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Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

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    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

    Oh poor Whizzy - sounds rotten - I presume you have gone to the doc since you have a diagnosis? and thanks for not bein annoyed with me whinging both of you!#
    TWO funny stories - one re. a Christmas turkey (thankfully NOTHING to do with me) year before I met Joe - his mum had a couple of sherries too many and went to bed Christmas eve. Joe - the brother and a couple of lassies came home from the pub and decided to 'help' by stuffing the turkey --- mmm - in those days the turkeys weren't automatically cleaned out - so yup - turkey got stuffed with all the innards still in place - they even stuffed it from BOTH ends cos they didn't know which end to go...
    Cake story

    driving like a mad thing late for work - rammed up the back of two aul lads at a T-junction - nobody hurt -- BUT - they were bakers and were transporting a VERY fancy wedding cake on the passengers knee.. yup - it was like something out of the Marx brothers -- the lad gets out literally with a face full of icing... HOW I didn't laugh:congratulatory:

    Anyway - here we are again - not going to moan anymore and in fact - not even going to worry about anything cos I think probably the attitude is 'ah Mam reared her kids in the bad old days - she hasn't a clue' - which is precisely the attitude I had towards my own mums opinions and ideas for my first baby - by the second one - she was my yeah... as they told me in Aftercare.... 'when in doubt - head down, mouth shut' --- much easier!!!!!

    Working 3 lates this week which sort of suits me tbh.. and then AWAY for a long weekend -- NEVER needed it more!!!!

    Ok so we have Arsey (gone to work) and the usual suspects are loitering I presume -- but Tony? Starty? hope things are okay? x
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
      Anyway - here we are again - not going to moan anymore and in fact - not even going to worry about anything cos I think probably the attitude is 'ah Mam reared her kids in the bad old days - she hasn't a clue' - which is precisely the attitude I had towards my own mums opinions and ideas for my first baby - by the second one - she was my yeah... as they told me in Aftercare.... 'when in doubt - head down, mouth shut' --- much easier!!!!!

      Working 3 lates this week which sort of suits me tbh.. and then AWAY for a long weekend -- NEVER needed it more!!!!

      Ok so we have Arsey (gone to work) and the usual suspects are loitering I presume -- but Tony? Starty? hope things are okay? x
      Ah, Molly, we grannies know nuthin' about nuthin' when it comes to raising babies. Jaysus! I helped my Mom raise my younger sister and brother, babysat the neighbourhood kids since I was 12 and then raised 2 of my own into strapping young men. Yet I know nothing about how to soothe a crying baby nor are my sanitary standards up to theirs. They have to Dettol every bloody thing including the air they breathe in case the wee one gets some germs. My babies were lolling around on the grass in the back yard along with dirt and worms and other crawly things from the age of a few months old. Not supposed to wear perfume or face cream or make-up etc., when holding a baby. Had a huge fight with my one daughter-in-law because I dared to wear lipstick when we all went out for coffee and baby was only 9 months old. Youda thought I had poison on my lips. Buncha shite as far as I'm concerned. Sick of it all. Can't wait til they're older and I'll take them all for adventures with Grannie Stirly and we'll do all the things their parents don't want them to do!! Okay - rant over!!!

      Jackie's not around yet nor has Tabbers shown his face for a bit. Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!!!!
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

        I heard my name
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

          Just having a smile at us bad mothers.

          I once was pushing Jenny and the S&H in a double buggie and didn't realise the S&H had fallen out till I ran over him. Obviously second child and he wasn't hurt so just strapped him in and carried on, head held high praying no-one had seen us.

          And the granny's ..............Jenny at about 6/7 weeks spat her dummie on the mum picked it up and dipped in the gravy and shoved it back in her mouth..............I was still at the stage that visitors had to just about wear hazmat suits if they wanted to visit.....just about had a dickie fit......but my mum always took her watch off when she cradled a baby.
          Last edited by JackieClaire; January 23, 2018, 05:50 AM.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018


            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

              evening folks - quick pop in, cos heading back out for really exciting times.

              Off to pick up cat litter for Molly. :haha:

              actually, to was another fecking stress cos I bought it on Sunday, but they had run out of the stuff she likes to shit in. The lassies at Pets at Home said if I spent £35 I would get next day delivery, but what I was buying was only £25... she said "choose something else for a tenner."

              So I did.

              A new scratcher post. The man at the till said the cat litter would arrive in 2-3 days... BUT WHAT ABOUT NEXT DAY DELIVERY?! Oh, says he, that's only if THE ORDER is £35, NOT what you spend in store overall. (Yes, I get it, it makes sense... but that was NOT clear and anyway I was feeling SHITE about my flat leaking and my phone gone).

              So, another lassie who I complain to calls to see if she can cancel the order... 5 mins later comes back, says she can't cancel the order but they would repay me the cost of the litter...

              Thus... I get's 30L of cat litter (about 4months worth) for free.

              There has been a good thing happening in Arsey land.
              [MENTION=5052]anon[/MENTION] - as JC says - seen a doc? Do take care of yourself and hope you're shot of it pronto x


                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                Evening! Good on you with the cat litter - I have such a guilty conscience re. my poor wee chooks - it's been so cold and miserable they've been barely getting basic rations - must go out and move their run and refresh the grub... tomorrow - on a late tomorrow as a swop - sort of glad - the evenings here are a bit ... busy!
                How's Whizzy today? and all else?
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                  Late check in :check-in:

                  Sorry wasn't about to sympathise with Dodgy Toppers ; missing phones ; annoying off-spring and sick Mrs A :hug:

                  Also sorry but I had a good giggle as I read back about cat litter & phones & IKEA & annoying offspring..
                  Yiz are a tonic .....


                    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                    Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                    Evening! Good on you with the cat litter - I have such a guilty conscience re. my poor wee chooks - it's been so cold and miserable they've been barely getting basic rations - must go out and move their run and refresh the grub... tomorrow - on a late tomorrow as a swop - sort of glad - the evenings here are a bit ... busy!
                    How's Whizzy today? and all else?
                    Molls if they haven't died yet they'll survive - it was 12 degrees at 7 am this morning.....
                    Last edited by satz123; January 23, 2018, 05:57 PM.


                      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                      Late, late check in from as well.
                      Been crocheting..............sounds good yes? Its baffling and annoying me. The lovely new rods, hooks, needles what ever the feck they're called don't seem to make one jot of a must be me. I've got enough yarn in different sizes to stitch a new Bayeux Tapestry and it doesn't matter what I use after three rows it looks like Charlotte's web when she's dying. I'm supposed to be doing a 20cm square to make an egg cosy for a Cadbury's creme egg.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                        Molls if they haven't died yet they'll survive - it was 12 degrees at 7 am this morning.....
                        And if they do.........Molls can get Joe to stuff 'em and put them inthe oven
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                          Late Late checkin..

                          Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                          driving like a mad thing late for work - rammed up the back of two aul lads at a T-junction - nobody hurt -- BUT - they were bakers and were transporting a VERY fancy wedding cake on the passengers knee.. yup - it was like something out of the Marx brothers -- the lad gets out literally with a face full of icing... HOW I didn't laugh
                          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                          I once was pushing Jenny and the S&H in a double buggie and didn't realise the S&H had fallen out till I ran over him. Obviously second child and he wasn't hurt so just strapped him in and carried on, head held high praying no-one had seen us.

                          Mid week tomorrow Arsie...YaY

                          Hope poor Anon is on the mend..
                          Right, hitting the hay.. night night..
                          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                            Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post
                            Ah, Molly, we grannies know nuthin' about nuthin' when it comes to raising babies. Jaysus! I helped my Mom raise my younger sister and brother, babysat the neighbourhood kids since I was 12 and then raised 2 of my own into strapping young men. Yet I know nothing about how to soothe a crying baby nor are my sanitary standards up to theirs. They have to Dettol every bloody thing including the air they breathe in case the wee one gets some germs. My babies were lolling around on the grass in the back yard along with dirt and worms and other crawly things from the age of a few months old. Not supposed to wear perfume or face cream or make-up etc., when holding a baby. Had a huge fight with my one daughter-in-law because I dared to wear lipstick when we all went out for coffee and baby was only 9 months old. Youda thought I had poison on my lips. Buncha shite as far as I'm concerned. !
                            I think theres starting to be a reversal of all that rubbish now. Even the ads on telly are suggesting that 'dirt is good'..and worms are full of protein.
                            lipstick! oh ffs!
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                              If ever I'm feeling down and need a good laugh, I come over here and read the posts on this forum. Not only are you all very supportive, but you do it with such a wicked good sense of humor. Love it!


                                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                                Overdue check in for Tuesday....OH MY GOD what a day....started out with a minor spat directed at me by a friend when I could not, for the life of me, see what I'd done wrong.... Then specsavers. Fisrt ever fitting for contact lenses (yeah I know, separation from Mrs T, mid life crisis prompts change in appearance!). I had the eye test a couple of weeks ago and then today was the fitting - the right eye was ok....don't think I got the putting in and taking out right, but I suppose that will come with practice...The left eye...well I couldn't read even the top line of letters on the test cards... After much toing and froing, and drawing in of sharp breaths they realised that the prescription for the left eye had been completely fecked up... So the lens had gone in and out that many times, in case the application had been wrong, that my eye is still sore now AND I've got to go through it all again in a couple of weeks.

                                Then, because Mrs T and I operated joint finances I needed to open a new bank account....I remember my first ever one many moons ago. You walked into a bank, told them you wanted an account, filled in a form, signed a signature card, and hey presto it was open and the paying-in and cheque books arrived a few days later.....What a palava it is now - several of the banks have signs saying how easy it is to open account....just visit one of our customer service advisors....WRONG... you need to jump through hoops....You need to make an appointment... I visited several different banks and the same thing every have an appointment for tomorrow during the break in a split shift (during which I shall also be going to the fracture clinic)...

                                Then went to visit a house to rent nearby - it was tiny and poky and not suitable but from what the landlord was saying you'd think you were being invited to move in to Blenheim bloody Palace.... Got home and then tried to sort out some business stuff with Mrs T on the phone.... more grief.... Then, because I passed my 55th birthday last week, the Pension company rang up to discuss my options....

                                I have to say that other than the first couple of days, this is the first time, this time, that I have actually REALLLY craved a drink...proves that Antabuse serves a purpose because I am sure that I would have had one if I was not on it.......

                                Going back to work for a split shift tomorrow and I'm thinking it really will feel like a break from normality!

                                Rant over

                                Good-night all

