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Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

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    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

    Originally posted by abcowboy View Post
    I don't think it's being boastful at all Molly, just a reminder to everyone that it can be done...and I won't @tcha again....well, maybe in a years time! lol :hug:

    Good to see you in these parts btw xx
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

      :welldone::welldone: wont be @ing you Molly but wanted to say you should be very proud of yourself and a big thank you for all your help and encouragement. You are an inspiration to those coming behind you.


        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

        Ahh go on, Molls, lets spoil you at least once a year.............remember pining for you when you in re-hab. Its not showing off its celebrating.............none of us are here to laud our sobriety over anyone else we know just how easy we can get back to the slippery slope of despair.

        [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION]................glad you survived @@@ing Molls to post another day

        Just my cousin and her gorgeous 12 year old daughter today...........didn't have to feed them just came for a bit of craic and a laugh.
        Last edited by JackieClaire; December 28, 2017, 02:11 AM.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

          Congratulations Molly! 6 years, wow.
          Although if you'd asked me could I do that a few years ago, I'd have said not a hope.
          You and everyone here have changed my mind. I wanna be like you (insert link for song). [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION] you are a brave @ man :harhar:

          Loads of hiking today, knackered. Up early for a funeral. Night all xx
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

            Thanks Rusters Jackie Mary -- time to move along now! funny - I think I was better in my head a few years back - not drinkwise obviously - but just letting things get on top of me - it's like my addiction and my recovery always took top place in priorities -- always -- but now - it's just a sideline really - there's so much going on in the family at the moment - new arrivals - some chaos with lots of them living here - and within that some petty sibling jealousies - or maybe I shouldn't say petty - they seem narked with each other -- and I seem to be taking everything on board as MY problem - I need to go back into my own head and mind it - or as they say in AA 'mind my own back yard' --- just feel a lot overwhelmed a lot of the time - and I know that's not good -- so maybe this year I will make a new year resolution - my new part of this journey of recovery and re-learn how to be selfish -- it's a good trait in an addict...

            so sorry for offloading there but it's been building a bit -- now I must go to work where all I have to worry about is doing my job right xxx
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

              Firstly huge congrats on 6 years, that truly is something to be proud of and some thing you yourself achieved, for no matter the amount of help and love we receive only one person can make it happen.

              Originally posted by mollyka View Post
              Thanks Rusters Jackie Mary -- time to move along now! funny - I think I was better in my head a few years back - not drinkwise obviously - but just letting things get on top of me - it's like my addiction and my recovery always took top place in priorities -- always -- but now - it's just a sideline really - there's so much going on in the family at the moment - new arrivals - some chaos with lots of them living here - and within that some petty sibling jealousies - or maybe I shouldn't say petty - they seem narked with each other -- and I seem to be taking everything on board as MY problem - I need to go back into my own head and mind it - or as they say in AA 'mind my own back yard' --- just feel a lot overwhelmed a lot of the time - and I know that's not good -- so maybe this year I will make a new year resolution - my new part of this journey of recovery and re-learn how to be selfish -- it's a good trait in an addict...

              so sorry for offloading there but it's been building a bit -- now I must go to work where all I have to worry about is doing my job right xxx
              I think offloading here is exactly the right place, anonymous but among folks who understand how easy it is to let small things grow out of all proportion and get on top of us which can lead to self medicating to escape in the flash of an eyelid. You are absolutely right to put your sobriety at the very top of the list for without it it all just goes to s**t again. Personally I hate the term selfish in this context, it is self care, self love, self respect and ultimately looking after not just us but all those around us who care too.

              Originally posted by abcowboy View Post
              I don't think it's being boastful at all Molly, just a reminder to everyone that it can be done
              Agree 100%
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                Evening all. Busy all day and was out chauffeuring at 1.30 this morning. Very very cold it was. Wonder if it is part of our addictive personalities feeling that everything is MY problem. I used to do it all the time and have to check myself now to stop it. Thought it was my upbringing that caused it but maybe not. Off to cook another dinner. Ham and leek pie in puff pastry, using up the leftovers.


                  Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                  Thanks tabs and rusters - shouldn't be getting maudlin - in the bed - still cold after a day being cold at work - night all xxx
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                    Wish I could wrap you in a big warm blanket, Molls, and you let you rest, bring you tea and a new book as soon as you finished the last page of the old one.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                      Evening all,
                      Round trip down the country for a funeral. Cousin catch up in the freezing cold.

                      [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], that's a lovely thought.
                      Its normal that we want to help, please, fix problems Molly, especially family. Self love, I like that Tabbers.. The trick is more self love, without the guilt!

                      Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                      Ham and leek pie in puff pastry, using up the leftovers.
                      Turkey burgers here:happy2: Thats it then, enough for tomorrows sambos and the rest is in the freezer!
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                        Morning Army -- just heading out to work - feel I need to stay close to this place - not as I said for fear of drinking but my mood is deffo down.... anyone else want to join in from around the boards and we can keep each other company - for whatever reason - - drinking/not drinking - glumness, depression...... c'mon -- I know you're out there -- a problem shared etc......

                        just a thought anyway

                        off to work bye!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                          Morning Molly and all to come. I’m staying close as well. Delighted with myself for not drinking but instead of being on a high, feel kind of flat, does not really feel like Christmas. Maybe it’s the time of year. Could be having a house full either. Hard to fully relax when you have visitors. Not getting my long walks in either with all my chauffeuring duties. Be glad to get back to normal.


                            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                            Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                            Morning Army -- just heading out to work - feel I need to stay close to this place - not as I said for fear of drinking but my mood is deffo down.... anyone else want to join in from around the boards and we can keep each other company - for whatever reason - - drinking/not drinking - glumness, depression...... c'mon -- I know you're out there -- a problem shared etc......

                            just a thought anyway

                            off to work bye!!
                            Good idea, Molls. I'm starting up my VitD, magnesium,VitC, B12 again seemed to do a bit of good through the Winter last year. Might even throw in some folic acid Ma-in'Law swears by it for memory.

                            I'm not going far we've got a good two inches of snow and its coming down in buckets. Its ever so quiet out there...........rather nice.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                              I know how you feel.....lately I seem to be just going through the motions of everyday life, feeling kind of stagnant. I've been almost 4 months AF, and this past Christmas really tested my self control, but I managed to come through O.K. Since I've been AF, my mood has really improved for the most part, but lately I've been feeling like a part of me is missing. Maybe it's just the single digit temps, the never ending snow, or just holiday blues. Either way....hope that it goes away soon. Molly, I think that it's a tough time of year for many, and what a great idea to have people post their feelings on this thread.


                                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                                Here's to ya Molly! Congratulations!

