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Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018
Good morning all. Love the story of the crochet class JC. Made me smile
Well, day 19 here and taking it day by day and changing my thinking gradually. I remember when I first got sober in 2008. I simply (seems that way now) took booze out of the equation and gave myself no choice to drink. It worked for 7 years. Not sure why I have not been able to do that again with both DOCs but that is what I am working on. (loathe the word "trying" as it seems like a get out clause) Manically busy at work as always but for the first time since my promotion I feel as if I am settling in a bit more to my new role. Always harder when you are older to learn and remember new stuff especially with the menopause. Had my blood test results and I have high cholesterol, anaemia BUT my liver and kidneys are fine along with countless other things that I dont understand. I am quite amazed as I was sure I had damaged my kidneys with the huge amounts of ibuprofen I was taking. Our bodies are very forgiving. Mr starts not so lucky he has raised liver readings so is off to the docs
I am making lists of things I need to get done each day. Helps keep me focussed.
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018
Good morning Army!!
Startypants - so wonderful to see you back here and huge congratulations on 19 days - almost 3 weeks - fantastic!! I think that at different stages (and ages) in our lives, that simply some things are easier to accomplish and some things harder. I'm sure that getting and staying clean and sober are one of those things. I am not trying to give you an excuse, just adding my two cents worth to your thoughts. You have a very demanding job and us addicts are conditioned to thinking that a drink or a substance will help ease the stress, take away the anxiety, make things easier. Only those of us (like yourself) who have been through the whole process of stopping drinking and staying sober for any length of time know that that is just an excuse and that trying to use something other than our thoughts, exercise, talking or whatever it takes, is only a temporary relief and definitely not a solution. So glad to hear that you are more comfortable with your job tho' - that is definitely a big plus. As for your test results - it must be a huge relief that kidneys and liver are okay. Anaemia and cholesterol can both be regulated by diet and/or medication. Hope you can get both of those things to the levels they should be. And hopefully Mr. S will be able to get his liver levels down. Again - it is great to see you back here and posting. How are yer doggers??
Mrs. A - hope you're feeling much better!!
RC - get whatever you can out of those insurance people. That's what we pay them for!!
Jackie - you'll get the knack of crocheting and once you do, you'll be doing bigger projects than caps and baby sweaters (although your knitting is truly lovely) Just give yourself some time.
Mary - hope you got some rest!
Okay - where is Tabbers? Got lost in the snow. I think the last time I saw him, he was about to go out in it!
Satzy - hope you check in soon and that things are more positive for you on so many levels.
Molls - let us know how things are on the home front - kids, babies, bikes and Mr. M.
Hello to all of you I haven't mentioned and wishing everyone a great Saturday. Cool and cloudy here but as Mr. G would say - there's a blue sky under them clouds!!!
For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018
Morning Army Brats !!
Day 7 for young Satz - I feel like a babysitter here.
He was very grumpy yesterday - and I feel this may be warning sign. We went to the cinema and he was saying " 36 on the dole and going to cinema with my parents" - that old 'poor me' shite.
RC I think I remember you last week saying you woke angry ?Last edited by satz123; January 20, 2018, 05:39 AM.
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018
I like not pretending that everything is fine,
but mostly I love that I dont need that wine..
I can now snub that tempting red
With the knowledge I'll wake with no dread...
Or decline the beer with out any fear
That there's something amiss - i'll shed no tear.
My step is steady, my eyes are brighter,
I'm back in the ring, cause I'm a fighter.
AL won't get me down, I'm so much stronger,
With a clear head and hangovers no longer.
RC - Saturday & Sunday you may have 'the fear'
But keep the Army gurus always near.
Being the longest sober Molls & Jacks know their stuff
And me I believe we'll never know 'nuff
Posting & reading is the only way
My poetry skills are shite but - hey :glee:
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018
Originally posted by satz123 View PostMorning Army Brats !!
Day 7 here for young Satz - I feel like a babysitter here.
He was very grumpy yesterday - and I feel this may be warning sign. We went to the cinema and he was saying " 36 on the dole and going to cinema with my parents" - that old 'poor me' shite.
RC I think I remember you last week saying you woke angry ?For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018
Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
Satz, it's day 7 for him? That's a great start.....
Hi Tony! - Enjoy your day at work!!For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018
Originally posted by stirly-girly View PostIt is a great start! I didn't mean to undermine the fact that he's trying once again. It just seems that sometimes us parents have to go through a lot of shite for our kids and I hope that at some point, the penny drops for him. That was all. Hope I didn't sound too negative - it wasn't my intention.
Hi Tony! - Enjoy your day at work!!
I want to be vigilant for our OWN sakes not his if I'm honest.
For purely selfish reasons I want a nice life and not have to worry about others ( even flesh & blood) and their shit.
There I've said it.inkele:
So if he messes up again - we will make changes like Toe Knee - and he will be told to leave.
Tough ? -
I have told him umpteen times about the ripples that first drink creates on those nearest to him ........ it's up to him now !Last edited by satz123; January 20, 2018, 06:28 AM.