Glassie, so exciting about the engagement! Do we have a date for the wedding yet? You do sound very busy, thanks for popping in and letting us know what your up to.
AG! I'm glad you're back. Busy is good and you do sound like you're in a better frame of mind.
Nora, are you home yet?
Rusty, anything new with your mom?
Pauly, I'm not surprised Louie is jealous. You are handling it great, I will file that away for future reference. We joked about the jealousy between my girls just the other week. We were at joes SIL s house to see the new baby. Her older son, who is 2 is also jealous. SIL asked me how long the jealousy lasted between my girls, CJ and I said it's still going on. It never went away:eek-new:.
Worked this morning and ran some errands. Nice out, so I walked outside. Spoke to CJ on the phone, they are doing ok. She got bitten/stung by a centipede. It was in a towel that was folded. She was home alone and had to kill this foot long thing. My poor baby. Her hand was numb for four hours. Apparently they inject venom, it isn't all that serious unless your allergic. Extremely painful, though. You know, because I need to worry about something!
Waves to everyone!