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Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

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    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

    Early check in (sitting here with the child that can't focus on homework for longer than 30 seconds :egad.

    That's true about dreaming.. I find myself thinking about my dream for ages in the morning - as opposed to mentally try to calculating my hangover sum (glasses of wine % hours sleep = scale of wretchedness.. or something like that).

    Good to see you [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION]. Also love to hear what happened after 9 years.
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
      Good evening - just sped read cos I'm not long in from work - bit bollixed hth! Hope all are okay?
      Ever tried speed yoga? I have a patented, copyright on the oeuvre. I usually share it for the special price of $47.99, but well........ok, just go through the 'Sun salutations' once and yer healed. Max 2 minutes. An essential part of my reclamation as i begin me day.

      Big waves to all.

      Good to see you Tony!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

        Morning! I too would love to know the process of relapse after 9 years jude - I know we are always in recovery and indeed heard stories in AA of relapse at 20 years and more but it would be good to know the lead up and the difficulty or otherwise of getting back sober? Scary stuff!!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

          Just a quickie as I'm zooming out the door. Got to exchange something in town so thought I'd do it before I got into work.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

            Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
            Just a quickie as I'm zooming out the door. Got to exchange something in town so thought I'd do it before I got into work.
            Quick good morning from me too. Early walk as have a million things to do today. Welcome Jude. How’s baby Matilda? Had a cuddle from cute 3 month old at work the other day, his Dad brought him in, they are gorgeous :heartbeat::heartbeat:


              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

              Morning Jackie and Rusters --- Matilda is wonderful -- well wonderful to a granny who goes to bed at 9pm and has peace and quiet till it's time to get up again - however - Matilda likes to party at night....
              Éabha is 3 months now and jesus she's gorgeous - and comical - she has developed the funniest little personality already - I (who regularly describe myself as a bit emotionless) get a belly laugh at least once a day - she's a hoot --

              Got all my kids presents yesterday - Joe and Jilly were problematic but both of them stepped up to the mark re. suggestions last night - so heading into town for the day with frankly very little to do - my favourite sort of day round Christmas - Dublin truly is magical at Christmas time so looking forward to it -- into work later on this evening tho so it'll be a LOOOOOONG day!! Tony - we'd love to hear from you regardless of your situation - no judgement - no lecturing - NOTHING -- we are just here as ears if that's what you need - in fact - WHATEVER we can do or not do --- it's easy to think you're the only one who is in a mess - we've ALL been in those messes -- believe me - and (me anyway) we don't forget what it's like... kisses and hugs lovely man
              laters lads x
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                Morning! I too would love to know the process of relapse after 9 years jude - I know we are always in recovery and indeed heard stories in AA of relapse at 20 years and more but it would be good to know the lead up and the difficulty or otherwise of getting back sober? Scary stuff!!
                [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] and anyone else who cares to know. You asked about my relapse after 9 years of sobriety, so here goes. The sad part of this story is that there is no dark music to accompany it, no blaring trumpets, drama or stress. I was long past the point of yearnings for alcohol, in fact, I never even thought about it at all. It just wasn't a part of my life anymore. I was at a wedding reception one day, when my sister offered me a glass of wine, my poison of choice. I said my usual "no thanks" and went about chatting with some of the other people there. A little while later my sister asked me again, this time actually handing me the glass. I have absolutely no idea why, but for whatever reason, I took it and drank it. (didn't even taste good) A few days later, I went out and bought a bottle of wine, which lasted me a week which is pretty good for me. I thought, "I've got this, I can be like all of those other people who can take it or leave it. Wrong! Long story short, I drank for the next 8 years uncontrollably, going through life in a zombie like state. Very lucky to have kept my job and not get a DWI. I kept drinking and eventually became very liver enzymes were through the roof and my digestive system was a mess. My doc told me that I had to quit, and this time I listened to her. Quitting the second time was so much harder than the first, so for all of you thinking that "it's just one drink", don't do it! The first time I quit, any withdrawal symptoms were very mild. Not so the second time around......the psychological withdrawal was as bad if not worse than the physical ones. I hope that those memories will keep me from taking that first drink, all I can do is say "not today" "Know thy enemy"


                  Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                  [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION], wow, what a compelling story! Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us about it. Why would your sister offer you wine when she knew you wanted to stay sober? Pushing the glass in your hand?


                    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                    [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION] I think that she had had a few herself! I don't blame her though....I should have been stronger.


                      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                      Jaysus Jude I got shudders - literally - reading that - in town shopping so on phone - will reply properly this eve when I get home- but thank you for sharing that - a salutary lesson to us all - fair dues to you getting back! Many don't xxxx
                      Last edited by mollyka; December 7, 2017, 07:54 AM.
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                        [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION]...........thank you so much for sharing. Just goes to show we can never let our guard down.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                          Originally posted by Jude58 View Post
                          [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] and anyone else who cares to know. You asked about my relapse after 9 years of sobriety, so here goes. The sad part of this story is that there is no dark music to accompany it, no blaring trumpets, drama or stress. I was long past the point of yearnings for alcohol, in fact, I never even thought about it at all. It just wasn't a part of my life anymore. I was at a wedding reception one day, when my sister offered me a glass of wine, my poison of choice. I said my usual "no thanks" and went about chatting with some of the other people there. A little while later my sister asked me again, this time actually handing me the glass. I have absolutely no idea why, but for whatever reason, I took it and drank it. (didn't even taste good) A few days later, I went out and bought a bottle of wine, which lasted me a week which is pretty good for me. I thought, "I've got this, I can be like all of those other people who can take it or leave it. Wrong! Long story short, I drank for the next 8 years uncontrollably, going through life in a zombie like state. Very lucky to have kept my job and not get a DWI. I kept drinking and eventually became very liver enzymes were through the roof and my digestive system was a mess. My doc told me that I had to quit, and this time I listened to her. Quitting the second time was so much harder than the first, so for all of you thinking that "it's just one drink", don't do it! The first time I quit, any withdrawal symptoms were very mild. Not so the second time around......the psychological withdrawal was as bad if not worse than the physical ones. I hope that those memories will keep me from taking that first drink, all I can do is say "not today" "Know thy enemy"
                          So many things in that story that struck me Jude - so much I learnt in AA actually about needing to work on our recovery ad infinitum.. to be aware and vigilent - and that sounds like a lot but jeez it's nothing - a couple of mins a day to make sure our heads are on straight...and to be perfectly accepting of the fact that we ARE in recovery - we are not cured.. nor ever will be - and as long as we don't pick up that first drink -- that's the hard work done - simple as...
                          Even Joe thinks sometimes that I am overly rigid in that I wouldn't dream of say eating a cheesecake flavoured with Baily's - or a chocolate liqueur sweet - a colleague of mine recently 'took a sip' from a glass of bubbly at her daughters wedding.. she's 3 years off the grog - she hasn't told me in words but I know she's struggling...

                          and then the fact that you found it hard to get back on board... I don't doubt that I may actually find it impossible to quit again - I quit and unquit so many times and each time harder than the previous - after some years could I quit again? --- I really truly don't know and bugger that -- I ain't going to risk it for a poxy glass of booze

                          I am so glad you have sorted yourself out Jude - and I'm so glad you shared your story with us here - it is timely with Christmas a couple of weeks away...
                          Thank you xx
                          Last edited by mollyka; December 7, 2017, 04:00 PM.
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                            Could have sworn I posted last night........

                            Its funny you should mention alcohol in food. We had a massive group on yesterday at work and I got talking to another alcoholic. Someone else had asked her if it was okay to have Christmas pudding made with alcohol in it. We got chatting and like you and me..........she has nothing with alcohol wine sauces, no flambé, no alcohol added anything. I know alcohol gets burnt off in most circumstances but I for one am not going to risk it.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                              It's so easy to get complacent, especially after being away from the evil brew for so many years. As mentioned in my previous post, I just never really thought about alcohol at all, but maybe we should. As time goes by we lock away those painful and embarrassing moments somewhere in our brain: maybe keeping some of those awful memories alive, just a little bit, will keep us from ever taking that first drink.

                              I am grateful that I found this site, (again, thank you cowboy) and the wonderful people here. To all, I hope that to no matter what you are going through now, try to find just one thing to be grateful for. Sometimes it can make all the other crap in our lives not such a big deal after all. There are so many people in this world without choices, and our problems are nothing in comparison.


                                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-December 2017

                                Oh, I'm sure I could have one or two, here or there, with no problem. Then one day, boom, the massive blackout drunk. Nope, not gonna risk it, It is not worth it. So much easier to stay off the booze.

