satz-your angry little icon made me laugh! LOL
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Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Cliche alert :
Patience is a virtue :
The ol battleaxe :clouds:that is the day receptionist has shown her true colours again. She's now the one on the back foot.
She went over the line again speaking to our boss - boss is a friend of hers but boss was shocked.
I told her that's how she speaks to everyone - we're meant to take it as banter ...... boss said NOOOO and wandered away saying mmmmmmm :hmms:as the penny dropped that everyone can't be wrong.
Now I'm truly enjoying going to work having proved myself capableinkele:
It's taken 7 months of her back biting and basically trying to get me sacked ( I was on probation ) but I played the waiting game & it worked.
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Hey Now, satz....what am I? Chopped liver? LOL,Off to work - talking to meself here anyhoo
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Hello troops,
Originally posted by satz123 View PostMorning Army Alkos
Mr D'Arcy lots of great advice from the ladies there.
I can't add any more - only a shaggin cliche : This too will pass .....
Preachy Preachy Alert
I say this to myself as much as you.......... You are homing in on all that is wrong with life.
List all of the good things in life that you have - a gratitude list if you will .... it's amazing how we get bogged down in the negative.
My working now with the sick, old disabled and yes the downright MAD (sorry) has changed me a bit. I am SO GRATEFUL to walk out of there in the evening. They can't. Some are my age and sit in a chair all day - it's an eye opener.
I'm discovering a lot of the 'issues' are due to earlier lifestyle and alcohol is high up there with smoking.
Get over to Cowboy's 'Grateful' thread. It makes us have to think about what we already have..... when other things get us down.
Now tell me to)
It's sort of like being stuck in mental catch 22 sometimes - indeed, sometimes a bit like the drinking where having the first day off, or the weekend off from the booze, can seem insurmountable. I am grateful, quietly, that I have two healthy parents still kicking about with 95% of their noggins fully in tact. And a brother who married a decent wife who, with their lovely, lovely daughter have meant that communication between my brother and the rest of the family is a little more... communicative(!) than it ever has been before. [even if it is him face timing and sticking his toddler in front of the screen while he slouches in the background]
And i have a job which means i have an income - which means even though i have no money to save with at this point i can pay the bills and pay off student loan debts.
And I have my study - lagging behind, but that's summit else! - and the interest in philosophy with children.
And i have my health - could be a bit healthier, but I can run a marathon, so that's something to take and run with (pun intended)
And there are people out there who like me and would be happy to have me as a friend.
[But here comes the dingy bit - ]
was teaching my Friday class for the first time proper today (new class, new school - with some new kids i didn;t know)... my lessons, despite spending hours planning them, were not differentiated enough for some of the kids who need A LOT of additional support. OK, I see this. Note to self, work on lesson planning more for next week. ONLY... the HT - aye, her - comes in to the space/class during two lessons and spends at least half the lesson there... like it's a crit' lesson when I was a probationer... OK, it's her right to come in when she pleases, she is the HT, but I knew, I KNEW she was looking for problems with my teaching lesson (and there were, i admit it)... and just as I thought might happen, at the end of the day she says (in front of two probationers) could I come and see her about the lessons i did today - she would like to fill me in re some of the kids. I saw her. She said "it's not a criticism" but that's just a cover. No other teacher is pulled in. And it IS a criticism. Hell, I criticised myself on the lesson. OF COURSE it is criticism. Constructive? Depends. I don;t feel it was. I didn't come away feeling any better. Worse. And Satz, I hear you, I DO... but just now my chest feels so heavy. It's such a small thing to haver over - there's literal hell on earth in Syria and some of the kid's home lives who I teach are just unbearable and I am thankful to have not had such upbringings. But shifting this heaviness feels just too much of another task. By god the bar was tempting (and that WOULD have shifted the weight in my chest for this evening at least) but I walked on by...
MOAN OVER :yay:Last edited by RunningCourage; February 23, 2018, 02:48 PM.
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
C'mere Arsey --- an awful lot of that rang a bell with me...
Let me give an example -- working with a colleague (more senior than myself) a short while back and a problem came up with the computer management system.. he said it was a problem because..... and I said what I usually did when that happened was....... -- but I was wrong - what I had been doing was wrong --- it was a minor issue -- truly minor - would never even have registered with anyone if I hadn't drawn attention to it. and believe me in the scheme of things and mistakes made generally - it WAS a nothing... but jeez it ate me up - it ate me up that I'D been revealed as friggin useless - inadequate - just not good enough.... it ate me up for two days...
Another colleague of mine -- always late - utterly inadequate in the job - genuinely - always out sick - laughing stock for his excuses for his absences --- and he doesn't give a rats arse -- he literally doesn't...............
NOW -- who has the easier life? I reckon you - and me - and probably LOADS of others here have two personality 'defects' - over-sensitive - and perfectionists... Do you truly believe for one second that that HT hasn't had the same chat over the years with others in just the same circumstances? Could it have been that when you did put your head over the parapet about a FT position that she may just now be justifying her position to herself? I dunno --- but Arsey -- none of us is perfect - and if you saw flaws in your lesson plan - good for you - the next time a similar one will be better - the smug fucks that think they are just shagging brilliant all the time - do their lesson plans ever improve???
You're a smasher - and here's another cliché for you --- DON'T LET THE BASTARDS GRIND YOU DOWN:hug:Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Thanks Molls - really appreciate it. And you ARE right, must NOT let the bastards grind me down.
Maybe nothing will come of it, but did email the other HT if i could have a chat with her, knowing a temp' FT position coming up there - not ideal as it's only temp - prob til end of year - but it would be good (I know the class, the school, the staff...)... she replied to see her on Monday to chat about it. So even though it may come to nothing, it's not negative. Giving the gratitude a doff of me cap! CLICHE: Time will tell... (True tho!)
Off to read and sleep. Got a tough marathon on Sunday which I've not really trained for. Tough, hilly trail one - did it last year and vowed I'd NOT do it again... So signed up last weekend - like, WTF?!?! :haha:
Hello everyone else, felt i've hogged the board here. You can come back in now!!Last edited by RunningCourage; February 23, 2018, 04:36 PM.
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
I'm watching lots of bonnie young burly men playing rugby.......Last edited by JackieClaire; February 23, 2018, 04:42 PM.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Originally posted by RunningCourage View PostThanks Molls - really appreciate it. And you ARE right, must NOT let the bastards grind me down.
Maybe nothing will come of it, but did email the other HT if i could have a chat with her, knowing a temp' FT position coming up there - not ideal as it's only temp - prob til end of year - but it would be good (I know the class, the school, the staff...)... she replied to see her on Monday to chat about it. So even though it may come to nothing, it's not negative. Giving the gratitude a doff of me cap! CLICHE: Time will tell... (True tho!)
Off to read and sleep. Got a tough marathon on Sunday which I've not really trained for. Tough, hilly trail one - did it last year and vowed I'd NOT do it again... So signed up last weekend - like, WTF?!?! :haha:
Hello everyone else, felt i've hogged the board here. You can come back in now!!
I was getting cross for you. I know that heavy feeling on your chest.......had one a few months ago at work when I went to book a group into the diary..........I was just about to say I would make a note in the diary of the dates and times and get back to them when I confirmed it with the office manager...........unbeknowst to I......that was not part of my remit which was pointed out in a rather condescending way by the office manager.........I felt like a right tool.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Originally posted by RunningCourage View PostThanks Molls - really appreciate it. And you ARE right, must NOT let the bastards grind me down.
Maybe nothing will come of it, but did email the other HT if i could have a chat with her, knowing a temp' FT position coming up there - not ideal as it's only temp - prob til end of year - but it would be good (I know the class, the school, the staff...)... she replied to see her on Monday to chat about it. So even though it may come to nothing, it's not negative. Giving the gratitude a doff of me cap! CLICHE: Time will tell... (True tho!)
Off to read and sleep. Got a tough marathon on Sunday which I've not really trained for. Tough, hilly trail one - did it last year and vowed I'd NOT do it again... So signed up last weekend - like, WTF?!?! :haha:
Hello everyone else, felt i've hogged the board here. You can come back in now!!
Ah only teasing lovely!! And it's great news re the other HT - it'll all fall into place eventually but inevitable to get knocks along the way xxx:
Yes ( that's for Jackie and the bonnie young burly men:thumbsupContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Originally posted by JackieClaire View PostYou know what it is, Molls. Although the players are playing a tough and rough..........they're so polite to the referee. Doubt that would ever happen in a footie match.Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
Originally posted by RunningCourage View Post. No other teacher is pulled in. And it IS a criticism. Hell, I criticised myself on the lesson. OF COURSE it is criticism. Constructive? Depends. I don;t feel it was. I didn't come away feeling any better. Worse. And Satz, I hear you, I DO... but just now my chest feels so heavy. It's such a small thing to haver over - there's literal hell on earth in Syria and some of the kid's home lives who I teach are just unbearable and I am thankful to have not had such upbringings. But shifting this heaviness feels just too much of another task. By god the bar was tempting (and that WOULD have shifted the weight in my chest for this evening at least) but I walked on by... [/SIZE]
And the same horrible heavy heart for a week following the critisism of my work. As Molls saidit ate me up that I'D been revealed as friggin useless - inadequate - just not good enough.... .
Crap in my opinion - but there ya go.
Re: Join the Army Against Alcohol-February 2018
haha, I like that Satz..
I know exactly how you feel RC. Not many of us have the ability to let even a hint of criticism roll off our backs.. we analyze and worry (emotion to be deleted) and blow it up into something its not. Do we do the reverse when we are patted on the back, no, not at all.
I think its also a confidence thing.
And that takes a while to grow back when you spend a decade or 2 knocking back bottles of wine every night. Well it did for me (I found new shoes, coat and a trip to the mac counter helped a lot.)
Hows the young fella [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]Last edited by IamMary; February 23, 2018, 06:18 PM.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2: