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One Step at a Time - September 2017

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    One Step at a Time - September 2017

    Simple and to the point this month. :welldone: We can do this - don't worry about anything except one step and before you know it you've taken the next one. :thumbsup:
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15

    Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

    Love the photo, Nora!


      Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

      Thanks, lovely Nora.

      I feel a bit embarrassed that my first post on this thread is all about meeee. But I need to fill you in after you've all been so kind and asking about me. So - the good news is the heart thing is no biggie. The not so good news is that my tests came back positive for RSV (a respiratory virus), Influenza A and whooping cough (although that may be a false positive because I've been vaccinated). So I'm now embarking on treatment that includes a 3rd lot of (super strong) antibiotics, steroids, a new type of inhaler, codeine cough med, day and night flu tablets and a nasal spray.

      What makes me very sad is that everything about this last six weeks has reminded me how ****** lucky and blessed I am! Although I've been feeling really, really sick, I have access to the best medical treatment and I can buy the meds they suggest. I won't lose my job just because I can't work while I'm sick, I have a warm home and healthy food, and family and friends to look after me if I need it.

      It breaks my heart to think that I'm possibly in the 0.1% that can say that, and how many people in the world are going through so much worse without access to even basic health care or decent living conditions.

      Sorry to start the month off on a negative note, but it's so unfair and I feel sad that there's so little we can do to do to make it fairer!
      Last edited by Glass Half Empty; September 1, 2017, 08:02 PM.
      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


        Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

        Wishing you quick healing Glassy
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

          Big hugs Glassie

          Pauly and Mr V :welldone:. Great to see you
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

            Happy September. I'm sorry to hear about your illness, Glassy. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Give it an hour or so, considering the distance. Have a great weekend everyone. xoxo
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

              Glassie, I'm relieved you are feeling better. That is a nasty virus and you see the positive despite the negative. Get well soon.
              My husband died on Thursday and as I posted on August's thread I may go to Michigan with my daughter for the funeral.
              Enlightened by MWO


                Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

                Hugs guys, I love you all. I will post when I'm feeling better? Been a rough few days.


                  Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

                  So sorry for your loss, SK. Sending prayers for you and daughter. Liz, you'll be ok. Focused on what was working for you. Use that muscle memory. We are here for you. xoxo
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

                    Thank NoraC for starting the thread love the logo. I always keep my sobriety in the day.
                    Lizard, my thoughts & prayers goes out to you, new month . Whatever you do don't give yourself a hard time.
                    Skendall, thinking of you, at this sad time it good to go to the funeral to be with your daughter.
                    Glassy, am glad they have find out what is wrong with you, hope you get well & strong soon :hug:

                    Today I went to a meeting was very powerful . Makes me feel so grateful. I was reading some of my old threads and can't believe that I had gone through some bad times, but got through it by the support of mwo & AA. I can see how much I have changed in myself.
                    Big :hug: to you all have a safe weekend x
                    X catch22 X
                    Last edited by catch22; September 2, 2017, 03:28 PM.
                    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                      Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

                      So sorry for your loss Skendall!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

                        Skendall - My condolences to you and your family! :hug:

                        Liz - :hug:

                        Hope you feel better soon to Glassie.

                        Hello to all the wonderful steppers. :love:


                          Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

                          Thanks so much everyone.

                          SK - I'm sorry to hear about your husband.

                          Liz - I'm thinking of you sweetie. Whatever you do please stay close to us. And remember this does NOT make you a bad person. :heartbeat::hug::love::heartbeat:
                          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                            Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

                            Hi all,
                            Skendall:hug:...I have been there. Sending healing thoughts......I have faltered after 1 week...I have 1 million excuses but none of them are valid...blah


                              Re: One Step at a Time - September 2017

                              bird - I hope you can see this as just a falter and hop straight back on that train. Think about next week and how good it will be to be turning up at work sober and with energy instead of the alternative. We're here if you need us. :hug:
                              There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                              You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                              I didn't come this far to only come this far.

