. Will wait for results. I don't really feel reassured. But I guess it's better to go than not to


      Re: about to go to dr. need reassurance

      I was scared too. And it all was fine. Hang in there. What did the Dr say?
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Re: about to go to dr. need reassurance

        We were all scared,glad you went and got it over with though!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: about to go to dr. need reassurance

          I'm part of the scardy cat club. I worried myself into a frenzy. It's natural to some extent. Very glad you over came your fears. :hug: I didn't have a physical for three yrs. I'd have pain in my sides, ribs, upper abdomen. Finally went for the endoscopy. Everything turned out fine. Drank heavier. But that doesn't matter as we're all different. I also learned from MWO about milk thistle and lemon water many years ago. Believe it's one reason my labs are ok.

          Hopefully, your lab results will be ok. If you feel comfortable, please share them here. Also it might help to commit to going AF for 24 hrs. There's the 24 hr cafe thread under general discussion. Or look around and see if there's a thread to join that interests you. Support is really important. Thank you for sharing today. Hope to see you on the boards.
          Last edited by Wildflowers; August 11, 2017, 10:28 PM.


            Re: about to go to dr. need reassurance

            I had all my bloodwork done a few years ago when I started on this quit and all was fine. Made adjustments to diet ,vits and exercise. Im sure the doc has seen many many cases even worse than yours so I wouldn't be too worried about it


              Re: about to go to dr. need reassurance

              Well I am going to throw. the spanner in the works and say treat this as a wake up call. Many of us here use normal lab results or as a reassurance to keep on drinking, when we know it's hurting us. Otherwise why would we be here? I did that for years. - ie had tests, and as soon as my liver functions came down to normal, I would give myself the green light. Who was I fooling? I am not trying to scare you but I suggest you get a grip on your drinking while you can. And the very best insurance for liver and pancreatic health is abstinence. Just my thoughts. Treat good lab results and good health as your gift to yourself and don't compromise it.

