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Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

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    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

    Originally posted by RunningCourage View Post

    I got my phone back!

    So what happened was a runner (former international rugby player who runs with my club now) lives at the bottom of the wee mountain. He's often up the hill 2-3 times a week with his dug, Ted. There's an app called Strava for runners/cyclists to post up their runs/cycles and, like Facebook, you can follow or have follow people you so they're on your feed. Anyway, we follow each other on Strava and he said he;d have a look next time he's up. He went up on Tuesday afternoon and ... found it lying in the middle of the grassy path coming down the north side of the hill. 1% battery left. Took it home, charged it the posted his run on Strava, posting a comment to me to say he'd found it. So, i went to his yesterday evening to pick it up.

    And it IS true. It DOES still work (though no longer charges from my laptop, but does through the mains....odd?).

    So that is the story of the finding of Arsey's iPhone and that miracles do happen. Even for cynical arses like Arsey :haha:


      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

      Originally posted by anon View Post
      Excellent news RC
      Evening everyone celebrating here with getting dressed and now out of PJ's
      Hello everyone!
      Stay warm Whizzerooney - you don't want a relapse ............. the Bahamas will warm yer bones :hug:


        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

        Wow, Bahamas Anon! instant cure from all sickness!

        Hows the young fella [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]? Is he going to meetings?

        Wondering Tony, How long do you/anyone typically stay on Ab?

        I just checked, and Athens is indeed freezing at the moment. But spare a thought for the people of Magnitogorsk in Russia, its -27 right now!

        (Hooray for the phone!)
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

          TFI... Friday, folks!

          How's yis all doing? ... Whatdayamean sleeping?

          Had a strange dream... dreamt that there was a meeting of staff at one of the schools i work in about changes/recommendations coming in (dunno what)... and then I stood up and complained that I thought the diktats coming from above were not good, this was not why i came into teaching and that I was offended/disturbed by what was happening and that Iwas sorry if I upset anyone yada yada... and the walked out. A wee while later the deputy head of that school and another teacher can out of the meeting and sat at a table (it was like we were in a deserted cafe somewhere) and I thought someone might say "well done" for speaking up... but then the other teacher and the DH say they found what I said offensive. I mind thinking, "apology, take it on the chin, but stand for what you think..."

          Dunno what ti was about tbh, just weird - and like really vivid. Probably cos i had it just afore i woke up.
          [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] , how's the young 'un doing?

          Molly - what kind of shite did you learn at your course? Dung? Diarrhoea? sheep pellets? :haha:
          [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - fingers crossed for the outcome of Jenny's interview.

          Big waves to Mary, Stirly, Starty, Tony, Tabbers, Rustypots, anon and everyone else


            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

            [MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION].........we need a dream interpreter........not sure you'll find an answer here though

            14 Common Dreams and Symbols and Why They're Important | HuffPost

            Jenny's now been invited to the second interview with a presentation.............I know next to nothing about getting jobs but I take it that's good???

            Now off to spend the morning with my crochet hook.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

              Off to work lads - that's some amount of interviews for a job Jackie!!! Must be mighty !!!! Dreams are our worst thoughts going asleep imvvvvvho ;-) Laters xx
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                Another one here off with her hook. Meeting someone for lunch after crochet so nice day planned. Sun is shining and weekend ahead, happy days.


                  Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                  [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] Sounds like a great day to me! I've always felt that the simple things in life are sometimes the most important ones. Have fun!


                    Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    [MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION].........we need a dream interpreter........not sure you'll find an answer here though

                    14 Common Dreams and Symbols and Why They're Important | HuffPost

                    Jenny's now been invited to the second interview with a presentation.............I know next to nothing about getting jobs but I take it that's good???

                    Now off to spend the morning with my crochet hook.
                    Interesting dreams are... suppose i really want to wish they DO have significant meaning, but then i have a blighter of a sceptic in me who says it's just the mind sorting all the days wheat from the chaff and re-enrgising itself for a new day.

                    How's yer crotchett hook? Well done for Jenny getting a second interview :thumbs:

                    back from school. trying to get myself ready for a relay race tomorrow in the Lomond Hills. Was suppose to be doing the first (easy) bit, but someone pulled out so need to the second bit which is a) longer and b) yer suppose to have navigation skills for...ehm.... :newhere: If i don't lose my phone I may well lose myself...


                      Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                      Late check in! All packed but feel as weak as a kitten
                      Well done Jenny and Jilly on potential jobs!
                      RC Go for it in the relay I have seen you run from behind (miles ahead) You are so fast!
                      Molly--Are we still friends?? Ha Ha
                      Hiya Satz Rusty, Mary, Stirly,Jude, Tabbers and not forgetting Jackie!


                        Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                        Originally posted by anon View Post
                        Late check in! All packed but feel as weak as a kitten
                        Well done Jenny and Jilly on potential jobs!
                        RC Go for it in the relay I have seen you run from behind (miles ahead) You are so fast!
                        Molly--Are we still friends?? Ha Ha
                        Hiya Satz Rusty, Mary, Stirly,Jude, Tabbers and not forgetting Jackie!
                        JUST ABOUT!!! BAHAMAS --- grrrrrrrr - I'm going to Cork for the weekend and THAT'S as exotic as it GETS!!!!! AH you deserve it lovely - sitting around in planes and shit is probably exactly what you need - a bit of enforced laziness will do you the world of good I guess!!! Now must read back
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                          Originally posted by Jude58 View Post
                          [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] Sounds like a great day to me! I've always felt that the simple things in life are sometimes the most important ones. Have fun!
                          I only rediscovered the 'simple' things in sobriety - the quick and easy high that booze gave me made the 'little' things seem too trivial to bother with - now I can get fun out of two blackbirds having a row out the back garden...

                          Evening all - just made myself a big platter of bbq chicken wings and fried noodles and not for anyone else... well they SAID they weren't hungry - but I sat and loved it...going to learn to be more selfish... fed up trying to please everyone and pleasing NO ONE!!!
                          Last edited by mollyka; January 26, 2018, 02:56 PM.
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                            :heartbeat: Keep it simple.

                            Any left, Molls. Baked a ham with new potatoes and few carrots and broccoli for himself.

                            The class is getting better. We're not all nervous round each other, a good few laughs.......and we learnt how to treble know its quite engrossing.........hard to believe that two and half hours just fly by..............and I'm trying not to get over excited but we're doing granny squares next week

                            Plumber's been and mended the flush in the lav. We could use it but it was complicated and we needed a kit hen knife. The excitement of my Friday knows no bounds.

                            Mrs A and our Molls. Feet up the pair of you. Reach no further than the channel changers and only excercise is lifting a cup of tea and a slice of cake.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                              ... Did somebody mention cake?!


                                Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-January 2018

                                She's all talk arsey she's prolly crocheting one ;-)
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

