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My marraige is over

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    My marraige is over

    I am utterly devastated as my marriage is over. I fought so hard for it, but we couldn’t make it work. He had given me an ultimatum, 3 years and 4 months ago. That if I didn’t stop drinking he would leave me. But we never recovered from him shutting down on me because of my drinking.
    We have had countless therapy sessions but I don’t believe he has ever forgiven me. He saw my drinking as a personal insult to him and something I should have conquered a long time ago. Easy, just don’t drink. So every time I fell off the wagon he saw it as an up yours moment, rather than the soul destroying compulsion that it was.

    My first year in recovery was so damn hard, and he had no faith in me at all. Years 2 and 3 of sobriety were horrendous as we faced a whole new problem with his son, who had moved in with us. He made my life hell as we employed him too!! (Don’t ever employ family, be warned). It has been the most heart breaking experience ever. We have rowed so much over his son’s despicable behaviour, so much so that I started to leave home last year almost daily after screaming rows. I’d have to go back to the joint business the following day. Only to row again and I’d have to leave to protect my sobriety and mental health. It was so super tough having to walk past an off licence that was screaming at me to buy alcohol whilst falling apart inside. The rows have taken me to the edge of a nervous breakdown and have made me so ill. But I have clung to my sobriety, I’m responsible for that upkeep.

    But I held strong and I haven’t had a drink in 3 years and 4 months, through all the tears and heart ache. And I absolutely will not be going back to day 1. NOTHING is worth losing my sobriety over. I have lost my home and now my business is hanging in limbo as ex-H is playing sh*tty. But I won’t drink at it.

    So if you are struggling, or fantasizing about picking up a drink, please dredge up every ounce of strength you have and stop and think of the consequences. And trust me, it’s not worth it. Nothing about the vicious cycle will change until you decide you want to change it. You drink, you will get horribly drunk and life will be super crappy the following day in a hundred more ways. And that’s before you throw in the huge dose of guilt and self-loathing that’s a must.

    So please, try to stay sober, just for today. It is an amazing feeling as the days rack up and your head clears. Yes it is hard work, but just play it out in your head.

    How will it start? How will it end? How will I feel tomorrow? And you know all the answers, and none are happy endings.

    I have such utter pride that I have faced the most difficult 3 years of my life whilst sober. No matter what it threw at me, or how much Al called to me. I was hallucinating seeing vodka bottles everywhere at one point, my head was screaming for a drink so badly. But I stood strong, as the outcome would have been predictably sh*t. And my marriage would of fallen apart anyway! Ha the irony.

    So here I am facing a whole new chapter. I have moved into my new place, and there is no room here for Al to share with me. I have no idea what the future will bring, but I will face it head on with a clear head and proud to be sober.
    I can not alter the direction of the wind,

    But I can change the direction of my sail.

    AF since 01/05/2014

    100 days 07/08/2014

    Re: My marraige is over

    I know when I gave up drinking there was a definite shift in my marriage because I found my voice..........things that I would have grudgingly agreed to were when drunk or hungover were now questioned........I now voiced an opinion. I could debate or argue and make sense at the same time. Some relationships do not survive.........mine did, but there were times back then I was hanging onto my sobriety with pure stubborness.

    You're one hell of a woman, Autumn, and I applaud you.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: My marraige is over

      Autumn sending you hugs, you have been through the wringer and come out the other side sober. Like you, my sobriety is my priority and no one or anything is worth drinking over, at or for. You are the strong one here, you have won by being sober. Nothing that you had to endure drove you to drink. As the saying goes "what doesnt kill you makes you stronger". Keep up the great work. Your strength is admirable.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: My marraige is over

        Hi Autumn, you sound like your a very strong person. Good for you holding on to your sobriety. Sorry to hear your going through a tough time. A new door has open for you and am sure it is a positive one for you.
        If anytime you feel your struggling please come on here for support.
        Well Done Autumn your thread is very powerful

        Last edited by catch22; September 6, 2017, 06:37 AM.
        Formerly known as Teardrop:l
        sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
        my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


          Re: My marraige is over

          Excellent post Autumn! sorry about the loss of your marriage but happy you've made it through without drinking, that's an amazing accomplishment
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: My marraige is over

            Thanks for checking in, Autumn.

            I agree with Jackie - things have shifted for us, too. After all, a third party in the relationship is gone.

            Sorry you're going through so much crap, and so glad you're doing it sober.


              Re: My marraige is over

              Thanks so much for the kind words of support, it's been super tough. But I'm hanging in there. He shut down and couldn't or wouldn't come back. Communication was nil unless we were arguing and he went even colder when I cried. Which has been often in the last year.

              I've done a super amount of work on staying quit. I've had to for my sanity. So I feel quite strong in staying AF.

              I'm on my mobile at the mo, so I'll check in again when I'm back on wifi.

              Thanks so much again for all your kind words. They made me cry, but in a lovely way xx

              Apologies for smartphone typos
              I can not alter the direction of the wind,

              But I can change the direction of my sail.

              AF since 01/05/2014

              100 days 07/08/2014


                Re: My marraige is over

                Thank you for sharing Autum:hug:
                Working out the relationship without the al is tough enough without introducing another
                person in the mix. So happy for you to have stayed sober throughout it all - you are one
                strong woman! Stay strong and stay connected here!


                  Re: My marraige is over

                  Thanks SS,

                  I will stay close. I appreciate that I'm quite vulnerable at the mo to Al.
                  I'm hanging in there. There are so many overwhelming changes Happening.
                  I need to remember to be kind to myself and watch my stress levels.

                  Thank you xx
                  I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                  But I can change the direction of my sail.

                  AF since 01/05/2014

                  100 days 07/08/2014


                    Re: My marraige is over

                    You have made it this far Autumn there is not going back now. Remember nothing is worth drinking at and plod along day by day, the days will get better remember that, they wont if you pour al down your throat.

                    When i left my ex i knew it was the right thing to do but i drank myself into oblivion and kept at it for years. the worst mistake of my life but it did make me find MWO. It is a huge change in your life but like giving up al, in time you will never look back. Sadly it may not seem like that now.

                    Keep up the great work and keep on here.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: My marraige is over


                      Should be a PM, but I posted already. Not high jacking. Just empathizing. Moved to PM.

                      You are not alone. I am 1 1/2 months away from "legal" divorce, not just separation. And yes working together is dicey. Its how I met my (ex)wife. Because we were around each other a lot it was difficult. She had lots of time to talk during the day. Her job was not like mine as mine was technical and repair and hers is management. She had time to talk. When I was moved out of that location as an outsidde contractor she would get suspicious all the time. And of course had time to talk to other people to console her about her "alcoholic" husband and without me having any recourse to justify what was actually happening. She she met another man while I was at rehab. Working together can be good and bad. After a row as you call it, it can get even more crazy when I need to actually work and not sit around and talk and get paid for it. Calling me while she is off and I'm working, throwing my monitors to the ground, etc. Things I couldn't control. Some crazy things went on that just should not have happened at a workplace. So thats a summary. The rest is in the PM I sent you. Just don't get blind sided and justify to the alcoholic mind a reason to drink. I wish you luck and check in.

                      Best of luck and enjoy the new place [MENTION=14176]autumn[/MENTION]. Pride in a healthy way keeps you motivated and I'm glad you are comfortable with the future. Good luck with the present and the business and the divorce affairs because they get crazy. We settled without full legal battles, to my unfortunate numb skull of an alcoholic brain I lost out. The summary is in the original post.

                      ^^^ More appropriate contextual to the thread edit.
                      [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION], I might put that initial post as a separate personal thread or append it to my introduction. Not sure if you had a chance to read it all lol. It was pretty long and up for only 10 minutes!
                      Last edited by empyr3al; September 7, 2017, 07:45 PM. Reason: Moved to PM. Response to rusty.
                      "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                        Re: My marraige is over

                        [MENTION=14176]autumn[/MENTION], I am SO sorry to hear your marriage is over!:hug: Thank you for taking the time to provide an incredibly painful but useful tool that might help other people here: how you put your sobriety first and didn't use your loss as a reason to drink! Would you feel comfortable putting it in the Toolbox so other new people here might be inspired by your courageous story? I've read it several times and I am amazed at your resolve. I've always been single so I don't actually KNOW what you are going through, but I just wanted to say I am here for are the rest of us.:hug:
                        I might put that initial post as a separate personal thread or append it to my introduction. Not sure if you had a chance to read it all lol. It was pretty long and up for only 10 minutes!
                        Yes, I did read it and I was just flabbergasted by your wife's behavior. You also have a story of courage. WOW! Thank you for posting it, and I did read your original introductions...several times. Thank you for taking the time to post it.


                          Re: My marraige is over

                          Thanks Guys for your support, it's a huge help and strength at the moment.

                          We are off to see the therapist this afternoon, heres hoping we can behave like grown ups. He seems to be working from the "ídiots guide to a spiteful divorce" which is destroying me. I just want a peacful resolution and to keep my stress levels down. If we can't pull together we are going to have to sell the businesses. Then it really will be game over as they were our retirement plans..... I hope he leaves his spiteful inner child at home!

                          JC & Pav, I hear you about the shift in the power when things sober up. I'm so glad you have been able to work through it. I know how damn tough it is, and so testing. Sadly, we couldn't recover. There was No more accusations of being too p*ssed to remember. (I do wonder how much he manipulated me whilst I was drinking). Or the random pointless aurguements because I was drunk. Just a clear head and the ability to remember what was really said and more importantly how we got to that point. My drinking took the blame for a heck of a lot stuff. When the drinking stopped, where could the blame go? So he vented his anger and hurt at me instead.

                          Available, I am so sorry yours was so tough that you drank through it. That must a very dark and awful time for you. I am so glad you are in a much better place now and stronger. How are you doing? I am determined not to drink. I absolutely will not go back to day one again. When I fell off the wagan last time, after a 6 month quit, I fell so hard and fast it was terrifying. I imploded. I will not do that to myself again, I nearly died. And I'm truly grateful for my 'special circumstances' hospital stay that they arranged for me whilst I detoxed. I was in for a week, and I was super lucky to have had that amazing gift of help immediately and for free. So I am quietly strong in my quit.
                          It doesnt stop Al from knocking at the door and trying to have a word, I'm strong enough in my resolve to tell it to piss off! I will not do a day 1 again, I have a choice.

                          Thank you for your messages of support all round. I don't see my self as overly strong. In fact if the truth be told, I am terrified. Way too terrified to ever pick up a drink again as I know just where it will take me. Only this time I might not have a day 1 to come back too.

                          Thanks for listening, I'd better go and gather my thoughts for the therapist appointment this afternoon. It will be positive, and I will check in later.

                          Much love to all
                          I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                          But I can change the direction of my sail.

                          AF since 01/05/2014

                          100 days 07/08/2014


                            Re: My marraige is over

                            Hi Rusty,

                            How you doing? I'd be more than happy for it to go in the tool box. Anything, absolutely anything to help others. We have all sadly been there with struggling and if it can be of help or some one reaches out through it then that would be a great thing.

                            I just can't and won't drink at it. It's terrible, sad and utterly terrifying. But being a hopeless drunk with no self respect was far a worse place to be.

                            I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                            But I can change the direction of my sail.

                            AF since 01/05/2014

                            100 days 07/08/2014


                              Re: My marraige is over

                              Hi Empyr,

                              I've just checked for a PM and I couldn't find it. I've got to go out shortly but I will look again later or PM you

                              much love
                              I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                              But I can change the direction of my sail.

                              AF since 01/05/2014

                              100 days 07/08/2014

