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Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

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    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

    Morning folks, expecting a busy day in work today but hoping it keeps dry so I can get out for a decent walk at lunchtime, it really helps focus and breaks the working day up. Thanks RC, I just try and tell it as it is. On a couple of occasions I have had cause to read back through the entire thread when I felt a little voice begin to whisper, quickly knock that on the head says I, once again focus.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

      Good morning lovelies,
      The schools are back today in England............listening to the radio the roads are gridlocked, public transport's jam packed and delayed and I've just watched a series of teenagers troop past our window in their shiny new clean uniforms and looking as if they're going to the hangman's noose rather than going to enjoy their education..........and do you know I actually feel for them. I loathed senior school with a passion.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

        Good afternoon just another quick fly by-- Off to France later on today to run a marathon at the weekend.
        Schools all back here today I do feel sorry for the kids, like Jackie I hated school. Arsie I was in Glasgow for a few days on my way to the hebrides--Thought Glasgow was great, Went to Willow Tree tearooms and the Modern Art place. Did all the tourist stuff. Still have very happy memories of our Dublin meet ups with JC,Molly Tabbers, Anne,RC and not forgetting lovely Mario.
        Must do some last minute packing


          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

          Originally posted by anon View Post
          Good afternoon just another quick fly by-- Off to France later on today to run a marathon at the weekend.
          Schools all back here today I do feel sorry for the kids, like Jackie I hated school. Arsie I was in Glasgow for a few days on my way to the hebrides--Thought Glasgow was great, Went to Willow Tree tearooms and the Modern Art place. Did all the tourist stuff. Still have very happy memories of our Dublin meet ups with JC,Molly Tabbers, Anne,RC and not forgetting lovely Mario.
          Must do some last minute packing
          What's the marathon whizzy? I've spied a couple in Brittany I thought looked good - like one along the coast past Mont St Michel, I think. Bon chance with it!

          Just stuffed a wodge of stodge into my gobbitch.

          Another day, some pupils taught, some told off, many smiled at and some made me laugh. Dunno about other teachers, but often i just canna be arsed with the thought of teaching a class, but then, as soon as I am in front of a class, it's totally different - even when the lesson is going tits-up, being in the lesson feels much better than the lazy bones attitude I can have preceding it.

          Speaking of laziness... I is going to slouch for a bit.
          Last edited by RunningCourage; September 5, 2017, 11:54 AM.


            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

            Oh I think we were near you Arsey - we stayed in Balloch the day we arrived - think that was near Dumbarton? Never made it to Glasgow went up all around the highlands - what an amazing little country! Enjoy the marathon Whizzy.
            We're off on holliers tomorrow but will have internet on my phone so should be able to keep in touch - need a break tbh ;-) talk in the morning afore the off x
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

              Evening one and all. Great that you enjoy what you are doing Arsey. Didn't hate school but didn't love it either. Well done on your running Anon, did you take it up when you gave up Al? Can't imagine you would feel like running with a hangover but then again it beggars belief what I achieved with one, think I over compensated to hide what I was really like. Paid work over for week, need to catch up on stuff in the house, must make a list.


                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                Cross posted with Molly. Enjoy your holiday and re-charge the batteries. When you are going through stuff it drains you emotionally so a break is just what you need. Where's Satz these days, hope her Mom is ok. Two of my friends have parents very poorly at the moment, it's so hard, no matter what age you are.


                  Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                  Very late check in.
                  Beware I'm going @ Molls........... [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] could have sworn you were going away on the 12th.........have a lovely time and get those batteries recharged, pet.

                  I adored infant and junior school. I'll never forget the day that Miss Rae told me my handwriting was so good I could use black ink instead of blue...........what an honour

                  Would you believe I'm looking for a swimming instructor.....I can swim.........when I say swim I mean I stay afloat and vaguely move around.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                    It a very early morning,
                    Had a nightmare, shouted out in my sleep, partner had to wake me up, seen the strain on showbox and here I am. Don't know why I had this dream maybe because I looked at my old story post, ( I was going to update) me & my sister was in bed and my dad opened the door all I could here him saying, " was come here" to my sister, I was afraid, but I shouted out " leave her alone" there was a lot of guilt around me not helping my sister, but as other people have said I was just a child myself . Its OK I have learned a lot not to stare at the past & just look at it.

                    Last edited by catch22; September 6, 2017, 05:20 AM.
                    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                      Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                      Morning catchy. I was just thinking the same thing... woke up an hour early and couldn't sleep (pulled something in my back.. moan moan). Make a double batch of brown scones for the lunches. No way I'd have done this with a crusty head on me.

                      We should have of of those.. things we couldn't do back in the drinking days thread/day

                      Right.. off to wake up this house...
                      LOL I try and not eat in bed I make to many crumbs all over the place always end up on my partner side 😆
                      Jc...Talking about school can't remember primary school to much was in a world of my own ,but I do remember I was 8yrs old and I ran out of school because I got told off but the teacher embarrassed me, but it what she did. She would of got the sack if happen today.
                      Upper school was good got bullied for a little while hated that bit but had some good times and still keep in contact with two of my best friends.

                      Molly Enjoy your holiday xx

                      RC. ..are you a teacher, if so what age do you teacher ? Am going to start college next week already having nightmares about it, me and my nightmares, but they are getting better.

                      Everyone if I dont get back on here have a good day & take good care x

                      Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                      sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                      my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                        Morning folks, my day didn't start too well either catch. Went out to the freezer to grab some extra frozen berries for my morning smoothie only to find the plug had been knocked half out. Large black bag of food in the bin now, what a waste grrrrrrr.....
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                          somebody @ted me!!!! whoever you are (as a colleague at work always rather menacingly says) 'YOU ARE DEAD TO ME NOW'!!! grrrrrr - HATE that thing.. not even gonna check who it was or read back - so there (well not back past the previous post!) HATE that too Tabbers - went away years ago with the kids and Joe flipped the ESB switch as we walked out the door -- omg the smell in the house two weeks later!!!
                          now off to shops to buy last minute shit --- back afore I go
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                            I cannot tell a was was a moment of weakness. Forgive me and bring us a stick of rock from yer hollingdays.

                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                              JACKIECLAIRE!!! I could keeeeel you!!!
                              Seriously tho - I cannot understand why anyone thinks that's a good idea - if you participate in a thread you're gonna read back to your last previous post... it is literally chalk on a blackboard to me...
                              anyway - yes -- cab coming in an hour -- dunno how shit hot they are on sticks of rock in Greece but I will do my utmost ;-)
                              so tooraloo folks - and don't forget -- NO @ing me haha!!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-September 2017

                                Get away with know you love me.
                                Safe and comfy travels.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

